If you’re experiencing debt problems on an individual basis, and you have your own business, you may have been threatened by creditors that they can target your business for personal debts. In some circumstances, creditors can make a claim against your business to recover their debt. However, if you have a limited company, it is less likely to happen. That said, if you have signed a personal guarantee as a director, you are personally liable for that debt.
Types of personal debt
In early 2020, it was revealed that more than half of UK adults had personal debt up to £100,000. Indeed, 63% have entered the decade with some level of personal debt, excluding mortgages. Much of the debt includes overdrafts, loans, credit card and store card debts.
The most common form of personal debt is credit card debt. Creditfix’s survey showed that the average level of debt on personal credit cards is £3,000; men tend to owe £300 more than women. Additionally, most people don’t pay off the balance in full every month, with 22% of people paying just the minimum payment, or less. Read more...