
Tips to Improve the Productivity of Your Software Development Team

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Imran Ansari @mobile_tech · Jun 19, 2020 · edited: Aug 7, 2020

There are some ways to increase development speed without increasing the quantity of employees or the quantity of hours within the workday.


The first and foremost step is to line goals for your project. Additionally , to understand goals, the quality of labor is extremely important. it's measured by completing the project’s deadlines, budget and executing the specified features.


Measure the productivity of your software development team

Measuring a development team’s productivity is one of the foremost tricky challenges that software managers currently face.


That’s why we've listed the next five developer metrics which are essential to measure the productivity of your team.


Sprint Burn-down reports

A Sprint could also be a planned unit of some time during which developers have planned tasks to end in time.


Sprint length is usually between one and 4 weeks. And at the start of each Sprint, developers summarize the tasks they think they’ll be able to complete during the quantity .


As the Sprint ends, they report whether tasks are to be started, unfinished, or complete.


By following these end burn down reports, you’ll be able to see if your team has achieved their productivity goals.


This metric is usually false if you aren’t cautious. If your team has set low goals for themselves, reporting tasks complete when they’re ‘’actually not’’ then the accuracy of this metric for productivity purposes is untrustworthy.



Story points are a personal measurement used within a development team to measure the matter of completing a selected user story.


From this task, developers can get requirements for the software and should guess how complex the task is.


Every person’s velocity metric is exclusive and can not be compared with another person. For instance, one person may finish the ad in five hours, whereas it's getting to take another developer nine hours.


The actual hours taken can depend on plenty of data , ability, and enthusiasm. On the other hand, it can also depend on devotion to best practices, code quality, and testing.


This is why we'll never detect from a story time-tracking metric alone which developer is more fruitful.


Cycle times

That’s especially what the SDLC cycle time metric looks at. As a person’s issue rises, you'll track how briskly each is resolved, also as see when many issues arise directly , whether teams are skilled at handling them at an honest rate or whether or not they get scared.


Teams that constantly fix issues within a logical time frame, and don’t get scared when many issues arise directly are often trusted to work always well.


Another issue tracking technique is picturing all issues over time: outstanding, ongoing , and completed.


If you've an uneven number of issues left outstanding, or ongoing , then these can quickly compile and exceed the issues that are fixed.


To address this, there could even be times when new work must be resumed to urge obviate the excess of outstanding issues. Don’t consider this as an annoyance or setback, it’s a requirement to remain a project on track .



Your team’s throughput is analogous to its velocity, only more roughly.


While velocity checks the result, throughput counts tasks and errors additionally to features.


So while velocity informs you what your team did which can be sold, throughput gives you a much better idea of what their overall workload was for given periods.


Enhance Productivity of Your Development Team


Taking some small yet effective steps can help optimize yours for higher efficiency and better results.


Create a Productive Environment

It might not just be your team that needs progress; it would be the environment around them that’s letting them down.


One of the foremost roles of the software development team manager should be to protect and guard the team against other things occurring within the business, to allow them to undertake their best work.


Your devoted software development team should have many spaces to work together during an outsized room rather than being split into individual cubicles or offices.


It can also be useful to separate your software development team from the rest of the business to help them concentrate while providing them with the comfort of refreshments and fuel in order that they don’t have to leave the office frequently to recharge and boost energy levels.


Support Your Team

A software development team needs just the right amount of support to succeed.


Without sufficient support, your devoted software development team can lose direction and force.


However, with an excessive amount of control and ruling over, the creativity and efficiency of your team are getting to be decreased.


So, support your team by being clear with expectations and goals by providing a project manager to guide and direct them. And at the same time, you would like to also give your team enough liberty and space to allow them to make their best work.


Boost Expertise

A great reason to improve the effectiveness and productivity of your software development team is to provide employees a chance to figure on a replacement task or increased responsibilities.


You can even offer to support team members to proceed with their skills and learn new techniques.


Offering development prospects provides your team with the specified new skills they might need to grow while also giving your employees the signal that they're going to have growth in your company.


Define Your Workflow

While it sounds obvious, it’s surprising what percentage offices function without a workflow.


It is most significant to require care of a workflow to plug teamwork and efficiency.


A smooth workflow helps to supply every member of the team clear tasks and goals to end while also removing needless tasks and interruptions.


Physically planning out your workflow on a board that's noticeable to the whole team helps the team maintain focus and increases the results for an enthusiastic software development team.