Everyone loves the rainy season. The mornings that greet you with fresh air, the light breeze and the drizzle give the mind a bath. Mind-blowing greenery and cloudy skies pass through your windows. Lack of dust and dirt; Tea and coffee sessions that never end and the serenity it creates in your mind and senses. - Yes.!!! The monsoon is a pure pleasure. One can not hate the monsoon, Kerala gets a lot of it, and a big setback in the season is the interiors of the houses.
Humid weather can cause fungus to grow on furniture and in the corners of the house; Water will seep in and cause moisture and chipping of paint and wallpaper, and salt deposits will appear inside and outside the home, making your expensive carpets more susceptible to fungus and bacteria. The following suggestions will help you to avoid the effects of the monsoon season on your home and to enjoy the joys and charms of the season.
Here are some tips from the best interior designers in Kerala. To keep your homes fresh and suitable for the rainy season. Tips from the Best Interior Designers in Kerala:
1 - Walls are very important .. !!
Paint your walls with the best and highest quality waterproof, oil-based paints that will not allow the wall to retain moisture, thus protecting the base material. If there are cracks in the walls, seal with modified waterproof mortar to prevent water seepage. Always remember, water will show on the inside and outside of the wall. Seek the help of Home Interior Designers to make your home waterproof.
2 - Proper drainage
When the house is built, the plumbing plan is designed and provided to the owner. This plan will inform you about all the pipelines in the walls and if any swelling or moisture is noticed in the wall, you can refer the plan directly and fix the problem. Allegra Designs is one of the most renowned interior designers in Kochi, offering all kinds of services and plans for designing trouble-free and happy homes.
3 - Carpets
While you may notice the expensive carpet adorning your living room, lobbies and verandas, the fact that the monsoon in Kerala is strong and long is too big to ignore. According to expert interior designers in Kerala, the monsoon season marks the beginning of fungal collection in carpets. You should dry them preferably to prevent them from becoming contaminated with muddy dirt and fungus growth; Let them cool; Fold them and store in a dry, cool place for the rainy season. Until then choose simple mats.
4 - Accept help
Before the monsoon starts, you can approach the best interior designers in Kerala to further set up your homes and they will visit your site; It conducts detailed inspections and offers the best and most efficient solutions to all problem areas in your home.