


A fictional story. 


Trigger warning:  some parts of this story have qualities resembling a puzzle.  You can take on the puzzle aspects or ignore them, according to your taste. 




As proud as I am that I finished my degree in psychology when I was pregnant with Jeremy, I have to admit that the degree has never helped me much in one area – understanding my son. 


Actually, the book-knowledge also didn’t help me much when his father left me.  He reacted to me being pregnant and studious by taking up with a young woman from the local McDonald’s, of all places.  I could never be the party animal she was, and I guess it’s a good thing, because afterward, I sure had to soldier on, keeping body and soul and house and diapers together during the divorce-maternity.  But anyway, Jeremy’s father, shall we say, wasn’t deep. 


Jeremy, now that’s another story – he’s deep.  Scary deep. 


Maybe he takes after his mom, but I don’t think I’m that deep either. 


He could always come up with the most amazing stuff when he was a kid, and he ran around drawing inventions on scraps of paper.  I’ll never forget the curry-comb that had half the spines removed, and the rest minutely sheathed in duct-tape.  The dog didn’t shed for a month after that.  Too bad the sticky-fuzzy porcupine could only be used once. 


But lately, I’ve been worried.  He’s been ever more morose, and kind of – ashen-looking.  Ever since he was about fourteen.  Now he’s seventeen and his grades have been mediocre – it’s not like him.  I know the smarts are there.  He spends a LOT of time on the laptop and his phone.  Way too much – but I suppose that’s how kids are these days.  Anyway, you read all these stories about teens committing suicide.  I decided that if I couldn’t understand him with my motherly psychologist questions – he absolutely hates those – I’d have to resort to another profession. 




Strangely, just at the time I hatched my espionage plot, though, Jeremy suddenly started looking a lot better.  My hints that I’d like some feedback about this are getting nothing back but hand-waves.  I mean, he has friends, a few, but he never dates, so if he’s fallen in love … oh now, that’s a scary thought – it might be with someone online.


What if he’s gay and there’s some 50-year-old creep out there sweet-talking him out of the closet and into his bedroom?   Or if he’s straight-but-shy and some fast-talking 30-year-old is chatting him up when she already has half the viruses that zip around the fast lane.  I don’t even know if he has tinder, or grindr – he’s not allowed to, and he knows it, but you know teens.  He watches his phone like an eagle – my hand never gets within a foot of it. 


I’ve asked my friend Andreas, our systems guy at the institute, to fix me up with something on the sly.  He says he has just the device – when Jeremy goes out sometime with his friends, he can quickly open up the laptop and wire it in.  It’ll broadcast to my computer on an encrypted frequency, he says, which he’ll put the decoder for into my system.  I’ll be able to see everything that comes up on the screen when I run his program. 


Andreas should NOT know how to do anything like that.  But I’m not asking questions. 


This is all about getting answers. 


**** three weeks later ****



This is SO scary.  I’ve been monitoring Jeremy on the sly for two nights now and it’s been nothing but homework and endless videos and games.  I can’t believe such a brilliant mind could endure the tedium!  Shooting bizarre monsters and listening to yobs yukking it up about how THEY can shoot up the monsters.  I don’t know this kid at all.  And if he catches me trying to, I probably REALLY won’t know him at all.  He’ll take off.  I’m committing treason here … I don’t know how I could do this.  Mother or not, this goes beyond due diligence.  Lenore Skenazy would pull my hair! 


I think it’s my psychology side taking over.  I’m doing a study that would never make it through the ethics committee.  I should be kicked out of the … wait, what’s this? 


What the bejayzus is this? 


“Virtual Holodeck for non-offending MAPS”


I’m totally lost.  What’s a MAP?  Oh, wait.  


Something in that lecture by that guy from Toronto … Cantor … ‘minor-attracted person’… Shit almighty – sorry about my language, but shit … my son?  I could shut the wifi off right now!   No, no, I need to know.  He might kill himself and I’d have sat around doing nothing.  He might molest a kid – maybe he’s already … well, hold on, it does say ‘non-offending.’ 


I’m looking at a big screen divided into four columns, and in the top of each column there’s a message in two languages. 


Holomaster Jasper:  Welcome to the NOMAP Holodeck!  ta-dehvad-nenvad nen ta-yehetmehtamtám neen-ipter-gward!


There are lines of dialogue popping up in the left column. 


Dragonsweat4:  Who’s here? 

Aussielad: Wombat1.

Lostboy25: Jeremy here.

Holomaster Jasper:  Jeremy! We don’t use I.R.L. identifying information here … Do you want to use a fantasy name?

Lostboy25: sorry, forgot.  Toku. 

Dragonsweat4: An anime boy, fun!

Lostboy25: lol



Well, caught him at just the right moment!  Lostboy25 – ouch.  And I.R.L.?   Where’s my urban dictionary tab?   Ohh, ‘in real life.’  As for ‘holodeck,’ I remember that one all by myself, from Star Trek.  A high tech room where fantasies took form, and you could touch them and make life-like characters.  I guess the ‘virtual holodeck’ isn’t quite THAT fancy. 


My boy is in there.  This could get a lot stranger.  I’m shaking all over.  I oughtta go drag him out by the ear for the safety of both of us! 


But then – fuck! – I’d never know. 


