
My Husband Makes Me Feel Bad About Myself

There is a very common scenario for the wife who claims her husband is not paying attention to her or abusing her physically. This leaves the woman wondering what she is getting into and whether it is worth the risk. The first step is to acknowledge the emotional abuse you are experiencing. It is important to understand that there are varying degrees of physical abuse and how it affects the psyche and self-esteem.

Physical abuse is not always about hurting the spouse physically. Emotional abuse can also cause mental and psychological harm to the victim. When a person is consistently made to feel bad about themselves, it causes them to internalize all their feelings. They begin to believe that their world revolves around their negative feelings, which prevents them from enjoying any sort of success. If you are experiencing this, then it is very likely you have a problem with your husband and it is more than just an occasional irritant.


When you begin to experience emotional abuse, it is important to seek help. There are professional counselors who can help you work through your issues. If your husband is the main perpetrator of this type of abuse then you should consider seeking counseling with a therapist or counselor who specializes in this area. This is your best option, since most married couples do experience some degree of emotional abuse.

You do not have to continue suffering and hoping things will improve. If you are experiencing physical abuse of the kind that makes you feel like your world is crumbling, then you need to find out what your options are. It is never too late to save your marriage. Even if you have been married for many years, you can still get a divorce and end the emotional abuse.


Emotional abuse has its own symptoms, and one of them is low self-esteem. Low self-esteem means that you do not believe in yourself anymore. This causes depression and other related problems. When you start to believe that your spouse does not love you anymore, you become depressed or even start to suffer from other medical conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure. The emotional trauma this causes can lead to serious health problems over time, so it is important to address the problem as soon as possible.


Low self-esteem will also prevent you from doing the things you want in life, like a happy marriage. When you start to believe that your husband does not love you anymore, you will not be able to take on new challenges or opportunities in life. If your husband is causing you to have these feelings, then he is abusing you psychologically and physically. There are many ways to break free from emotional abuse, but you must first work on yourself. There is a big difference between hurting someone emotionally and physically, so make sure you know what is happening and decide if your marriage is worth saving.

Low self-esteem can be difficult to fix, because it takes time for the effects to sink in.


One way to get over an emotionally abusive relationship is to give yourself some space, and start to develop your self-esteem again. Go out with friends, meet new people, and do things that make you happy. Go back to what you used to enjoy doing when you were happy, rather than focusing on what your husband did to you. Taking time away from your husband and having a positive attitude is a great way to build your self-esteem back up and avoid rebuilding your marriage from scratch.


There are many more signs of an emotionally abusive marriage, so if you see any of them in your relationship, make sure you address them immediately. Abuse can only be stopped by mutual decision, so the sooner you deal with it, the better off you are. Make sure that you trust your husband completely after the affair, and don't ever doubt his feelings for you. They might still be hurting, but you can make them feel better by being there for them and making sure they are not seeing a negative side of you. If you find that your husband is no longer attracted to you, consider ending the relationship and moving on.