
What is the market share of the major online payment providers?

Well, I used to spend a couple of weeks before I found some really good solution for a cooperation. Still, I think the best way for you will be to contact several software developing companies to see portfolios and to know the real prices for your payment solution. I worked with this reliable  payment provider https://fondy.io/gb/resources/what-is-a-payment-gateway-provider/ and have absolutely no regrets about the cooperation. I recommend to contact them with your task, they can develop any kind of solution for your business.


Vins 14/06/2023


Stripe has a bad rap because it's an aggregator. Like Square and a lot of other mobile/pay-as-you-go processors, instead of opening a unique account just for you, it lumps everyone into one giant merchant account.

A traditional merchant account provider (like Helcim or Payline Data, for example) does a lot of vetting and research before accepting an applicant, which means less risk and therefore lower costs. It'll take time and some back-and-forth before you get approved for a merchant account, but you're a LOT less likely to encounter holds or freezes on your account.

Aggregators accept everyone with minimal vetting, which means higher costs because of the higher risk. You get access almost right away, but if the risk department flags something as suspicious, you'll likely encounter a hold or a freeze -- or an account termination.

People also call Square and PayPal scams. It's the same with pretty much every single payments service out there, sadly. People are always more eager to complain about something than praise it, so reviews tend to be disproportionately negative. That's not to say a company doesn't have it's issues, but you kind of have to put everything in perspective. PayPal has 170 MILLION users. Square has about 2 million. Even a couple hundred negative reviews is just a fraction of these companies' overall customer bases.


Colins 15/06/2023