Every year, a number of runners fail to complete the marathon for which they have been preparing for months. You may wonder why. They will all be recovering from running injuries sustained during their training time. Although there is no golden mantra that runners can follow to avoid injuries (due to the differences in structures and anatomies of each runner), research on injuries has shown that there are common approaches that a majority of runners can use to avoid certain injuries.
Unfortunately, so many runners are ignorant about injury prevention, and some of them even decide that taking time out to make sure they don’t get injured is not really worth it. They say that it cuts into their training time.
When it came to running injuries (and pretty much every other avoidable harm), the best medical advice I've ever received was that prevention is better and simpler than cure. If you're a professional athlete, you might be all too familiar with this. If you're a novice, keep reading to learn how you can consciously work to avoid accidents.
Injuries are most often caused by carelessness and overtraining, so pay attention to these golden rules to avoid getting injured while you train.
1. Warm-up
This point cannot be stressed enough. Your muscles need to be woken up and warmed before you plunge right into your 30-minute run. Running without warming up is reason enough for injury, even if you do everything else right. You need to warm up for at least 5 minutes, even on a warm day. Plan a warmup exercise that will give your entire body a good stretch. Hint: Yoga.
2. Strength training
Most of the injuries you read above have ‘weak muscles’ as a pivotal cause. Strong muscles protect against a variety of injuries, aside from increasing your endurance and stamina to run long distances. Lift some weight and train all those muscle groups. A strong body provides incredible impact against injuries, and if you are training for a big run, there is nothing like strength training to prepare you for it. Come up with a workout plan that targets all your muscles and train religiously.
3. Consciously improve Posture
Another trigger for injuries is bad posture. An overly arched back, bent upper back, consistently landing too hard on your foot can all welcome injuries all too quickly. Every time you run, make sure your posture is right. Maintain a good, comfortable posture by keeping your back straight, head and neck straight, and swinging arms back and forth while you run. A good posture prevents many injuries.
4. Make use of injury prevention tools available to you
A few simple tools can help you make sure you don’t get hurt while you train can go a long way. Some tools like a foam roller, can help you increase flexibility, and help you loosen up the muscles before you run. A medicine ball is another gadget you can use for strength training. Another tool you can use for resistance training and injury prevention is the Thera-band. Incorporate the use of these tools in your training routine to minimise injuries.
5. Footwear
Wearing the right shoes is crucial to prevent running injuries. The golden rule that runners swear by is to get shoes that you actually feel comfortable in and one that does not put stress on any part of your foot. Try out a couple of pairs and figure out what works best for you. No one model will work best for everyone. Remember the keyword: Comfort.
ASICS India makes running shoes that are made using Gel Technology- to enhance comfort and prevent injury through rearfoot and forefoot cushioning. Check out different versions of these shoes to find one that is best for you, to prevent injuries.