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奇跡も魔法もないけれど – 咲 Although Miracles and Magic Don't Exist – Saki
奇跡も魔法もないけど Miracles and magic don't exist
夢よりももっと素敵な「今」が But a “now” more beautiful than a dream
ずっと続くよう願ってうたうよ Seems like it will continue on. I'll hope and sing!
虹の始点を目掛けて走った We ran towards the starting point of a rainbow
ぼくらの「ハジマリ」はずっと Our “beginning” became
遠くなってしまった Very far away
気付かないうちに Before we even realize it
大人になっていくけど We grow up
僕らのゴールはまだまだ先のまま Our goal is still ahead
変わっていく世界に取り残された Left behind by this changing world
途切れた足跡の先一歩踏み出して Take a single step forward at the end of these cutoff footprints
奇跡も魔法もないけど Miracles and magic don't exist
僕らは手を取り合って But with our hands held together
描いていける 「想像」を 「本当」に The “imaginary” image we're able to draw
変えていくんだよ Will change into “reality”
偶然が巡り合わせた A chance meeting came around
夢よりもずっと素敵な Let's have faith and gather up a “now”
「今」をずっと重ねていこうね 信じて That is more beautiful than a dream
夢を描いて閉じ込めたノート A dream drawn on a note sealed away
誰かが笑った将来を神様はどう思ってるの? What is God thinking of this future where someone laughed?
君は一人で涙を五線譜の上 Your tears were arranged
並べていたんだね On five line sheet music
ぼやけた夢の間で During a blurry dream
変われない自分も変わらない君も You unchanging, and me unable to change
途切れた夢の続きはいつでも始められる The continuation of this cutoff dream can start at any time
奇跡も魔法もないけど Miracles and magic don't exist
僕達は出会えたんだ And yet we were able to meet.
溢れていく 「夢」と「希望」と「好き」が These overflowing “dreams” and “hopes” and “likes”
止まらないんだ Don't stop
必然が巡り合わせた An inevitable meeting came around
「今」よりももっと素敵な一秒を重ねていこう Lets gather up a single second more beautiful than “now”
このせかいで In this world
星屑の四重奏 彩るシンセサイザー Stardust quartet, colored synthesizer
僕らの歌声は響いていますか? Is our singing resonating?
暗闇を裂いて Cut through the darkness
その手に込めたオモイが照らし出すよ The thoughts buried in that hand will shine bright
手を伸ばして Reach out your hand
奇跡も魔法もないけど Miracles and magic don't exist
僕らは手を取り合って But with our hands held together
描いていける 「想像」が  The “imaginary” image we're able to draw
「本当」になっていくんだよ Will become “reality”
アナタが巡り合わせた We met by chance
夢よりももっと素敵な「今」がずっと A “now” more beautiful than a dream
続くよう願って うたうよ Seems like it will continue on. I'll hope and sing!
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