Daisy Papp’s Excellence Coaching is unlike any other life coaching, Success coach, love coach program in the world. Daisy has successfully completed extraordinary training in the fields of NLP, Psychology, EFT, Energy Psychology, and other modalities from world-renowned psychologists, neuroscientists, and leaders in the coaching industry.
Daisy has helped individuals, couples, athletes, world champions, groups, small businesses, and Forbes 500 companies over the span of four continents. Her books have been sold in more than 50 countries. She has a proven track record and has spent hundreds of hours conducting seminars and workshops.
Not only has Daisy achieved outstanding results in her own life, but also has an unrivaled commitment to her profession with more than 10 thousand hours of one-on-one sessions completed. Does that mean Daisy, your exclusive Excellence Coach, will be better than you in the specific area of life and/or the goals you are focusing on and trying to achieve? Not necessarily.
Coach Phil Jackson was never a better basketball player than Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant, but he was able to bring out the best in his players and develop a game-winning plan.
That is the kind of value and expertise Daisy, your exclusive Excellence Coach, will bring to your life. Your Excellence Coach will become a trusted friend. A friend who wants and expects the best from you, who will challenge you to perform at your best, show compassion and empathy for your past, is non-judgmental and is passionate about your future.
I'm COOLER THAN YOU ARE is a project of love created by Daisy Papp. For decades Daisy has collected fans from around the globe in various colors, sizes, and styles. The timeless Resort Style design is dedicated to one of the world's most sought-after destinations, the Florida Keys, where Daisy lives. Encouraging self-worth and self-esteem, the slogan I'M COOLER THAN YOU ARE reminds us to take a second to cool down, not take everything personally, and to smile more often. Smiles are contagious and make the world a better place. The fans are available in select stores in the Florida Keys, from Key Largo to Key West. Feel free to contact us for additional information.