
Trade is a story of trust.

You now know thatthere are solutions to create your online shop very easily and without spending all your savings in technology.

Better yet, it's possible to create your site in just 90 minutes!

In a few moments, we'll see how to bring people to your new shop to make your first sales. But before that, there is a very important point to remember.

An indispensable element.

Otherwise, you don't want to spend a penny on advertising or waste a second communicating.

This element is: CONFIANCE.

Put yourself in the shoes of the consumer who lands on your site and ask yourself this simple but devilishly important question:

Would I order from this shop?

Be honest with yourself otherwise the exercise won't help you.

To help you with this process, here is a list of questions to ask yourself before attracting your first visitors to your site:

Does the site make it serious/credible?
Do I know how long I'd be delivering?
Am I reassured enough to leave my credit card number on the site?
Do I know clearly which company is behind the site?
Do I have all the info I need about the product or products I want to buy?
Do the photos of the product really allow me to imagine what it will look like once in my hands?
Do I have guarantees (repayment within 14 days for example)?
Do I have a simple way to contact the shop's customer service?
If you answered NO to one or more questions, add items to your site.

This includes creating new pages to reassure your visitors and adding information to all your pages (so-called "Elements of Reassurance").

Here are two examples:

Once you've added enough to give your visitors full confidence, you just need to control by asking yourself the 8 questions again.

If you answer YES to all these questions, congratulations!

You are ready to read the rest of this article and find out how to make your first sale in 3 days.

