
Advantages of pursuing higher education abroad

Is education abroad better than in India? Are you debating between studying in India and abroad? We've examined the advantages and disadvantages so you can make an informed choice.

Do you have a conflict over whether it is preferable for you to study in India or abroad?

It's not just you. Many students and their families are wondering about this. On the one hand, you enjoy the convenience of continuing to live and pursue your education in your own country without having to say goodbye to your loved ones. On the other hand, the possibility of earning a foreign degree, exposure to different cultures, outstanding research opportunities, and related professional perks are equally alluring. Let's compare the advantages and disadvantages of studying in India versus abroad.

Career Benefits

When compared to an MBA from an Indian institution, having an MBA from a prominent school like the Kellogg School of Management or Harvard Business School is unquestionably a huge benefit. This does not disparage the MBA programs provided by schools in India. Employers, however, prefer to hire applicants who have earned a degree outside of India and have comparable job experience to students who have earned the same degree in India.

Also Read Why pursue MBA in Canada

Students who study abroad will also have the opportunity to find a position in that nation that is relevant to their studies. Countries like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand permit foreign students to study there for up to three years if they possess the necessary credentials. You may undoubtedly anticipate receiving a better salary back home once you've earned your degree and gained some professional experience.




Better opportunity to fulfill your dream

If you hadn't been fantasizing about studying overseas, you wouldn't be here. It is no longer a pipe dream available to only a select few. International higher education is now considerably more accessible because of the abundance of educational loans and scholarships available. An education loan is guaranteed if you can provide the required documentation, have a strong academic record, and meet the qualifying requirements established by the bank.

Research Possibilities


It goes without saying that advanced research possibilities are more readily available in nations like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand than in India. The main reason Indian students move abroad is due to the education and research amenities offered there. Most of the students finish their research and remain in academia as professors. Some graduates find employment in India as teachers, researchers or many more related fields. They profit from having a resume that will appeal to potential employers.

A Worldwide Outlook

Your exposure to a different culture and way of life while studying abroad will undoubtedly astound you. In your first few days as a student abroad, you could experience homesickness and loneliness. But don't worry; once this initial stage is over, you'll change into an independent, responsible person.

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You can meet students from various nations, gain an understanding of their cultures, and develop a feeling of community by living in a student residence hall. At this point, friendships are established that last a lifetime. Who knows, the encounter might change your perspective on life itself for the better!



A vast array of opportunities is made possible by scholarships. You have quite a few scholarships to find and apply for, ranging from private scholarships provided by businesses and philanthropists to scholarships provided by various governments and educational institutions to support research output.

Trending Overseas Diploma Courses List      


Numerous diploma programs are offered by various internationally renowned institutions in Canada and other destinations as well. The most popular diploma programs for foreign students wishing to study in Canada and other overseas destinations are listed below:

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Network Administration
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Sales and Marketing
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Telecommunications
  • Accounting Administration
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Business Administration
  • Business Management
  • Network Administration
  • Paralegal
  • Supply Chain and Logistics Management
  • Telecommunications Technician
  • Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
  • Data Science and Big Data
  • Dental Office Administration
  • Legal Office Administration
  • Machine Learning
  • Medical Office Administration

Monetization option while studying Abroad

Even while studying abroad can be a priceless component of college education, the expense might be a concern. Fortunately, if you learn how to make money while studying abroad, you can sustain yourself while living abroad.

You can work part-time or covertly as a tutor depending on your visa. Additionally, working online is a simple way to earn money overseas thanks to the internet.

Finding income while studying abroad

Here are 10 alternatives for study abroad employment, along with things to think about when you decide whether to pursue your fortune overseas if you're seeking methods to finance a semester or two away from the United States.

  • Teaching English
  • Test preparation tutoring
  • Conduct online freelance work
  • As Skill trainers
  • Provide services for translation
  • Work as a tour operator
  • Contribute to a hostel
  • Wait tables (visa permitting)
  • Working on campus
  • Start a personal travel blog (and keep at it)

Popular short-term courses overseas

For those who take the trip, summer study abroad programs have the ability to change their lives. Whatever your major, a summer spent studying abroad in a different country may help you become more conscious of and knowledgeable about the globe. Many college students who take part in study abroad programs develop lifelong friendships, and they frequently have the opportunity to connect not just with people in the nation they are visiting but also with people from all over the world who are taking part in the same program. If you often work in the summer, you might be able to find an internship program or include a work component in your summer study abroad program. It's becoming more and more common to study abroad for a semester or longer to complement your academic work with the opportunity to travel and experience a different culture.

Many students acquire a useful alternate perspective on how their field of study and industry function in another region of the world. Having an international viewpoint can be a unique and valuable asset in today's expanding global economy. Many Canadian colleges and institutions offer combined degrees and participate in international exchange programs. As a result, students can seamlessly include a semester or longer abroad without having to interrupt their course of study.

