
The Indian Cranes | UPSC with Nikhil

India is domestic to 5 of the fifteen final species of crane. 
 About Cranes: 
 The Indian Cranes 
 Cranes are large, hovering birds withinside the Gruidae family, with long necks and legs. Only Antarctica and, oddly, South America lack the marshes and grasslands which might be observed all through the relaxation of the earth, in which crane may be observed. Cranes resemble herons in look however are generally large and feature a partially naked head. Cranes preserve their necks stretched out in the front at the same time as flying, in contrast to herons, who hold their legs trailing behind. Numerous crane species migrate, with breeding and wintering habitats often hundreds of kilometers apart. There are resident species and 3 wintering populations of the 15 species of crane in India. 




 Population Status: 
Unfortunately, eleven of the 15 extant crane species are in threat of going extinct, with habitat loss and degradation diagnosed as their primary concerns.  
 The ``Siberian Crane`` is the maximum endangered species of the crane on the globe as it relies upon so closely on wetlands. They have disappeared from former strongholds like India because of the changing hydrology alongside their restricted migration hall from their breeding regions in Russia to China. At the identical time, there's a wish withinside the inspiring tale of the Demoiselle Cranes, who observed safe haven withinside the Rajasthani metropolis of Khichan.


To Read More About The Indian Cranes Click on The Link... https://bit.ly/3D9Z6Le