
Why International Students Opt to Study in Canada?

Canada is one of the most popular and well-liked study abroad locations among international students. Canadianvisa.org estimates that this country hosts around 180,000 international students each year. This is due to the great level of its education. Apart from that, Canada is regarded as one of the safest countries for international students.

If you are considering to study in Canada, we must say that you have made an excellent decision! However, there are a few things you should know before packing your bags and heading to Canada. It's because we understand that moving to a new place can be perplexing and difficult at times, but after you've learned the basics of your host country, it'll be a breeze."

1. Canada is a large nation.
Canada is the largest country in North America and the world's second-largest country after Russia in terms of total area. Around 90% of the population lives within 200 kilometers of the US border. Because of its proximity to the world's most powerful country, Study in Canada for Indian Students is like a wish to come true.

2. for Indians, Canada is like a second home.
For many Indians, Canada is like a second home. The cities with the most Indian communities include Toronto, British Columbia, and Ontario. This is one of the primary reasons for the country's special relationship with India. As a result, students have a homey feeling during their stay. This makes it easier for Indian students to study in Canada and adjust to their new environment, which is crucial for them.


3. English is one of Canada's official languages.
The country's official languages include French and English. If Indian students do not speak French, they might choose to learn in English instead. This means that learning the official language of the host country is unnecessary because students can locate their favourite courses and activities in English as well. Furthermore, English is employed in general and governmental communications, in addition to universities and colleges.

4. Canada is known for its internationally recognised degrees.
Several prestigious universities and colleges can be found in Canada. They provide internationally recognised bachelor's, master's, associate's, diplomas and certifications, as well as doctoral degrees. Because these educational institutions are run by provincial governments, there will be minor discrepancies in education and teaching styles. However, it is recommended that you thoroughly review and comprehend them before applying to one.

5. A higher standard of living but reduced living costs
Everyone recognises that the standard of living in this country is significantly greater. However, this does not imply that the expense of living is prohibitively expensive. When comparing the same style of living or living with other countries, however, you will notice a significant expense difference. From education to healthcare to lodging and vacation, Canada provides the greatest services at affordable prices.

6. International students have access to a wide range of scholarship opportunities.
One of the primary worries for international students studying in a foreign country is the financial component. While living costs are already lower than in other countries, overseas students can take advantage of a variety of scholarship programs offered by institutions, governments, and other organisations.


7. Look into post-study job prospects.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) permits students to work on and off campus while pursuing their studies. And the best thing is that students will have a plethora of chances to make extra money to help them manage their expenses. These post-study work prospects are plentiful, and they are one of Canada's most attractive aspects for overseas students. Aside from that, students can apply for a temporary work permit upon graduation and possibly permanent residency after having suitable job experience.
Final Thoughts

Do you want to learn more about Universities of Canada or colleges of Canada, including their courses and programs? Contact Aptech Study Abroad for further information. After evaluating your present profile, we have a dedicated staff to assist and guide you in short listing the best possibilities. We only provide recommendations based on your previous education, talents, and professional goals.

We can also help with the application process, study visas, financial aid, and scholarships, among other things. Visit our official website to schedule a FREE career counselling from our study abroadÂ