Study programs, which are typically short-term, are made available to individuals who are interested in exploring educational possibilities overseas. To allow students to complete a portion of their educational program in another nation, many universities, colleges, and schools actively promote cooperation with other institutions around the world. Such trade has clear advantages. Students widen their perspectives, discover new learning methods, get exposed to a different society, and learn a second language. A dual degree method is advantageous for many courses. A specific institution or geographic area may be an expert in a particular area of the course syllabus. It is a priceless opportunity to be able to study straight from the foremost expert in the world.




Every political agenda now includes discussions about educational reform. The finest solutions to reform the educational system are a continuing priority for the government. It is crucial to concentrate on higher education if one wants to become an economic force. It is frequently observed that somewhere in India, despite numerous changes, the quality of education is weak.

Primary education must always be prioritized. Every child's ability is established by it, sort of like a foundation stone. Its importance and relevance of it are on par with those of higher education. Primary education is more important because it emphasizes a student's overall development. Only if more pupils are admitted into elementary school will government expenditure on higher education be effective.

India's higher education system is of mediocre to poor quality. But there are a number of problems that need to be resolved.

The shortcoming of Indian higher education

PRIVATIZATION: This is the process that occurs when the government withdraws from any investment and more private companies begin to participate. Privatizing educational institutions is a terrible idea. The majority of people find that education is pricey. Institutions like IITs and IIMs charge exorbitant tuition. With pupils from the lower and middle classes, this is incredibly unfair. They must seek private institutions for high-quality information, but the prohibitive costs and donations stifle their aspirations.

TEACHING QUALITY: There are two main issues with teaching. First off, students do not favor entering this field because there are not enough stable jobs available. Several strikes by different teacher associations are now taking place. Second, there is a lack of training for teachers. Many times, they lack the necessary qualifications.

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: When discussing higher education, this query is frequently asked. Our nation invests very little in innovation and research. We are able to create satellites, but not weapons. Even though we have a very high unemployment rate, our country is dependent on other countries due to a lack of funding in this sector.

POLITICAL INTERFERENCES: Nearly all prestigious schools and universities have political influence on their governing bodies. Even students aren't prepared to leave this political cradle quite yet. This renders people careless when it comes to academics.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: The quota system is the topic of greatest contention. When it comes to promoting accurate and effective higher education, entrance exams or merit-based criteria should be used as the basis for admission. Although this positive discrimination strategy is intended to help a disadvantaged group, in practice, those in need are left defenseless. People with all available resources are benefiting.

GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT: State universities receive extremely few grants in comparison to other large countries. Disinvestments are to blame for the situation's steadily worsening state. Higher education organizations receive extremely minimal funding in several states, such as those in the northeast. In rural places, boosting higher education receives very little attention.

LESS FOCUS ON PRACTICAL KNOW-HOW: Practical knowledge is given relatively little attention. The humanities department in particular discourages students from engaging in any type of practical experiment. Project-based learning does not exist.




Comparison of educational costs in India and abroad

A comparison of the price of education in India and elsewhere One of the most crucial factors that parents and students weigh while choosing between studying in India or overseas is the cost of education. A study on The Value of Education: Costs vs. Quality has been developed by HSBC. According to the survey, among the 15 countries, India is one of the least expensive places to pursue a bachelor's degree, with Australia, Singapore, and the United States topping the cost rankings.

The study, which polled over 4,500 parents in 15 nations and territories, looks at how parents all around the world feel about and act in relation to their children's education.

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The average yearly cost of an undergraduate international student in India, including tuition and living expenses, is USD 5,642, of which USD 581 goes toward tuition. The most expensive option worldwide is Australia, which is a very popular study abroad location for Asian students, with an annual cost of USD 42,093. Next in line are Singapore ($39,229) and the United States ($36,564). According to the poll, international students must budget approximately USD 35,045 per year for their undergraduate studies and living expenses in the UK.

“Since the government heavily subsidizes the country's state-run colleges and the cost of living is cheaper for international students, education costs are lower in developing nations like India.”— Sanjiv Sud, head of wealth management and retail banking at HSBC India.

The USA tops the list globally in terms of quality. 4 out of 5 parents prefer their children to study abroad rather than in India, mostly due to the higher quality of instruction, increased exposure, and better job prospects abroad.

Despite the availability of loans, a parent must save a sizeable sum of money before they may send their child abroad for higher study. A parent should begin planning early; there are many savings solutions on the market for this purpose. I'll go into more detail on this in a subsequent piece.

Career benefits of studying  abroad

  • Being exposed to various teaching philosophies Studying abroad gives you the opportunity to explore various educational models, which is one of the main benefits.
  • Mix up your educational background. If you're still debating the benefits of studying abroad, you should know that you have a wide range of educational possibilities when you do so.
  • Improve your linguistic abilities you’ll get the opportunity to improve your language abilities, which is one of the main benefits of studying abroad. You will have the chance to study a foreign language, and what could be more beneficial than learning a language in its home country?
  • Create skill sets. You have the chance to discover new talents and abilities through international education, in the form of specialized skills like teamwork, problem-solving, time management, communication, reasoning, and decision-making.
  • Improve your employment prospects Including your international schooling on your CV will help you obtain a fantastic job! A student who has studied abroad is seen by an employer as having global skills and the capacity to operate more autonomously and responsibly.