Covid-19 has disruptively impacted all nations in terms of social, economic, and loss of human lives. India also underwent lockdown for several months after the outbreak of coronavirus in 2020, which resulted in a prolonged shutdown of schools, colleges, learning institutes, and offices. The pandemic has pushed educational institutes to resort to e-platforms for uninterrupted dissemination of knowledge and continuous learning among students. The MBA colleges in India continued to impart education of MBA courses, being one of the highly ranked postgraduate degrees in India, which transforms students into professionals & makes them corporate ready through online medium during the pandemic time. The best MBA colleges in Delhi have opted for e-learning mode which makes the use of computer technology, primarily through the internet, to deliver instructions/ information to students. E-learning is often viewed as a medium for preparing study material & sharing PowerPoint presentations over the internet. However, the dimension of e-learning has undergone tremendous change especially after the COVID-19. Various online platforms, for instance, Zoom, Google meet, MS teams have enabled best MBA colleges in Delhi to take virtual classes, live sessions, and interact with students like a traditional classroom. Not only the facility of live classes is provided on e-platforms, but easy access to recorded lectures is proven to be beneficial for students, as it is explicitly evident in their improved academic performance. The students have been able to learn at their comfort while being safe at home is the blessing that e-learning has offered them during the time of the pandemic.
There is a preconceived notion that online learning cannot replace traditional learning. However, the notion differs from the observation of the teachers. The switch from offline to online classes during Covid times has shown that MBA students are more interactive & confident online, while they are nervous and timid when they come to traditional classes. The participation level of students has increased manifold in virtual classes. E-learning encourages independent learning. The study material and educational content can be accessed any number of times from any location, which provides an unhindered flow of knowledge & promotes continuous learning.
The best MBA colleges in Delhi welcome students from diverse cultures & different regions. To deliver quality education at all times is a promise of best colleges which is fulfilled through e-learning during the pandemic. The introduction of information technology in the education industry has positively impacted the quality of education by providing a comprehensive tech support kit to troubleshoot any problem students face during virtual lectures. Furthermore, it reaches a wider group, promotes collaborative learning, increases the intensity of classroom discussions, supports in building a strong learning community and creates an enriched learning atmosphere.
Master of business administration aims to impart managerial skills, develops leadership quality and decision-making ability among the students. An MBA graduate is paid much higher than a regular master’s degree candidate. In addition to the great salary package, job security, high reputation, and recognition in the international market are some of the benefits that an MBA degree provides. The top MBA colleges in Delhi do their best to make their curriculum relevant to the present times and adapt themselves to the dynamic learning environment by moving to virtual classes during the pandemic. The colleges aim to inculcate the feeling of classroom learning in virtual learning by eliminating all kinds of barriers to communication. E-learning facilitates easy and uninterrupted communication through better audio-visual connectivity, noise cancellation features and encourages teamwork through online break-out rooms, PowerPoint presentations, brainstorming sessions, and many more.
The best MBA colleges in Delhi deliver top-class education straight to the students on their computer systems through virtual classes that not only support students in strengthening their command over business technology but also permit students from all across the globe to experience learning which is compatible with their educational needs and suits their daily schedule. The e-lectures are designed to fulfill the requirements of students from different needs and backgrounds. The facility of e-learning has helped the best colleges to attract international students which also leads to cross-cultural knowledge exchange.
Therefore, the best MBA colleges in Delhi continue to impart knowledge without compromising the quality of education and counteract the negative impact of Covid-19 through e-learning.