
What is a ij.start.canon printer and their types?


Printer, also known as computer ij.start.canon printer is an electronic device that receives images or text files from computers and converts them onto a medium such as film or paper. It is connected directly to a computer or indirectly through networks. Printing machines are classified into impact printers (in which the medium of printing is physically hit) as well as non-impact printers.


The majority of impact ij.start.cannon printers are dot-matrix printers that have several pins in the print head which emerge to create a character. Non-impact printers are classified into three classes: laser printers utilize laser beams to draw toner onto an area of the paper; inkjet printers spray a stream of liquid ink. thermal printers transfer ink based on wax or utilize heated pins to directly print images on special paper.

Component of Computer

  • Hardware: The part of the physical of the computer we can feel and touch is referred to as hardware.
  • Input Device: A device that collects input data. Example- Keyboard, Mouse, Microphones, etc.
  • Output devices: the device which is utilized to output the output. Example- ij.start.canon Printer, Speakers, Monitors, etc.
  • Software A software program is a set or instructions on canon.com/ijsetup which the computer must complete.
  • Application Software: It's software that performs tasks required by users like word processing, for instance. Canon.com/ijsetup web browsers.
  • System Software: It's software that is designed to run hardware on computers and application programs. It includes programs like-Operating Systems, Language Translators, etc.

Qualities of Printers:

  • Coloured printers: Coloured ij.start.cannon printers may print both i.e black and white, as well as coloured. This is why coloured printers cost more than regular printers.
  • Resolution A printer's resolution is generally determined as dpi (dots for every inch). The most expensive printers have resolutions of 600 to 550 DPI.
  • Speed: To print an extensive number of documents it is essential to use speedy printers. This is why speed is a crucial aspect when it comes to printers.
  • Memory: Memory is an important element for printers since having sufficient memory will lead to better speed and higher performance.

Type Of Printers

Based on the printing method in addition to the standard of the prints produced Printers come in two main varieties:

Impact Printers

This ij.start.canon printer is able to work by direct contact using the ribbon of ink. It uses the same mechanism as of typewriters.

Examples: Daisy-Wheel Printers, Dot -Matrix Printers, Line Printers.

  • Daisy-Wheel Printers Daisy wheel printing refers to a mechanical printing technique. It's called daisy-wheel due to the fact that the mechanism of printing resembles an adolescent flower. Its speed is typically about 25-50 characters per second.
  • Dot-Matrix ij.start.cannon Printers Dot-Matrix Printers Dot-Matrix printers utilize Print heads that range from 9-24 pins based on the quality of print needed. 24 pin printers offer greater clarity than Dot-matrix printers with 9 pins. The more pins result in greater clarity. Most of the time, they are inexpensive and speeds range between 100-550 character per second.
  • Line Printers Line Printers (also known as line-at-a time printers) as the name implies, it is able to print the entire line in one go. Its speed ranges from 1000 to 6000 line-per-minute.

Non-Impact Printers

Non-Impact ij.start.cannon Printers don't need to touch the ribbon of ink to print documents. Maintaining Non-Impact printers is simpler than Impact ij.start.canon printers.

Example: Inkjet printers and Laser Printers.

Printing with Inkjets 

Printers that use inkjets are the most widely and extensively used printers in both the domestic and professional setting. It's popular because of its many advantages, and some drawbacks.


  • Capable of printing high-detail and photo-elastic prints.
  • Small footprints
  • Environment friendly
  • Compact Design
  • Versatile
  • Top Image Quality


  • More expensive per page than laser printers.
  • Less Reliable
  • Slow printing speed

Laser printers 

The Laser printer was invented by Xerox in the 1960s. Most laser printers utilize lights, photoreceptor belts along with photosensitive drums. When printing it scans the pages line-by-line. The most popular writing method is using black and white lasers that print content using black and white text.


  • More cost-effective as inkjet printers.
  • High speed printing.
  • Expandable with paper tray and finishes.
  • High-capacity paper.


  • Big footprints.
  • Use of high voltage.

LED Printers 

LED ij.start.canon Printers very like Laser Printers, but it employs LED instead of laser to produce images or pictures. LED printers are regarded to be more reliable and efficient as compared to laser printers.


  • Efficient
  • Reliable
  • More affordable than laser printers.