
Touch On Chapter 85 Translator's Notes

The final two panels of Touch On #85 bear talking about.



As a straight translation, they read like this:


"It's my fault."

"So don't draw a line on me..."


I translated them like this:



Originally, I spent several weeks trying to come up with a different way to word this so the gravity of the statement is understood. This did not pan out. Eventually I just had to give up and provide a T/N, as well as linking the extended notes. You can find those notes here.

"Everything's been my fault."

Originally, this was "It's all my fault," but I changed it after the whole section spun around in my head for a while. I wanted to emphasize the statement enough to fit the definitiveness of the original text, while also drawing in the surrounding context.

English is so different from other languages.

"So please don't push me away anymore..."

Originally this was "So please don't draw a line between us."

I seriously pondered how to write the final line for a good five minutes before I decided on something, and ended up rewriting it after thinking on it hard for 12 hours.

In the moment, I thought about "So please don't turn away from me," and "So please say we can be together," but I ended up continuing the 'draw a line' thing. They all mean the same thing, but I didn't want to overstate the emotion of the moment.

However, after considering the scene a lot, I ended up changing it to the current phrase, which I think best describes the emotion of the original statement of "그러니까 나 한테 선 긋지 마..."

I also changed an earlier reference to that concept, and made the chapter coalesce around the concept of pushing away and pulling in.


Frankly, it's up to your interpretation, this is just what I came up with after some soul-searching. Rather than putting all these thoughts in a notes section at the end of the chapter, I wrote them here, and probably will do so in future. I consider these thoughts a valuable companion to the chapters I translate.

~ PerpetualSigh