A whole lot more names are signing in!  Dozens of them!  Now the top of every column is lighting up with text!


Holomaster Jasper:  Okay, first, the usual announcements. These are very important.  This a room for legal fantasy, based on the idea that ALL fantasy is legal AS LONG AS YOU DON’T IMPLEMENT IT IRL.  This room is also based on the principle of NOT SCARING PEOPLE INTO THINKING YOUR FANTASIES WILL BE IMPLEMENTED IRL.  That’s why we have our own virtual language for purely virtual thoughts. 


ALL SEXUAL AND FANTASY CONTENT IS TO BE IN HOLODECKESE.  Some people like to make screenshots, and our language is your, and our, best protection.  You can use English or another language for unrelated chat, like the weather, but if anyone is caught producing a fantasy with any sexual overtones in a terrestrial language that any of us mods can read, you will be kicked out for the night.  Repeated offenses will lead to banning by any means we can scratch up, VPN or no.  Don’t be afraid to look up words.  The wordlist is just a click away, and the search blank is built in.  We have the abbreviation ‘glu,’ ‘gotta look up,’ to explain a quick wordlist pause.  Use it!


As this apparently standard message was appearing in English in the left column, it was appearing in translation in French in the next one, then in Spanish, then in German.  I could see that if I rolled right, I’d find more columns and more languages that were now off screen. 


Holomaster Jasper:  Now:  Every single person here, repeat this after me, typing it in:


Holomaster Jasper: “I swear and declare that any fantasy put forward here today by me or by anyone I am reading will never be implemented by me IRL if it involves a legal minor.”


Holomaster Jasper: Exception: If you’re in a situation where your fantasies would be legal for you, like in a close-in-age exemption to an age of consent, that doesn’t apply. 


Holomaster Jasper: Everyone who doesn’t input that credo will be removed by the program. Go!


There was a pause while dozens of people typed in the declaration. 


Holomaster Jasper:  Thank you, or for those already fantasizing, iuuriuur! I’m now live. To separate fantasy from reality in Holodeckese, remember everything done, or conjectured, or projected in reference to the real world has to contain the syllable ‘irl,’ which would be pronounced like ‘earl’ if we ever said it out loud. See the pocket-grammar.  It often comes after the main word in active verbs, and otherwise comes before the word.  sumbesmin-irl-iakiák iam? Meaning, of course, do you all understand the importance in real life of what I’m saying?  sumbesmin-iakiák iam? ‘Do you all understand me’ in fantasy world.  Easy. 


Holomaster Jasper: Speaking of words, tonight’s one-time pad shows the crypto words for today.  If you attempt to use any other words in any language known to our system for these concepts, including slang, you will find they are blocked.  If not, report the problem to me.  OK, ready?  The ‘outsie’ organ usually considered male is ‘teng.’  The insie organ usually considered female is ‘psang.’  The upper double organ, female, is ipepam, singular ipep.  The second excretion verb is zhasp.  The insie organ associated with it is ‘uupan.’ The first excretion verb is ‘iaukla.’  The climax excretion verb, male, is ‘tepmen.’  The female culmination is ‘ieptrsh.’  Copy those or reference them on the click-up one-time pad.  Previous one-time words for these concepts will be blocked by the system.  All other words today are from the general list. 


Holomaster Jasper: Anyone feeling depressed, troubled or suicidal! –  you are especially welcome! Go to column 17 and you’ll find a counselor speaking English; column 18 French, Spanish and Portuguese; column 19 to request other languages.  You still need to use Holodeckese if you’re discussing sexual fantasy material, unless you’re too emotional to handle it.   If you have legal problems and want, let me stress, tentative advice, go to column 20 for USA, 21 for UK, Australia and English Canada, 22 for France, Québec, Wallonie, Romandie and Réunion, 23 for others.  And don’t ask me where the ‘F’ Réunion is.  I have no idea.


Creolemambista:  Indian Ocean. 


Holomaster Jasper: Thank you!  OK, remember, keep it simple in your chats if you’re with people who are new or fairly new.  Every noun can be a verb by adding ‘va’ to the front.  Every verb is a noun if you add ‘ba.’  Every word becomes a descriptive if you add ‘ta.’  Adjective, adverb, all the same!  A finger – ipnax.  To finger or poke or stroke someone – va-ipnax.  Finger-like – ta-ipnax.   


Holomaster Jasper: OK!  Experienced people who have teams or friends lined up, pick a column and start your chats.  Overlaps will bump right.  Group chat in English stays here with my buddy HoloKangaroo in column 1.  Our n00bie-neppies like my friend Toku here, all of you take five minutes to look over the wordlist and the basic grammar sheet before you get started – focus on what you’re interested in.  Then meet me in Column 2.  Don’t get stressed.  You’re here because you either have the brains for this, or else you’re so horny that the dormant 80% of your brain cells are all firing!  And that’s good.  We’ve all learned at least one full language – a few extra words for hawt fantasies aren’t hard!  To make it easier, hover on any Holodeckese word you see in print, other than the one-time pad words, and the meaning will pop up. 


My baby was certainly being noticed by these strange people!  But they seemed to be looking after him.  He’d made his decisions, however weird and disastrous, and I needed to understand them.  Hang in there, mom, and shut up.  Oh, man – that’s tough to do.  Shit. 


