
Difference between Supervised and unsupervised learning/learn data Science

Supervised learning, as the name implies, involves the presence of a supervisor as a teacher. Basically, supervised learning is when we instructor train the computer using tagged data. This signifies that some data has already been labelled with the right answer. Following that, the machine is given a fresh collection of examples (data) so that the supervised learning algorithm may assess the training data (set of training instances) and create an accurate result from labelled data.

Assume you are handed a basket packed with several types of fruits. The initial stage is to train the machine with each of the different fruits one by one, as follows:

  • If the object's shape is circular and has a dip at the top, and it is red in colour, it will be labelled as -Apple. • If the object's shape is a long curving cylinder that is green-yellow in colour, it will be labelled as -Banana.

Assume that after training the data, you are given a new distinct fruit, like a banana, and asked to identify it.

Because the system has already learnt from past data, it must use it intelligently this time. It will first categories the fruit based on its form and colour, then validate the fruit's name as BANANA and place it in the Banana category. Thus, the computer learns from training data (a fruit basket) and then applies the knowledge to test data (a new fruit).

Algorithms for supervised learning are divided into two types:

  • Classification: A classification problem occurs when the output variable is a category, such as "Red" or "Blue", "disease" or "no disease".
  • Regression: A regression problem occurs when the output variable is a real value, such as "dollars" or "weight".

Supervised learning is concerned with or learns from "labelled" data. This suggests that some data has already been labelled with the right answer.


  • Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Classification
  • Naive Bayes Classifiers
  • K-NN (k nearest neighbours)
  • Decision Trees
  • Support Vector Machine


  • Supervised learning permits data collection and data output from past experiences.
  • Uses expertise to assist optimise performance requirements.
  • Supervised machine learning aids in the resolution of a wide range of real-world computing challenges.


  • It is capable of classification and regression tasks.


  • It enables estimating or mapping the outcome to a fresh sample.


  • We have total choice over how many classes we want in the training data.





  • Classifying large amounts of data can be difficult; • Training for supervised learning requires a significant amount of computing time. As a result, it takes a long time.


  • Supervised learning cannot handle all difficult Machine Learning jobs.


  • The computation time for supervised learning is enormous.


  • It necessitates the use of a tagged data collection.


  • It necessitates a training procedure.


Unsupervised learning


Unsupervised learning is the training of a computer utilising unlabelled input and allowing the algorithm to operate on that information without supervision. The machine's objective in this case is to categorise unsorted data based on similarities, patterns, and differences without any prior data training.


Unlike supervised learning, no teacher is supplied, which implies the computer will not be trained. As a result, the computer is limited to discovering the underlying structure in unlabelled data on its own.


As a result, because the machine is unaware of the characteristics of dogs and cats, we cannot classify it as 'dogs and cats'. However, it can categorise them based on their similarities, patterns, and differences, allowing us to simply divide the above image into two sections. The first section may include all images with dogs, while the second section may include all images with cats. You did not learn anything previously, thus there is no training data or examples.

It enables the model to function on its own to identify previously unnoticed patterns and information. It mostly works with unlabelled data.


Unsupervised learning algorithms are divided into two types:

  • Clustering:

 A clustering problem is one in which you wish to uncover the natural groups in data, such as categorising consumers based on their purchase behaviour.


  • Association:

An association rule learning issue is one in which you wish to find rules that explain substantial chunks of your data, such as persons who purchase X also buy Y.


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