
What does it take to stand out in the music scene? According to Nineteen Media Group, it's all about brand authority.


418a622f1b7038f13d785e51559962ce.pngIn the words of the legendary Mr. Huxley, we live in a "Brave New World" when it comes to many aspects of our lives. Technology keeps us connected at a fast and profound rate, affecting the music industry. Artists can now produce world-class-level music from the comfort of their home studios and distribute their tracks to the world in just a click. While this is wonderful for the productivity and accessibility of music, it also creates a considerable problem: excessive competition. 


There are millions of artists out there trying to vie for their audience's attention. It can be challenging to stand out with so many musicians having something to say. Many artists and bands have found themselves in incredible frustration and hopelessness. It's taxing to spend countless hours working on music that you know is good but still won't reach the audience it deserves. Why does it happen? Many artists can't figure it out, and they end up putting fewer and fewer hours into their music while simultaneously exhausting their promotional efforts. Eventually, some of them might give up altogether, frustrated or discouraged by the feeling of not going anywhere. Putting music out there with little to no splash in fan interactions can be sad, especially when you know that your music is worthy of an audience.


In most cases, artists might miss out on one piece of the puzzle: developing their brand and telling powerful stories that connect with the audience and the media that might impact how artists expand their reach. Not only artists but also many independent record labels are struggling with such issues; few have been intentional about addressing issues with tangible and rewarding results. Enter Nineteen Media Group.




Two forward-thinking Swedish entrepreneurs, Julius Wallblom and Robin Csete have observed and studied these patterns purposefully, eventually bringing their own media company to life: Nineteen Media Group. Unlike a traditional record label, this agency enables artists with brand strategies and other media services that unlock their full potential and develop their presence and relevance in the digital era.  


When it comes to crafting artists' musical journeys, they also specialize in curating stories and pitching them to outlets, including major media platforms that might be interested in covering new artists. For example, Nineteen Media Group operates worldwide, and Julius and Robin are passionate about finding talented contemporary artists to assist in their budding careers. They understand that it is vital to aid artists in realizing their identity and showcasing their unique background––allowing them to further nuance their platform within a fast-paced industry. 


Some musicians might not be able to look at the bigger picture without an outside perspective. Still, Nineteen Media Group is all about taking a deep and insightful look at an artist's brand and finding the right angle to improve and finalize it. This is the key first step to finding a great audience. After all, one of the oldest concepts in marketing is that you can't sell anything well unless you know it. This applies to music as well! Once you fully understand the soul of an artist, it's easier to create a direct connection with the soul of the listeners.



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