
Simple Ways To Implement Automated Sms Verification In Android

rent phone number

There are a variety of ways to do the verification process in an Android application. As mobile developer we have learned that the most efficient ways is using sms verification service. Since we all know most mobile phone users have a phone number for their phone.


But, input the code that we received from SMS is not user-friendly. The user must view all messages sent to the phone to see the code and return to the application to enter the code. As mobile app developers, we must be able to understand mobile app development, we will need "something" to be able to read the messages and automatically fill in the appropriate fields.


There are many methods of filling out the OTP field without having to manually. One option is to listen to the message on our phone with READ_SMS permission. Google specifically prohibits using this permission due to security reasons. You can find the complete explanation here. Whenever you want a useful content about phone verification service, browse around here.


Since we're not able to utilize the read SMS permission anymore, Google has given some other choices to implement automatic SMS verification with the SMS Verification API. This includes automated and one-tap SMS verification. Let's learn more about them and how we can use them into our mobile app development.


Automated SMS Verification

Automatic SMS verification method is the most efficient method of completing the sms blast. Because, users don't have to perform any actions and simply remain patient until the verification process has been completed. Also, it doesn't require any permission, but you must ensure that you meet these requirements:


Messages transmitted to the device should not exceed 140 bytes.


The message must include an unique number that the user has to forward to server.


Message must contain an 11-character hash string.


Let's start to implement SMS verification in our application!




This only works in Android devices running play service version 10.2 or later.


Import Collection


These libraries can be incorporated into the Gradle application of your application to allow the SMS Retriever API.


Get a Phone Number


There are numerous methods to find the user's number. The most efficient method Google suggests is to use the hint picker.


Start SMS Retriever


After you have got the phone number of the user Then you're in a position to launch the SMS Retriever to listen to any SMS with the unique string used to identify your application for up 5 minutes.


The User's number should be sent to the Server


Then, you should provide the user's mobile number to the server for triggering the verification process. The server will send an SMS with the one-time code as well as a unique string that will identify the app.


Get Confirmation Text Message


When a client's phone receives any message containing a unique string, SMS Retriever API will broadcast the message with SmsRetriever.SMS_RETRIEVED_ACTION intent. To receive the verification message, you'll require an broadcast receiver.


Send your OTP code to your server


If you've received the email containing the one-time code, you can use regex or other logic to decode the code in the message. Then, you can send that code back to the server.


One-tap SMS Verification


We've already discussed ways to implement Automatic sms blast on the other hand. This will be a huge benefit to us, as Android developers, in developing our mobile apps. Another option is to join Google.