
Job Opportunities for Candidates of Economics

At both international and national levels, a career in economics has become ever-booming. This educational domain offers a door of opportunities for enthusiasts who want to pursue a lucrative career ahead. A spectrum of career options can be taken into consideration after graduating from one of the reputable BA economics colleges. With an upsurge in job opportunities, aspirants can greatly accomplish their career dreams in this field. Due to the proliferation of globalization, business organizations are currently looking for candidates with proficient knowledge in financial research and analysis. If you want to graduate with an economics degree, here are the multiple job opportunities you can get.


Indian Economic Services


IES happens to be the most prestigious career opportunity a prospective economics graduate can ever receive. But for this reason, an aspirant needs to complete their MA or MSc in the subject with a minimum of 55 percent to appear for the entrance examination. Applicants need to range from 21 to 30 years of age. UPSC conducts this IES examination, and upon the selection, the candidate requires performing tasks such as economic analysis and planning. They might get placed in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Planning Board, National Sample Survey, or other departments that demand astute and knowledgeable professionals.


Banking Job in Public Sector


Another prominent job scope in the department of economics is the banking jobs. In India, the public banks recruit economists through different recruiting competitive examinations. One must range between 21 and 28 years of age. Applicants will be able to look for jobs in the research institutes. Alternatively, one can also appear in the State Bank or IBPS recruitment examination to get recruited in the banking domain.




Economists must acquire an in-depth understanding of the market. They must have an insight into the market trends & profitable sectors of the business world. Thus, by building their business, a budding entrepreneur will be able to accomplish exponential growth. Initiating an entrepreneurship journey can first sound daunting, but a professional can become successful in the career with the right skills. And pursuing a certified course from one of the prestigious BA economics colleges in Raipur can help you acquire the professional acumen and expertise required for a business career.

Other Plausible Career Choices After Pursuing Your Economics Education:

Here’s presenting the other career choices that you can pursue after graduating from a recognizable economics college:

  • Investment Analyst
  • Professional Economist
  • Actuary
  • Data Analyst (Banking Sector)
  • Financial Planner (Banking Sector)
  • Equity Analyst
  • Business Economist
  • Economic Researcher
  • Agricultural Economist
  • Cost Accountant
  • Financial Economist or Financial Controller
  • Industrial Economist (Specialization)
  • International Economist 
  • Financial Risk Analyst
  • Labor Economist (Specialization)

An economics graduate will develop sought-after skills to pursue a career in accountancy, banking, or other fields. In a nutshell, studying economics will be valuable because it reduces the unemployment issues in a country like India. As it’s a versatile educational domain, enrolling your name for a certified economics course will take you a notch higher to understand the financial essentials and complexities.