
Navara Rice Healthier and With Iron

When it comes to choosing the right kind of rice for your diet, you might be overwhelmed with the options available. However, if you're on the lookout for something that is not only nourishing but also has medicinal properties, Navara rice should be at the top of your list. Revered in Ayurveda as a healing grain, Navara rice has been cultivated in India for centuries and is renowned for its high iron content and its rich, nutty flavor.


Navara Rice – An Ancient Superfood

Navara rice is unique short-grain rice, which is native to Kerala, a southern state of India. The rice is often referred to as 'golden rice' not just for its color but for its esteemed place in health and wellness. It's a special kind of rice that is touted to have therapeutic properties, particularly in Ayurvedic medicine where it is used in treatments for arthritis, paralysis, and neurological disorders.


What makes Navara rice so special? It's packed with nutrients, especially high in iron and other minerals, and has been a staple diet for people in Kerala for its health benefits. This rice variety is also considered a good weaning food for babies due to its rich nutrient profile and easy digestibility.


Finding Navara Rice for Sale

In the past, sourcing this exotic grain could be a challenge unless you were in the regions where it is grown. Now, thanks to the internet and dedicated online stores, Navara Rice with High Iron is just a few clicks away. Ayush Arogyam, for example, offers authentic Navara rice that you can trust is of the highest quality.




Buy Navara Rice Online

Purchasing Navara rice online is convenient and ensures that you get the genuine product delivered straight to your door. When you choose to buy Navara rice from trusted online retailers like Ayush Arogyam, you can rest assured that you are getting a product that is pure and unadulterated.


When you navigate to the Ayush Arogyam website, you will find detailed product descriptions and usage instructions. This allows you to understand the rice’s benefits and how to incorporate it into your diet effectively. The ease of the process is clear: select the quantity you desire and with just a few more clicks, your order is placed, ready to be shipped to your doorstep.


Why Choose Navara Rice with High Iron

Iron is essential for many functions in the body, particularly for the formation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. An iron-rich diet is crucial for maintaining energy levels, improving muscle strength, and boosting immunity. Navara rice's high iron content makes it an ideal dietary addition for those looking to increase their iron intake naturally.


Navara Rice's iron content is beneficial for everyone, but especially for pregnant women, growing children, and those recovering from illness. Including this rice in your diet can help address iron deficiency and associated conditions like anemia.


Golden Rice Online: Not Just a Name

While 'golden rice' is a term also used for genetically modified rice enriched with beta-carotene, Navara rice is golden due to its natural nutritional profile. It's organic, non-GMO, and has a rich heritage that spans over centuries. When you buy golden rice online, particularly Navara rice, you're not just buying a commodity; you're investing in a tradition of health and wellness.


How to Incorporate Navara Rice in Your Diet

Navara rice can be used much like any other rice. However, it has a unique taste and texture that can enhance any dish. You can cook it plain and have it with a side of vegetables, or include it in recipes that call for rice. It makes for a hearty porridge and can be used in puddings for a nutritious twist on dessert. Remember that golden rice online takes a bit longer to cook than your regular white rice, so adjust the cooking times accordingly.


In Closing

If you are looking to enrich your diet with a nutritious grain that comes with a host of health benefits, buying Navara rice is a step in the right direction. With the convenience of purchasing Navara rice online, it’s easier than ever to incorporate this golden, iron-rich rice into your meals. Take the leap and discover the wholesome goodness of Navara rice – your body and taste buds will thank you.