
Mechanical versus diffused wastewater systems

By now you should have heard about mechanical and diffused wastewater aeration . But do you know the difference between the two? These are the main types of wastewater aeration that operate from a lagoon or the surface of a tank while diffused aeration operates from the bottom. Older aeration models are often mechanical aeration systems that have served their treatment plants reliably for years. The industry changes with new technologies and advancements. However, more plants continue to turn to diffused aeration systems.

 Choosing the right aeration system

Different wastewater treatment plants should priorities different goals and needs throughout the whole wastewater treatment process. The choice of industrial aeration systems that is right for your plant will depend on your tank or lagoon size, wastewater volume, efficiency requirements, wastewater composition, oxygen requirements, plant location and climate, capital cost goals, maintenance reduction goals, energy cost goals, and so on. Wastewater treatment facilities can satisfy most of these requirements at the same time when you choose an effective and high-quality system.

 Diffused aeration systems

Wastewater aeration forms an important part of the wastewater treatment process, especially the secondary treatment stage. It mixes oxygen with wastewater to allow aerobic bacteria to digest biosolids in the water. Aeration plays an important role during the activated sludge phase, where bacteria feed on organic matter to form flocks that settle out to form sludge.

The sludge then recirculates along with the bacteria to enhance further breakdown within the wastewater. The biological treatment systems provide an important tool for this process. They pump small quantities of less concentrated air into the liquid to provide a highly efficient aeration process.

 Pros of diffused wastewater aeration systems

Some of the pros of diffused wastewater aeration systems include more complete mixing from the bottom to the top, better efficiency, suitability for deeper tanks, low environmental impact, flexible design, low maintenance, easier blower management, lower long-term costs, durability and longevity, reliable performance in extreme weather conditions and safety.

 Cons of diffused aeration systems

Greater complexity, high capital cost, greater susceptibility to fouling, lower efficiency in shallow tanks, no portability and less effectiveness in harsh environments are some of the cons of diffused aeration systems.

 Mechanical wastewater aeration systems

Unlike diffused wastewater aeration systems, mechanical systems use propeller blades and rapidly rotating shafts rather than minuscule bubbles and flexible membranes. They allow for strong and localised mixing and a high localised dissolved oxygen concentration but lack some advantages and benefits that diffused aeration provides.

 Pros of mechanical aeration systems

Some of the pros of mechanical aeration systems include simplicity, strong mixing and oxygen transfer, portability, lower capital costs, greater efficacy in harsh environments and greater efficacy in shallow tanks.

 Cons of mechanical aeration systems

Some of the cons of mechanical wastewater aeration Sydney include localized mixing, lower aeration efficiency, difficult blower management, environmental impact, higher operational costs, more maintenance requirements, unpleasant odours, poor harsh weather performance, less efficacy for deep tanks, and less safety. This shows that diffused air aeration is the best choice because it has more pros and fewer cons. 