Surely he didn’t speak ‘Holodeckese.’  His Spanish grades have been atrocious. 


If he does speak it, I’ll be totally lost.  Oh wait.  Oh, this is a godsend.  His screen is bringing up the wordlist and he’s scrolling through.  He’s studying! That means I can do some grabbing on the way by.  To work! I can make screenshot after screenshot – paste them quickly into this Word document … hard to keep up … it does go on and on … and on … oh and now the ‘grammar tips.’  Good lord. 


I’m pasting in a little chunk here. 




Add your pronouns to the end of the main word in active verbs. In other situations, they stand alone. 


iam – I

+ the verb yehet, to like or be attracted by (in fantasy)


yehetiam – I like/ I am attracted by


iak – you (one person)

zotamam yehetiak?  - what sort of persons do you like?  (‘tam’ – person; ‘zo’ – makes a question-word: ‘specify’)   

yehetiam iak! – I’m attracted to you!  yehetiak iam? – Are you attracted to me?


ias – he, she, singular-they, or it (Your basic ‘third person.’  There are add-on pronouns for stressing any gender, like iask-neh, ‘she,’ iask-hoh, non-binary, iask-ik, ‘he’)


Plurals just double the singular, with stress at the end


iamiám – we -- don’t worry about the accent mark if the character isn’t in your basic keyboard

yehetiamiám zulam – ‘we like feet’

yehetiakiák iamiám?  - ‘do you guys like us?’

sapweishiamiám yehetiasiás iamiám – add verb ‘sapweish,’ want or wish.  ‘We want them to like us.’ (We want they like us).    

ipterixiakiák yehetiam ias? – add verb 'ipter,' to see, and also 'ix' - no or not.  'Don't you guys see that I am attracted to him/her/them?'


For possessive, add ze

    • ix mayoadiak iamze zulam – Don’t (‘no you’) smell my feet – verb ‘mayoad’ – smell
    • yehetiam William ze zulam gu iask-ikze swenam – I like William’s feet and his hands – ‘gu’ – and, ‘swen’ a hand, ‘swenam’ plural.


Note: you can say yehetiam iasze swenam – I like his/her/their hands, but to stress William’s maleness as being hawt, iask-ikze swenam is hawter.


It did go on.  Guess that can’t be helped with a language, I was thinking.  I’m totally swamped, but at least I have screenshots of all the cheat sheets.  Maybe I can figure it out later if Jeremy actually says something in this weird space gibberish.  I’ll pop the most relevant bits into a small file I can toggle back and forth to.  Computer mom!! 


No time to think! 


I can see Jeremy’s now in column 2 with the big boss and a bunch of others. 


Holomaster Jasper:  We can all have a really easygoing group chat here for beginners, but I know some of you will probably feel you’re ready to pair off.  Does anyone want to find a pair match? 


Jeremy was one of the ones who said they did.  Oh boy.  This is going to be interesting. 


It wasn’t long before the boss got to my boy. 


Holomaster Jasper:  Toku, zotarg inztag latam yehetiak?  Do you understand me? 


Lostboy25: Dehe glu


I saw a pop-up come up on the right of Jeremy’s screen. I grabbed it in a copy buffer while I clicked around in my screensaves to figure out what was going on.  ‘Dehe’ – yes.  ‘Glu’ – gonna look up.  He’s so new.  Has to look everything up!  Whew!  He even pointed his cursor at ‘zotarg,’ and ‘inztag’ – ‘what range/span’… and as his cursor brushed across ‘latam,’ I could see the translation ‘years’ pop up.  ‘What range of years do you like?’  I’ve got it!  Holy mackerel, what a question!  What’ll he say?!  If only I had a second to pour a bourbon shot!  Brace yourself, mamma!


Meanwhile, in my new screen grab from Jeremy’s side pop-up, I saw a ‘quick-list of basic numbers, base 10’:  yot, tag, trig, sag, zaff; moss, kross, tross, ung, mex. 


Lostboy25:  kross nesh mextrig

Holomaster Jasper:  iusmehtamam, ba-vad? 

Lostboy25: dehedoff!


Slow down!  Slow down!  Seven to ten-three… seven to thirteen!  Oh, Jeremy!  You poor kid!  


Iusmehtamam, where can I find that?  Oh, down here, quick list of common fantasy youth genders:


iusmehtam – boy

          yalmehtam – girl `

yaliusmehtam – F --> M (when trans status highlighted)

iusyalmehtam – M --> F (when trans status highlighted)

teysmehtam – non-binary  

toualismehtam – genderfluid


No wonder he was looking so grim these last years!  Attracted to boys 7-13.  Prepubes!  That must’ve hit him like a ton of bricks!  Oh, God.


I’m feeling a few bricks myself.  Bonk!  Bonk!  No time, no time, get a grip.


And then there’s that ‘doff.’  Doff, doff … no idea… anyway, other people are telling the boss their age ranges now, so I have a moment to eyeball through these images – can’t search text … oh, and here it is!  Doff, emphatic particle, can be placed anywhere you feel excitement.  Huh. 


Now what’s this? 


Holomaster Jasper:  ba-zotam inz neen-ba-yehetam?


Luckily Jeremy checked that one with his cursor.  ‘Anyone’ flashed up, and then, at the end, ‘special interests / fetishes.’ 


