
The Official Position of the SSPX on the Covid Vaccine

The Official position of the SSPX on the matter of vaccine produced/developed using cells from aborted babies in the different districts of the world





Is it Morally Permissible to Use the Covid-19 Vaccine?

DECEMBER 04, 2020


Moral Judgment according to the Principles Laid Down

Since some of the proposed vaccines were not prepared illicitly, they do not pose a moral problem for use from this point of view. They should therefore be preferred over others.

Those that have used a morally illicit preparation should be avoided as much as possible.

But what if, in a particular case, a person finds it necessary to be vaccinated and is unable to obtain a "licit" vaccine, having only an "illicit" vaccine available? This may occur for health reasons (vulnerable elderly person), or because of the professional situation (exposed medical personnel) or for professional reasons, such as traveling by plane. There is already at least one airline – Qantas in this case – which has warned that, as soon as vaccines are available, it will require vaccination to accept a passenger. It is very likely that this requirement will be quickly taken up by many airlines.

As cooperation is only distant, and the reason given is serious enough, it is possible in these cases to use such a vaccine. Moreover, it remains for each individual to judge, with the help of appropriate advice, this real need.

It must be clearly stated that we are here in the domain of a prudent judgment, which cannot be uniform for all and in all cases. Moral theology says what is lawful or unlawful. It gives the principles. But it is for personal prudence to judge their application on a case-by-case basis.

As for the considerations outside this question of the licitude according to the source and preparation of the vaccine, they are on the order of personal opinions. Like any opinions which cannot be absolutely proven, it is vain and impossible to want to impose them on everyone.

Everyone is free to have their opinion on the origin of Covid-19, on the way in which it has been managed in various places, on the vaccination policy of a particular country, on vaccination in general; but all these elements do not change the moral conclusion given here.


CONCLUSION: It is possible in certain circumstances to use a vaccine produced/developed using cells from aborted babies.





February 2021 - District Superior's Letter: Be not Afraid with their Fear

Coronavirus Vaccines

If we now apply this to the Coronavirus vaccines, we will see now that there are many different vaccines in production.  We know that the Government does not have the power to force me to take the vaccine. I must decide in accordance with my normal rules of action: right reason and God’s Law.

If the vaccine is not derived from a sinful source, the question is really one of prudence. To act prudently, I must have moral certainty that it is going to do more good than harm. I should consider the gravity of the disease. If I am at little risk from any serious consequences from the infection, it doesn’t seem proven that I should be immunised – particularly if the experts say that the vaccine does not stop infection or transmission but merely limits symptoms. If moreover, the vaccine is experimental and the side-effects are relatively unknown, I might well be puzzled.

If the vaccine is derived from a sinful source, and I consent to this evil, then to take this vaccine would be an evil act because, in such a case, I would be guilty of formal cooperation in evil.  Material cooperation (as explained above) is not intrinsically evil but requires a proportionate cause.  Supposing I need to take a vaccine, I should take the one that is not tainted by an abortion, as clearly there is no proportional cause for taking a tainted vaccine if I can take an untainted one. But, if I cannot take the untainted vaccine, I must ensure that my motives for taking it are serious enough to justify material cooperation.  In this – as in other cases of moral perplexity on a serious matter, I may do well to consult a wise priest.


CONCLUSION: It is possible in certain circumstances to use a vaccine produced/developed using cells from aborted babies.





Can I take the Covid-19 vaccine?

Rev. Robert Brucciani SSPX

Ite Missa est, January-February 2021


In light of these concrete circumstances, the vaccine developed from aborted foetal cells might be received without sin (a) by a member of the vulnerable group when no alternative vaccine is available and after protest or (b) if the penalty for refusing the vaccine is so onerous as to threaten personal or family livelihood and after protest.

CONCLUSION: It is possible in certain circumstances to use a vaccine produced/developed using cells from aborted babies.





Stefan Pfluger, District Superior

Stuttgart, February 12, 2021

In Germany, the Fraternity of Saint Pius X read the following statement from the pulpit in all its priories, to clarify its position on coronavirus vaccines:

“For two weeks, on the topic of the coronavirus vaccine, texts have been circulating that have caused problems among the faithful. What is true in the statements contained in these texts and what is false?

It is true that there are medical reasons to be sceptical of vaccines of a new and insufficiently tested kind.

What is wrong, however, is to say that it is a sin to get vaccinated, whatever the circumstances.

The claim that it is never permissible to get vaccinated, at the cost of losing your home, job or even your life, has no theological foundation. Those who claim this omit the necessary distinctions and rely on unproven claims. In other words, it is permissible to be vaccinated for proportionate reasons.


CONCLUSION: It is possible in certain circumstances to use a vaccine produced/developed using cells from aborted babies.




Cardinal Janis Pujats, Metropolitan archbishop emeritus of Riga

+ Tomash Peta, Metropolitan archbishop of the archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana

+ Jan Pawel Lenga, Archbishop/bishop emeritus of Karaganda

+ Joseph E. Strickland, Bishop of Tyler (USA)

+ Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana

December 12, 2020

One who uses these vaccines must realize that his body is benefitting from the “fruits” (although steps removed through a series of chemical processes) of one of mankind’s greatest crimes….

What else can a vaccine derived from fetal cell lines be other than a violation of the God-given Order of Creation? For it is based on a serious violation of this Order, through the murder of an unborn child. Had this child not been denied the right to life, had his cells (which have been further cultivated several times in the lab) not been made available for the production of a vaccine, they could not be marketed. We therefore have here a double violation of God’s holy order: on the one hand, through the abortion itself, and on the other hand, through the heinous business of trafficking and marketing the remains of aborted children. Yet, this double disregard for the divine Order of Creation can never be justified, not even on the grounds of preserving the health of a person or society through such vaccines…

Vaccines derived from the cells of cruelly murdered unborn children are clearly apocalyptic in character and may possibly foreshadow the mark of the beast (see Rev. 13:16)….

Some churchmen in our day reassure the faithful by affirming that receiving a Covid-19 vaccine derived from the cell lines of an aborted child is morally licit if an alternative is not available. They justify their assertion on the basis of “material and remote cooperation” with evil. Such affirmations are extremely anti-pastoral and counterproductive, especially when one considers the increasingly apocalyptic character of the abortion industry, and the inhuman nature of some biomedical research and embryonic technology. Now more than ever, Catholics categorically cannot encourage and promote the sin of abortion, even in the slightest, by accepting these vaccines….


+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

January 14, 2021

“On closer inspection, the innocent babies aborted in the third month of pregnancy to produce vaccines really do seem to form a sort of human sacrifice with which to propitiate the infernal powers, in a terrifying parody that only the wicked can pretend not to see.”


CONCLUSION: It is never possible in any circumstances to use a vaccine produced/developed using cells from aborted babies.