
7 Foreplay Tips for Couples

Foreplay is a great way to spend intimate time, enjoying each others bodies and discovering what your partner likes. Put some effort into it, and you won't regret it!
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Emily Gray @emilygray · Oct 3, 2008 · edited: Nov 21, 2009

Foreplay is a great way to spend intimate time, enjoying each others bodies and discovering what your partner likes. Put some effort into it, and you won't regret it!


  72ca626d1f3134eb8511ef4bab6ed6d9.jpgfore * play:


- sexual stimulation, usually as a prelude to sexual intercourse,
- mutual sexual fondling prior to sexual intercourse,
- erotic stimulation preceding sexual intercourse


Foreplay is an important part of any woman's sex life. While men enjoy it as well, it tends to be the woman who needs the "pre play" to really get the most out of the experience. Of course, we enjoy a quickie now and then, but it's that prolonged, teasing foreplay that really gets us in the mood and anticipating what is to come.

Foreplay games - any woman knows how important foreplay is, yet so often our man just doesn't seem to get it, no matter how often you say it, or hint at it. So, many of us give up, take what we can get and enjoy it, but feel like something is missing, that it could be so much more. Am I right?

Fortunately, it doesn't have to be like that. Here are some tips to try to give him ways to give her the foreplay she needs.

For the men:

  1. Make it part of the whole evening, or the whole day. If you are going out for dinner or a movie, try touching her, flirting with her and treating her like a sexy, irresistible woman throughout the evening. Hold her hand, rub your hand along her thigh, nibble her ear, whisper to her how much you want her. Those little affectionate attentions will add up as the evening goes along, and make her feel sexy and wanted.
  2. Send her sexy messages. Send her a text, an email, leave her a little note. Tell her you want her, mention what you want to do to her. Women love sweet messages that let her know you are thinking of her.
  3. Compliments, compliments, compliments. But they must be sincere! Do you like how she looks? Tell her. Does her hair look good? Tell her. Do those jeans fit her real nice? Tell her! She likes to hear that you like how she looks, how she sounds, how she feels.
  4. Kiss her. Really kiss her. Not just a peck, but a sensual, slow kiss. Put your heart and your lust into it!


For the women:

  1. Tell him what you like. Do you like to be teased? Do you like to be licked? Tell him. Ask him to do it. Asking is okay, and you may be surprised at how eager he is to do it!
  2. Show him. Guide his hand, his head. Show him how you like to be touched, caressed. Show him how slow or fast and where.
  3. Give him quickies. This doesn't mean give him quickies every time, but don't be afraid to give him quickies sometimes. If he is willing to give you the attention and foreplay you want, it's only fair to give him what he wants too. Not only that, but you may find you love them as well!



Emily Gray is a Romance Expert with Romantic-Couples-Games.com. Visit the site to find more sexy tips and games to spice things up with your partner. Check out her Spark Your Romance eZine to find out more about how to spice up your love life.