
Touch On Chapter 86 Translator's Notes

Oh my lord...


... A-anyway, the notes! There's a couple of things to talk about.


Firstly, the original after-credits gag was this:



"Do you have a moment..."

"To discuss our lord and savior Jesus Christ?"


I decided to go with the one in the chapter because I found it funnier.

I didn't want to lose this joke completely, so I put it here.


Anyway, here's some actual notes:


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This scene was tough.


The raw translation is:

"Punish me."

"The way you want."

"Please excuse me~"

"Because I can give you my body..."

"Please give me your cock..."


This is... awkwardly worded, to say the least, for an English speaker.

I had to present those phrases coherently with the required intensity to justify Chi-Ho's reaction, so I went with:

"Punish me."

"However you like."

"I'm begging you~"

"You can do anything to my body..."

"Please make me pay with your cock..."


This is a very loose translation to say the least, especially the last line, but it makes sense to me to portray it this way, and here's why:

Westerners are generally more open to expressing sexuality. For Chi-Ho to completely lose his self-control, it had to be a severe statement, and I don't think that saying "Please fuck me with your cock..." is enough, even taking into account how passionate it is. It also doesn't fit the previous line. So... I decided on a drastic statement. Originally it was even more drastic, but I decided on toning it down a little after my usual 12 hours away from it.

As for the rest, I translated to "I'm begging you~" because I wanted to keep up the generally more intense wordage while getting across the statement of "Please do this for me."


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The other scene worth talking about is this one:


The raw translation is:

"Haa... Chi-Ho-ya..."

"Ha, going to your school-house?"


Annnd we're back. Back with the Chi-Ho-ya... Putting "My Chi-Ho..." again feels wrong, so I had to retroactively decide on using "My dearest..." whenever she says Chi-Ho-ya. This is getting out of hand, but it works for now. I'm pretty sure we'll be back in a few weeks. I'm gonna have to resort to in-chapter T/Ns soon, aren't I...?


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Addendum: I ended up changing one more line from the original release: On page 2, where Hong says:


"Ah... You're being too rough..."

Originally, she said:

Ah... It's too much..."

Just a minor language change to make the meaning more plain.

I like to come back and tinker a bit after some time away. Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees, and getting it right is worth the effort.


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Okay, that's all for today.

Boy, this was intense. I can only imagine what next week will be like. It's sure to be a big one!

~ PerpetualSigh