
Living the Digital Nomad lifestyle- Follow Julie French on her journey


Hi! I’m Julie, The Fit Gypsy. I am a passionate health enthusiast who is now living the Digital Nomad lifestyle!

That means that I work remotely from my computer while traveling this beautiful world that we live in!


How it all came to be:

I have worked various exciting jobs and careers up until now, including running my own fitness business for nearly 13 years. I loved working with people and transforming their lives to be healthier and happier. As much as I am grateful for that experience, every single client and job had me needing to be there in person, which was not allowing me to do the thing I absolutely love-Travel!

I would save up my money, then travel for long periods of time with a specific budget, limiting me to certain activities and having to live the “hostel life” to save money. It was amazing, but when all my money dried up I would have to come back home and start from square one again. Every single time!

The last adventure I went on, (New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Vietnam) got me really thinking… How do I continue traveling WHILE making money. Where I do not have to take on little traveling jobs such as picking fruit near deadly spiders, or bartending for peanuts in South East Asian countries.

I noticed people working from their computers in every single coffee shop I would stop in (trust me, that’s a LOT of coffee shops!) Eventually, after striking up conversations with these Digital Nomads, I saw a huge opportunity to continue living my dream life of travelling, while doing something I LOVE doing, which is Social Media and Online Marketing!

When I came back to my home in Victoria BC, I immediately went into action and met with Manny at Q Academy. After our first meeting, I left feeling absolutely pumped and inspired that Q Academy was the answer to living my dream life. He customized all of my tutoring sessions perfectly to set me up for becoming a Digital Nomad. Within a couple short weeks, I have already landed a few online contracts and I know that this is exactly what I want to do! I am more than grateful for their guidance and I know that I could have not done this without them!

From the sunsets in Bali, to the temples in India, surfing waves in the Algarve of Portugal, playing with Kangaroos in Australia, and eating fresh Pad Thai in Thailand… Follow my Digital Nomad journey via this blog. Hopefully you will be inspired to follow in my footsteps and start your journey with training at Q Academy. You too can join me in deciding and discovering where the compass points to next!

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