
How Can Thyroid Cause Hair Loss – Everything You Need To Know

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Amit @Amit37 · Apr 25, 2023

To understand how the thyroid cause hair loss, we need to understand the connection between the thyroid glands with the hair on our head. 

A thyroid gland is aggravated when it produces too many hormones or doesn’t produce them at all. The two conditions are called Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism. 

  • Hyperthyroidism is the overactive gland that causes side effects like weight loss and anxiety and leads to thyroid problem cause hair loss.
  • Hypothyroidism is the underactive gland that causes side effects like weight gain and weakness. 

The common condition seen as a side effect in both the stages of the glands is hair thinning and hair loss. Hair tends to become brittle, which leads to split ends and breakage.