Lostboy25: iamdoff tsetse


Oh no.  What, a fetish for tsetse flies?  Can’t be.  Oh, there’s more. 


Lostboy25: glu … swozelegkenam iukra  


One of the hot button words, what was it now?  ‘First excretion.’  Oi.  This is like satire, I can’t believe it’s real.  And there are other people answering the same question, a whole spew of different answers.  I guess this is like Tinder – they’re trying to find compatible matches for fantasy chat.  And now I sort of know what my son wants, at least today.  That other word, though…. again, lots of time to look… … At last, found the bitch!  Swozelegke – accident.  And there’s that ‘tsetse’ over there.  ‘Haha or lol.’  I should have known.  It's so him: "iamdoff tsetse" - "Me! lol."


Wow, though.  If I didn’t have my training …. I know this fetish is out there and common enough … somehow you never think your own kid … and you can’t see ‘em as a creepy old perv when they’re 17, no matter how judgey you are.  Well, he did have accidents at night until he was almost ten.  Traumatized, I suppose. Some autonomic attempt to regain control of a childhood experience.  Something that got eroticized just because the right body parts were involved, plus the great stamping device of fetishes, humiliation.   Here I am writing a fucking paper about it in my head.  Meanwhile. 


Holomaster Jasper:  Toku, vadiak inz Napnapper7, shohhuu sagmexung.

Napnapper7: Toku, ta-neen ipteriam iak ta-tag! vadiamiám ta-mextag-latam nen-seutem-iaukla iusmehtamam susu

 Lostboy25:  dehe, dehe!


Just before he agreed to whatever that was, I saw his cursor pop the meaning up for two words, ‘seutem’ – bed – and ‘susu’ – together.  The rest? Gimme a sec…


What?  He’s gone!  Can I translate where he’s gone to?  Shit! This is taking forever.  I’m going to miss it! Maybe I fucking should!  But no, for whatever reason, no, I’m here … the mom CIA is here … at last! ‘Go with the Nap guy, chat column’ – back to the numbers … ‘4-10-9’ … Column 49!  Racing to scroll there now!


Column 49, sure enough, there they are!  Rascals!   


Whew, I’ve missed a lot, a lot of chat is already scrolling away.  I can pick out a word I see more than once: seutem-gward, bedroom.  I can kind of glean that ole Napnap is going from his bedroom to Jeremy’s in some sleepover event.  Good grief, I’m starting to pick this lingo up.  Seutem-beimor-tusey – pajamas. Got it. 


Woah, things are getting serious! 


Lostboy25: gu irl-va-sweniamiám! dehe?


Something I.R.L.  ‘And we’re verbal-hand in real life.’


Handing in real life?  Oh wait.  I know what that means.  Doing something with the hand.  Boys. 


Napnapper7: dehe! irl-iauklaniak nen …glu! … kawntusey?


Lostboy25: ekuh? glu


A cursor appears over nen, kawn, and tusey, bringing up ‘in blue pants’ – in your bluejeans!  What are these boys up to?  My mind is guessing even when I don’t want it to.  Damn, I know. 


Napnapper7: irl-iauklaniak nen iakze kawntusey?

Lostboy25: toktok!

Napnapper7: irl-su-art


I hate it when Jeremy uses the unknown words … oh anyway, soon found.  Tok, small, toktok, a little.  And he’s cursored on ‘su-art’ … ‘same.’ 


Napnapper7: psanhyeff ikdikiak ta-yot-swen?


Lostboy25: tsetse. dehixdeh


Luckily Jeremy had to cursor that whole thing …. ‘possible/can you type one-handed?’ 

And that ‘dehixdeh’ is surely yes-no-yes.  Probably means ‘sort of.’  They do keep it simple! 


Lostboy25: syirmiam-esto tak iaukla nen stchuhm … ixix! iaukladoffiam-esto esto esto psseh nen seutem!  seutem-tusey doff ta-spleil … iamze teng ta-spleil, tokteng ta-spleil, va-tokspleil ta-druuz!


Ohh, Jeremy!  ‘Syirm,’ ‘to dream’ … ‘esto’ … continuous tense marker … ‘I’m dreaming’ …  Damn, his input is slow-slow, I can see him looking things up, but I’m getting behind!  “Stchuhm” … toilet … He’s having a dream that involves the toilet… oh I know that kind of dream, one of the feared dreams of childhood, one he used to have a lot …  psseh – all around or all over … ‘spleil’ … ‘water…’ ‘teng’ … from the crypto pad … druuz … rain … how poetic … can’t quite pull it togeth –


Napnapper7: dou-iaukladoffiak psseh nen iam! iamze swen va-ta-spleil!  duutsuuniam-esto va-va-iaukla!   iahhhh!


And we’re off … he’s a much faster typer in this language but only two new words … dou – past tense marker… duutsuun … start/begin


Lostboy25: iam …  nen irl-tusey!! tok!


Ew!  So that’s why he’s been doing his own laundry lately.  I thought he was becoming responsible!


Napnapper7: irl su-art … ueh! sagr-zyo … irl ta-ta-spleil … irl-ba-chirr-paktul


Woah … sagr – much zyo – over … too much, I guess .. chirr – red color … paktul – face


A little embarrassed, I should think so!


