Looking towards the severity of the condition, visiting a professional can be helpful. Most podiatrists are experts in this regard. Here are some essential ways to get rid of this pain as soon as possible:3,4
1. Stretching and Exercise
Stretching your calf muscles before physical activities can be beneficial. There is also an alternate way for sudden pain. You can ice wrap this area and rest for some minutes. Whenever you get hurt in the Achilles area, don’t forget to stop all the physical activities at once and rest.
2. Lifting
Lifting the affected foot can decrease discomfort for a longer time. Heel cushions and support wraps are also recommended by this health website.
3. Steroids Injections and Surgery
For severe cases, the best option is a surgery or steroids injection, which helps in alleviating the pain.
4. Balancing Your insoles
This means that you have to choose your footwear after a lot of inspection. They can lead to comfort all day long. There are hundreds of health-related equipment you can use to get quick results.
More Info: Achilles Tendinitis