
How Cloud-Based Logistics Solutions Can Drive Profitability For Your Logistics Business



Logistics Service Providers have taken the help of technology to make day-to-day operations manageable. All LSPs have benefited greatly from the adoption of technology. With all the gains are known about Logistics Management Software, there are still several skeptical logisticians who avoid technology for reasons ranging from complexity to cost-inefficiency. Logistics requires multi-level and multi-stakeholder coordination at various stages of the operation. Hence, cloud services are the best bet for keeping all stakeholders updated all the time.


Due to the growing adoption rates of cloud-based software for logistics, it is only wise to get on board to fetch the benefits. Here we enlist some of the advantages of using a cloud-based solution.


Cloud-based software is reliable 
With traditional logistics software, data is usually stored on laptops, USB drives, or portable hard drives. If any of the media is corrupt or stolen, it causes losses that may be non-irreversible. In the time-sensitive world of logistics, data loss means delays and damages in several resources from time, revenue and reputation. When you use web-based logistics solutions like Logi-Sys, your data is stored on secure, always-updated, backed-up daily enterprise-class servers in a state-of-the-art, highly-secure data center. Safe storage means you don't need to additionally spend on securing data.


Everything together in one place 
A key advantage to web-based software is that all your data is centralized and accessible over any Internet-enabled device at any time. Specialized Logistics solutions offer the reduced need for multi-software, leading to ease of management and lower cost of maintenance. Earlier, significant man-hours were spent to collate data that was stored on disparate software. Speedy access to data and reports means you could do away with multiple software for the same purpose. Cloud-based solutions resolve this problem and compile reports panning multiple functions. 


Your data is automatically backed up daily
What's better than a backup? Multiple backups, of course. Your organization's data on the cloud are stored in multiple locations for additional redundancy. With multiple levels of backups, you don't stand to lose your data. The prevalent data leaks could put a burden on the company, if not paid heed to. Along with data backup, you are also provided an audit log in the application for monitoring data activities for each of the functions. Data integrity is thus kept intact. The costs of securing your data are saved thus enhancing profitability.


Everyone you trust has access to the data
Since everyone you work with logs into the same centralized account, you have a single database No more worrying about who has the latest information: Everyone has it. You can set limits of credit to particular customers and even set access to resources to undergo approvals before confirmation. Pre-defined limits allow you to keep close control of the cash flow.


Reports consolidated across functions

Visibility into your business functions is required to be able to monitor the performances closely. This accessibility is provided to the important stakeholders via intuitive reports. Along with profit and loss statements, a cloud solution also generates reports like job profitability, all receivables, and payables across all modes of transport. Tight control on the operations and other function's performance is paramount when you wish to strategize and allocate finances wisely.

In your quest to find a worthy logistics solution, Logi-Sys is the ultimate logistics software solution. Logi-Sys has been developed by Softlink Global who is the global leading software provider for the Freight Forwarding, Logistics, and Supply Chain industry. 


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