Napnapper7: Hold up a sec, Toku, I need to change my pants in case my mom comes in

Lostboy25: ixvadiak! mein vadiam irl-tepmen!


Mein – future tense marker … a mother shouldn’t see this, sorry, Jeremy! 


Napnapper7: dehe! mein vadiam va-swen, nen sagr ta-spleil … tsetse … euhhh … irltepmeniam …. estoooo

Lostboy25: dou-irl-tepmeniam doul!

Napnapper7: irl-iam su-art … ahh

Lostboy25:  yeah

Napnapper7: That was fun, dude.

Lostboy25: Whew!  This saves my life, every time!

Napnapper7: I know what you mean. 


I’m exhausted.   But there’s more.


Lostboy25: Now that we’ve done this twice together, idk but I find it special

Napnapper7: Me too

Lostboy25: Since it’s fantasy, I’m just going to say something I want to say … neen-iuuriam iakdoff! 

Napnapper7:  O ya?  Well, doff su-art doff doff! neen-iuuriam iak!


I didn’t expect that.  Neen – awe.  Iuur – fellow-feeling.  Put ‘em together and whaddya get? 




I was right.


In a way. 


**** An hour later ****


I hear him now, bumping around in the kitchen downstairs, singing bits of tune.  I’ve just been hanging out up here in the office, trying to understand a little more of what I’ve taken in with all these screensaves.  I feel like I landed on another planet.  But the fantasy isn’t there on the NOMAP holodeck – it’s here.  I feel like I’m the fantasy.  And my son even more so.  Oh well, truly new knowledge always knocks you off your feet.  I need to get up, plant one ‘zul’ in front of the other, and go downstairs to have a meaningful conversation. 


I’ll tell you one thing that impressed me about him, though.  That last thing he said in the sexy part of the chat – I’m not going to think about writing the translation out – had the word ‘doul’ at the end, which turns out to be, according to the grammar sheet, a perfective aspect marker.  And, as far as I can see, it was correctly used.  That’s the boy I used to know.  Maybe he’s back.  And I’m going to alienate him, most likely. 


Okay.  Movin’ out now.  God give me strength. 


He looks happy, damn his hide. 


“Hey, mom!  You’re sure working hard tonight … special project?”


“Kind of.  You seem to be in a good mood.  It’s nice to see!” 


“You know, thanks!  I know I was kinda draggy for awhile, but things are … I’m feeling better than I have in a long time.” 


“Good!  I was worried.  What’s making it better?” 


“I dunno.  You know, I’m getting an interest in – you wouldn’t believe it – languages and linguistics.  I’ve had a bad attitude with Spanish but suddenly I realize I was missing something.  I can actually do that language stuff.  I was thinking – I think I want to take a course in Japanese!” 


“You’d be great if you put your heart in it, Jeremy, I know it … um … “




“I need to ask you a question, a hypothetical question, call it a fantasy question, and it’s not easy to ask, in fact, I hope our … our friendship … if that’s not too strange to hear … can survive me asking.” 


“Well … it’s up to you but I don’t think you’ll offend me.”


Not in the mood you’re in now, I thought.  Here goes nothin.’


“iak yehetmehtamtám?”


It took a moment to sink in – maybe no one ever said these words out loud – but then his eyes opened like newblown bubbles and he turned impossibly red. 


“HOW … “ he said.  Shaking his head.  No, all of him was shaking. 


“I was worried you were suicidal so I had someone hook me up to your comp, I’m terribly sorry, but you were so down, and I had no idea why.”


“Well now you know,” he said grimly.  “Yes, I’m a MAP.”


“A minor-attracted person,” I said.  “Don’t worry, I’m not going to go crazy about this, in fact, I’m glad it won’t stand between us.” 


“I should be mad as hell at you for spying, but I’ve been trying to figure out how I could ever tell you, mom.  And now, you’ve told me. Yes, I’m a MAP and I don’t want to hurt any child.”


His eyes flashed with hurt, defiant pride. 


“I won’t spy on you again, ever.  I’m going to disconnect.  I trust you.  I believe you meant what you pledged in your holodeck room.  I think that’s really good, son.” 


“Hah.  If I wanted to offend, with my kinks, what would I do?  Become the next Michael Jackson and only befriend boys who were known to be unreliable around clean, dry sheets?” 


“I love your sense of humor.”


“I – I still feel like I should apologize, though, for turning out to be such a perverted son.”


“If you want to put it that way, son: to me, and I can’t say this too strongly – you still light up my life.  If you’re perverted, you’re a brilliant precious jewel of perversion.”  


“Haha, given my particularly pervy kinks, something slightly yellow, like a citrine or a topaz.” 


“Those are beautiful too.  Son, neen-iuuriam iak.”


“Mom – this is real life. Irl-neen-iuuriam iak – doff.”  He smiled. 


“Jeremy … your grammar is undoubtedly better than mine, but let me try again: psanhyeff irl-iestmashtiamiám?


I’d taken the trouble, on my screencaps, of finding the word for hug.  I didn’t know if he’d know it. 


But he did.  He hugged, me, and I hugged him back, hard. 


“World’s best mom,” he said, “and I’m saying that in plain English.” 


And that was how we sorted it out.  I’m not worried. 


I know mothers can be terribly biased people. 


But I couldn’t imagine any mother being prouder of her son.  There’s no holodeck, anywhere, where greater love than mine can be imagined. 




