“What you think, you become.
What you feel, you attract.
What you imagine, you create.”
– Gautama Buddha
A boy whose parents were divorced. They both had separated. The boy lived with his mother. He remembers being away from his father like a nightmare. At the same time, he was also beaten up in school. Due to which he was injured. The boy was very introvert. He had very focused thinking.
But despite all this, he kept thinking only and only about humanity. An idea came in his mind that why not make life multi-planetary. So that human civilization can never end.
He started seeing Mars as the second home of man. Simultaneously, he started collecting information about rocket science by himself. After reading books, he gathered all the information with the help of Wikipedia and Encyclopedia. After that he wanted to start his own company.
But the biggest problem before him was money. He did not have enough funds. He wanted the rocket to come back to Earth safely. There should be no damage to the rocket. For this he went to Russia. But he did not get any help even from Russia. No one believed his idea. But he firmly believed in his Thought.
He is none other than the richest man in the world, Elon Musk. Now his company is touching new milestones of success. All this has been possible only because of one thought. His thoughts and his attention were positive. His thoughts are only and only about humanity. He wants to do good to humanity. With this thought of his, he gets the power to get up in the morning and work. Positive thoughts are their main source of energy.
Our body is like a car and our mind is like a driver. Who controls that car. Similarly our body is the slave of thoughts. It depends on us whether we adopt positive thoughts or negative thoughts. Beautiful thoughts awaken the beauty within us. Unlawful or negative thoughts create disease in the body.