
Michhami Dukkadam, Michchhami Dukkadam Meaning

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Thenextwired @thenextwireds · Aug 19, 2021

Michhami Dukkadam– is a prakrit phrase meaning ‘to be forgiven’ or ‘may all evil that has been done be forgiven’. Jai Jinendra. On this auspicious occasion of There are many priceless things on our earth. Out of all those things, mankind also understands its importance very well.

Michhami Dukkadam

A human being present on earth is such a creature, who has the power to feel or experience another person’s emotions, sorrow – pain, joy – sorrow, and many other types of things.

Also Read- Brahma Muhurta Time

This is the reason, that if someone says something bad to us, we feel very sad and then we start envying that person. Many times there are unconnected cracks in the big human relationship, it is because someone has hurt another person through some act or some other thing.

If the two people whose relationship breaks due to some reasons, if those two people apologize to each other or become sensitive towards each other, then such relationship can be avoided.


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