Contest results.  Bronze level: What does Toku mean when he says "ixvadiak!" ?

Answer:  "Don't go!"  Winner: Purejoy.

Silver level: The character Nap is a more fluent speaker than Jeremy and gets a little sophisto at times. We know 'spleil' is water, but when he says "iamze swen va-ta-spleil," what's "va-ta-spleil" and how does it make sense?'

Answer: the particle ta-, making descriptions from other words, turns 'spleil,' water, to 'wet' (could also be 'watery' but not in context). Then the 'va' makes that a verb, thus: 'wettens,' or, in ordinary language, 'is getting wet.' Low vocab efficiency.  Winner: again Purejoy

Gold level: Nap greets Toku at first with "ta-neen ipteriam iak ta-tag!" What's he saying? For bonus points, how does it connect to 'neen-ipter-gward,' the translation of Holodeck?

Answer: "ta-neen ipteriam iak ta-tag!", since 'ta' descriptivizes, is literally 'awe-ish I see you two-ish' = Awesome to see you second (time) = (by pidgin colloquialism) "Awesome to see you again." And 'neen-ipter-gward,' the translation of Holodeck, is thus awe-see-room, which resembles a compound like útvarpstæki, (out-throw-device), the Icelandic for 'radio,' as 'awe-see-room,' a room for awesome visions.

Winner:  Purejoy (pure genius!) for the main question and Lecter for the Bonus! 

Honorable mentions for minutes-later right answers to Howl and DL.



Extra resource material: 


HOLODECK MAPPESE  (mini-synopsis based on a very small number of words)


This is for Verbal Holodeck (fantasy chat) situations. 


Thoughts that have no relation to sexual or romantic attraction or fantasy can be expressed in any language, e.g., English.  All fantasy should be expressed in Holodeck language.

All terms in Holodeck Language reflect fantasy in a virtual world, except where the words include the prefix irl- for ‘in the real world.’

The Holodeck language looks opaque to readers of normal languages so that not just any hostile fool can come along and understand it. 

The Holodeck Master may issue new words in each session, if they wish, for ‘hot button’ words, basically those that have bodily or sexual swearing equivalents in English.  For example, the word for ‘ass’ may be changed at any time, with notice to participants.  Other vocabulary can be standard. 


Example ‘Virtual person virtual-wants to virtual-hug a virtual-boy (or girl, M->F, F->M, NB, GenFlu)


Vocab: (all words for virtual situations, not real)

sapweish – to want

          iestmasht – to hug

          iusmehtam – boy

          yalmehtam – girl `

yaliusmehtam – F->M (when trans status highlighted)

iusyalmehtam – M->F (when trans status highlighted)

teysmehtam – non-binary  

toualismehtam – genderfluid

skirb-iusmehtam – anime character (cartoon) boy (prefix ‘skirb-‘ drawn’)

(others are of course possible)


Verbs have a suffix for the active person.  In plurals like ‘we’ and ‘they,’ the suffix is reduplicated with stress on the last syllable (I’ve marked the stress, but the accent can be left off).  Order is subject-verb-object. 


sapweishiam iestmasht skirb-iusmehtam – V-I v-want to v-hug an anime character boy

sapweishiak iestmasht skirb-iusmehtam – V-You v-want to v-hug an anime character boy

sapweishias iestmasht skirb-iusmehtam – V-He/She/Singular-they/It v-wants to v-hug an anime character boy

sapweishiamiám iestmasht skirb-iusmehtam – V-We v-want to v-hug an anime character boy

sapweishiakiák iestmasht skirb-iusmehtam – V-You-all v-want to v-hug an anime character boy

sapweishiasiás iestmasht skirb-iusmehtam – V-They v-want to v-hug an anime character boy

(other examples)

sapweishiam iestmasht skirb-yalmehtam – V-I v-want to v-hug an anime girl

sapweishiam iestmasht skirb-yaliusmehtam – V-I v-want to v-hug an anime F->M


sapweishirliam irl-iestmasht irl-toualismehtam:  IRL version: The real-I really want to really hug a real genderfluid young person – ‘irl’ particle inserted in each word, enclitic [in the middle] in the active verb, prefix elsewhere


Sample grammatical possibilities (all virtual)


sapweishiam iestmashtiak iam – I wish you to hug me

sapweishiam iestmashtiam iak – I wish to hug you

mein-iestmashtiam iak – I will hug you  (future marker ‘mein’)

dou-iestmashtiam iak – I have hugged you (past marker ‘dou’)

dou-iestmashtiam-esto iak – I have been hugging you (continuous tense marker ‘esto’)


sapweishiam ba-iestmasht – I want a hug (‘ba’ – makes a verb into a noun – nominalizer)

sapweishiam ta-iusmehtam ba-iestmasht – I want a boyish-type hug (‘ta’ – makes noun or verb a descriptive)

sapweishiam va-iusmehtam-iak – I want you to act as a virtual boy (‘va’ – turns noun into verb)


Sample session

Holodeck Master:  Zotarg tam yehetiakiák? (What sort of v-person do you-guys like [in fantasy])?

(numbers base 10:  yot, tag, trig, sag, zaff; moss, kross, tross, ung, mex)

-am (plural suffix) e.g., yalmehtamam - virtual girls.


