
AUDITIONING FOR A JAPANESE HORROR FILM. Single leg deadlift into single leg

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AUDITIONING FOR A JAPANESE HORROR FILM. Single leg deadlift into single leg squat in reverse 215 lbs plus 52lb kettlebell. I value mobility and control over trying to lift more than you. #ankle mobility is a must right suppleleopard thompsonbowtie mobilitywod smashwerx yogatuneup thedavidweck ? #swingthis #kettlebell #mobilitytraining #kettlebells #kettlebellsnatch #muscle #mountainbike #legs #powerlifting #squats #muscle #cyclocross #legday #MTB #thickthighs #thicklegs #kettlebellworkout #singleleg #onnit #kettlebellsUSA #kettlebellkings #powerlifting #crossfit #kettlebells #cincinnati #Covingtonky #lovethecov #cincinnatifitness #gym #pistol #yoga #flexibility

* This article was originally published here
