
How to Change Twitch UserName


If you’re toying with the idea of ​​using your old Twitch account more actively and maybe even streaming yourself, the name of your channel takes on a whole new meaning: a streamer’s name quickly becomes a central element of their brand , which is why, if in doubt You should change your Twitch name and adapt an inappropriate nickname from school. Here you can find out step by step how to do it.


Table of Contents

  • Important information about the Twitch name change
  • How to Change Twitch UserName (with Screenshots)
  • What you should also consider when changing the name:
  • How to change the color of your Twitch name

Important information about the Twitch name change

  • It has only been possible to change the name of a Twitch account since the beginning of 2017 . Previously, only the upper and lower case could be adjusted.
  • A channel’s name, which is equivalent to its username on Twitch, can only be changed once every 60 days .
  • To protect users, your old Twitch name will remain blocked on the platform for a total of six months . New accounts can therefore only use this name after six months at the earliest.

Read More;- https://streamingadvise.com/change-twitch-username