Person 1: Yehetiam iusmehtamam tross latam (years) nesh (to) mexzaff

Person 2: Iamsu (myself), yalmehtamam gu (and) iusyalmehtamam, zaff nesh trigmex

Person 3: Iam, iusmehtamam mexmoss nesh tagmexzaff

Holomaster: Person 3, you’re not a ba-yehetmehtamtám (virtual MAP).

Person 3: I’m in Florida. 

Holomaster: Gotcha, carry on.  Person 4?

Person 3: Wait, belestiam (I need) ba-iestmasht after that near-rejection!

Holomaster:  Dak (OK), iestmashtiamiám iak!  Now, next person, please!

Person 4: Yuut (only) blond yalmehtamam psseh (around) mex … do I need a holo-word for ‘blond’?

Holomaster:  It’s not a major hater-trigger, so we can live without it.   ‘Vesmyor’ if you’re studying to be fluent. 


For the very enthusiastic:  a short, but rather literary Holodeck fantasy contributed by a reader.


A reader of this story has submitted their own Holodeck fantasy, pledged never to be connected to real life, for translation.  I limited the person to 125 words of text, and the 150 that came in were remarkably literary, calling out the maximal number of verb tenses.  To prepare you for this piece of erotic fantasy reality, I am preceding this text with some preparation on features of the more sophisticated levels of Holodeckese. 


Unofficial translations of the fantasy piece into authentic languages are strongly discouraged. 

Many of the examples below relate to phrases in the piece. To start with, though, we’ll cover the logic of a couple of our commonly used example verbs, ‘want’ and ‘hug.’  



Some verb tenses and modifications


sapweish – virtually want; ba-sapweish- a want/wish; ta-sapweish – wishfully


iusmehtam – virtual boy; va-iusmehtam – to virtually do as a boy does; ta-iusmehtam – boyish(ly)


iestmasht – virtual to hug ; ba-iestmasht – a hug; iestmashtbiel – to be hugged (passive voice)


Put actions in the past with dou, show them as completed past actions (‘perfective’) with doul, show them as continuous with esto, and hypothetical with hyp. ‘Doul’ is doubled in the ‘pluperfect’ tense where a completed past event is set inside another past event.


sapweishiam iestmashtiak iam – I wish you to hug me

sapweishiam iestmashtiam iak – I wish to hug you

dou-sapweishiam-doul iestmashtiam iak – I wished to hug you, usually condensed to sapweishiam-doul iestmashtiam iak

sapweishiam iestmashtiam-doul-doul iak – I wish that I had hugged you

sapweishiam iestmashtiam-esto iak – I wish that I were hugging you

dou-sapweishiam iestmashtiam iak – I have wished to hug you

dou-sapweishiam dou-iestmashtiam-esto iak – I have wished I was hugging you

sapweishiam iestmashtiam-hyp-esto iak – I wish that I could be hugging you

sapweishiam dou-iestmashtiam-hyp-esto iak – I wish that I could have been hugging you

sapweishdoffiam dou-iestmashtiam-hyp-esto iak – I really, really wish that I could have been hugging you


Further examples, including some repetition to make comparisons easy


dou-iestmashtiam iak – I have hugged you

dou-iestmashtiam-doul iak – I hugged you, usually condensed to iestmashtiam-doul iak

iestmashtiam-doul-doul iak – I had hugged you.  

dou-iestmashtiam-esto iak – I have been hugging you

iestmashtiam-esto-doul iak – I had been hugging you

mein-iestmashtiam iak – I will hug you


I wish to hug you – sapweishiam iestmashtiam iak

I wished to hug you – sapweishiam-doul iestmashtiam iak  (doul – perfective past)

I have wished to hug you – dou-sapweishiam iestmashtiam iak (dou – general past marker, generally omitted where doul is used)

I had wished to hug you – sapweishiam-doul-doul iestmashiam iak

I will have wished to hug you – mein-dou-sapweishiam-doul iestmashiam iak (mein – future marker)

I wish I had hugged you (when I could) – sapweishiam iestmashtiam-doul-doul iak (zopnep psanhyeff or zopnep dou-va-psanhyeffiam or [see below] psan psanbayot)


Note about psanhyeff:  it can be used as an unchanging word like the English 'can' but where you want to clearly indicate a past-tense, as with English 'could,' it converts into a verb with the usual grammatical inflections.


continuous tenses


I wish I were/was hugging you – sapweishiam iestmashtiam-esto iak (as above)

I wished I was hugging you – sapweishiam-doul dou-iestmashiam-esto iak

I have wished I was hugging you – dou-sapweishiam dou-iestmashtiam-esto iak

I had wished I were/was hugging you – sapweishiam-doul-doul dou-iestmashtiam-esto iak

I will have wished I was hugging you – mein-dou sapweishiam-doul dou-iestmashtiam-esto iak

I was wishing I was hugging you – dou-sapweishiam-esto dou-iestmashtiam-esto iak

I have been wishing I was hugging you – dou-sapweishiam-esto dou-iestmashtiam-esto iak. 

