
How did you find out that you had breast cancer?

Breast cancer treatment in India

A regular breast self-exam is important and useful in detecting any early signs of breast cancer in women. It is said that around 40% of women discover their breast cancers themselves. Any change in the shape or size of your breasts can be a possible outcome of tumor development in the breast or any hormonal change in the body or any injury. 


If you see a lump in your breasts, bring it to your doctor’s notice immediately. And not just a lump, also look for any fluid coming out of your nipple may be in the form of milk, yellow fluid, blood, or any discharge. Other symptoms associated with breast cancer include a change in the shape or size of the breast, flattened nipple, persistent pain, or lump in your armpit. 


What is Breast Cancer?


Breast cancer is a group of cancerous cells that start in the cells of the breast and invade surrounding tissues or spread to other parts of the body. It is the growth of abnormal cells which grows uncontrollably. Breast cancer usually begins in the small, confined area in the glands that produce milk or the milk duct which carries it to the nipple. It may grow larger and spread to lymph nodes and other parts of body organs. 


The breast cancer treatment in India is assigned depending on the diagnosis and how unique it is to your condition. 


Symptoms of breast cancer:


  • Swelling in the breast area
  • Change in the shape of the breast
  • Skin irritation or dimpling
  • Pain in the breast or nipple
  • Discharge from the nipple (except the milk)
  • Redness or thickness of the nipple or breast skin


Here we have taken examples from real-life women you have experienced breast cancer share their symptoms that led to the doctor and ultimately a diagnosis. All have to say is that trust your gut, and get anything suspicious checked by your doctor. 


  • I noticed what felt like a frozen pea in my armpit


During a breast self-exam routine, Brittany Whiteman felt a tiny lump. That didn’t hurt but felt like a frozen pea in her armpit. She immediately brought this to her doctor’s notice who called her for an examination at the clinic. After imaging and biopsy, it was declared a sign of breast cancer at the age of 24. Hence, from her experience, she suggests you to keep monitor changes in your body. 


  • I had a fever and difficulty breastfeeding:


Melissa Thompson from Connecticut was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had difficulty breastfeeding and even had a fever. The tumor was blocking her milk ducts. She was diagnosed with breast cancer stage III at the age of 32, five weeks after she delivered her baby. 


  • My breast looked a little pink:


One time when Jennifer Cordts was taking a shower, she noticed a pale pinkness on her breast just below the nipple that looked like a sunburn or a rash. She went to her doctor who said that it was not a concern and barely noticeable. He recommended buying more fit bras as this was the reason her breast got rashes. 


Later, it started paining a lot in the back and still the doctor said it is nothing of a concern, she did mammography but the report came out to be normal. 


After consulting a lot of doctors, a surgeon specialist suggested going for a biopsy and sonogram, where she was diagnosed with Stage IV Inflammatory breast cancer in her breast, bones, and liver. Women know her body best. She suggests that if you feel anything unusual bring it to the notice of your doctor. Today her cancer is incurable. Listen to your gut rather than what doctors say as all doctors were like, it is nothing of concern. 


  • It felt like there was a marble in my breast:


One day, Erin Scheithe felt a lump in her left breast near the nipple, which seemed to be the size of a marble. This was something different and a hard lump. She knew it was breast cancer and she went to see her doctor. She got her mammography and biopsy done. Which all came negative. Still, she wasn’t relieved with the test. At later stages, she felt the lump had grown over time. She asked to remove the lump and was told stage 2, aggressive triple-negative breast cancer. She had a breast cancer gene which is also called BRCA-1 positive. She recommends listening to your body first. 


  • I found a lump:


Stef Woods, felt a lump while she was getting dressed. So, she scheduled for a mammogram test at the age of 35. Her mom also passed away in 1997 because of cancer. The reports diagnosed she had breast cancer at stage zero. Later, she underwent chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and numerous surgeries and now after 6 years, she is cancer-free. 


It is so very important to listen to your body. Your body signals you for unusual happenings inside. Don't panic, self-examination is the first step in detecting early signs of breast cancer. The best treatment for breast cancer in India is assigned depending on the diagnosis and how unique it is to your condition. The breast cancer treatment in India is the most advanced and lowest in cost compared to other nations around the world.