
How the Trump administration got into a showdown with Iran that could lead to war

Feedburner • July 1, 2019, 8:22 pm
Sergei Chirikov/Pool via REUTERS; GOL/Capital Pictures/MediaPunch/AP Democratic lawmakers have expressed concern about a potential war with Iran amid rising tensions between Washington and…
Fast Company • July 3, 2019, 9:00 am
A checklist for how to let someone go humanely, and how to set the rest of the team up for success. Editor’s Note: Each week, Fast Company presents an advice column by Maynard Webb, former CEO of…
Entrepreneur • July 3, 2019, 1:50 pm
He is best known for helping launch the Ford Mustang in the 1960s and for reviving Chrysler under his leadership and saving it from bankruptcy in the 1980s.
