
Planning a Digital Transformation: KSA Vision 2030

No matter what kind of Digital Transformation an organization has in its sights, customer need to be at the forefront of the strategy. New technology, data-processing, and analytical skills need to be created along the entire B2B Pipeline. Consumers are no longer prepared to accept untimely and mediocre relationships; they expect your organization to just “get it”. Organizations that fail to understand these expectations and fail to react to them will face Digital Darwinism, a phenomenon where technology and society are evolving faster than organizations can adapt. This evolution using the correct platform, such as Salesforce, enables organizations to understand, react, and predict trends leading to a brave new world of trailblazing.


To clarify, Digital Transformation does not necessarily change how your organization uses technology, it changes how you effectively do business with technology. Consider it as a continuous journey during which you will introduce new digital products, more distribution channels for promotion and delivery, alternative supply chain and sales platforms, and new customer communication standards and endpoints. This is exactly what Salesforce and HubSpot were designed to do.


With regard to the KSA’s Digital Transformation, the defining success factor will be in using the correct technology in the right way. In my opinion, Salesforce and HubSpot provides the best core digital transformation tools on the market to achieve this.

Ultimately, whichever tool you use, planning is essential, and like all journeys, you will need a roadmap. At Cetrix Cloud Services, we believe that the creation of a roadmap is the first step towards Digital Transformation. Within it lies the understanding of which elements of your business need to be Digitally Transformed, and how these changes can be achieved. Thankfully, we at Cetrix Cloud Services have an experienced, forward-looking team who are highly skilled in this Digital Transformation journey.


We hear a lot of buzzwords about Predictive Analytics, MarTech, Technology Stacking, and Digital Process Automation. How are these related to Digital Transformation and the goals of Vision 2030?


As Vision 2030 covers multiple aspects of KSA life, many of these will be business-led, and will link directly to technology and the benefits it can offer. Digital Transformation has a key role to play in this vision, and the KSA, as already very-highly digitally connected is ideally placed for this. As the country leverages its enviable position to transform its future, these various concepts, namely these buzzwords, will increasingly be more important.


The question as to why are they so important is an entire topic of its own. Briefly though, they are important because today’s customers approach the marketplace from a different direction which has created a paradigm shift in the way customers now make buying decisions, and how they engage with organizations. For example, customers are increasingly less responsive to direct sales marketing such as emails and adverts. More often, their sales journey starts online in the domain of marketing, education and in proposing solutions to their problems. Customers expect a seamless, highly personalized and engaging buying experience throughout the entire journey, and buyers may bee much further down the path before they even engage with yourselves.