I saw him hugging you – ipteriam-doul iask-ik dou-iestmasht-esto iak.  ('iestmasht' in infinitive form because this is a participle)


other possibilities


psan iestmashtiak iam, iestmashtiam iak – if you hug me, I’ll hug you

niyetarias ias psanpsan iestmashtias ias – he goes up to him/her/etc. in order to hug him/her/etc. 

diyetarias ias psanpsan ias iestmashtixbiel tak ias – he goes away from him in order not to be hugged by him (biel – passive voice marker)


Inventive constructions that simplify the grammar.


Many languages have a huge complexity of prepositions – ‘to,’ ‘at,’ ‘with,’ ‘by’ – and memorizing how they all work is a chore.  For example, the fantasy translated here originally had a phrase saying ‘eyes sparkling of excitement.’  That can only be ‘with excitement’ in English, but there’s no logic to that, it’s just a convention.  Holodeckese has some simplifying features that take out some of these problems, as well as other complicated linguistic forms.  They don’t sound simple when first described, but, in practice, they are very easy to learn.




‘tak’ essentially means ‘of,’ but can be used in various situations, often (but not always) linked to something indefinite (e.g., vad-bepasumiak trig tak piesel = [go] take three of the fish = ‘take an indefinite selection of three from among the fish’) It avoids much of the array of prepositions used in more elaborate languages.  ‘Tak’ is used:


      • indicating the active agent in a passive voice construction: diyetariam ias psanpsan iam iestmashtixbiel tak ias = literally, ‘I go away from him/her/etc. in order that I [am] hug-not-receiving “of” him/her/etc.’ = ‘I go away from him/her/etc. in order not to be hugged by him/her/etc.’ - (‘tak’ replaces ‘by’)
      • linking adverbial phrases
        • iam dou-spleilvadiam-esto weiter tak akspleiliasp = I was swimming [at a] far [distance] ‘of’ the shore = I was swimming [in a place] far from the shore – ‘tak’ can replace ‘from’ in such cases where no motion away is implied (‘tak’ replaces ‘from’)
        • isswess lutakias-esto tak spleil tak uwewu uumiat = the wind is caus(al) ‘of’ water ‘of’ rock(ing) the boat = the wind is causing the water to rock the boat (replaces ‘to’)
        • nistar yattat dou-duutsuunias-esto tak va-nenneen. = this day was beginning ‘of’ ‘interesting up’ = this day was beginning to get interesting (‘tak’ replaces ‘to’)
        • iask-ikze ipteratauwen va-tnakzweisuuliasiás-doul tak cherik = his eyes glittered ‘of’ excitement = his eyes glittered with excitement (replaces ‘with’)
        • leibiutias su-ze mont tak spleil = he fills his (own) mouth ‘of’ water = he fills his mouth with water (‘tak’ replaces ‘with’)


      • replaces the indefinite article: haktitjehixiam zopsan tak tok iusmehtam psanhyeff sumbesmin shakespeare = I don’t know how (an instance) ‘of’ small boy can understand Shakespeare = I don’t know how a small boy can understand Shakespeare


‘Tak’ doesn’t replace the ‘with’ that implies togetherness, as in ‘psanhyeff tsesusuvadiak inz iam?’ ‘can you hang out with me?’ (tsesusuvad, to chill = fun [tse], together [susu = selfself] vad [go])




This word holds something up as a hypothetical proposition.  Besides serving as ‘if,’ it also functions as a link for other hypothetical propositions. Some of these would involve infinitives in English. Others have a hypothetical ‘when’ as in ‘I’ll see him when he arrives.’


psan iestmashtiak iam, iestmashtiam iak – if you hug me, I’ll hug you – or formally, psan iestmashtiak iam, mein iestmashtiam iak


eyrixiam ta-ox nep psan nenhakta = I have minimal time (to hypothetically) learn


yehetiam ias sagr-zyo psan gregamin = I like it too much (to hypothetically) complain


vad-lutakbesminiak iask-neh psan itjebesmin iam psan ninenvadias – tell her (to hypothetically) call me ‘supposing’ (hypothetically) she arrives = tell her to call me when she arrives


You could also, more in line with English, say, vad-lutakbesminiak iask-neh psan itjebesmin iam zopnep (when) ninenvadias.  It just needs extra, specific vocabulary, zopnep, which in this language you can often do without.

Note: in any sentence where you're worried a pronoun used as an object might be confused for a verb ending, just add a 'o', as in 'vad-lutakbesminiak iask-neh psan itjebesmin o iam psan ninenvadias.'  That tactic would be more common than it is currently if Holodeckese were a spoken language.


vad-tuupuuliak ias psan va-wiyegr  - hang it up to (hypothetically) dry out


As you can see, 'vad' (go) as a prefix serves to make a verb an instruction (imperative mood). A verb following psan remains in infinitive form in the same situations it would do so in English.


To be 

The grammatical tense markers by themselves replace many cases of ‘to be.’ In the present tense, ‘to be’ is usually considered unnecessary, as in Russian.


iasiás dou weiter tak akspleiliasp – We ‘were’ (past tense marker alone) far from shore.


dou ixtam appsseh – was (past tense marker) no one around. = there was no one around.


inik hyp ta-vad tuuk – This ‘would be’ (hypothetical marker alone) a good place


inik ta-vad tuuk – This is a good place (could also be inik tak ta-vad tuuk, especially if emphasis is on the variety of possible good places).



relative clauses


The usual marker, by some convenient coincidence, is ‘rel’


takotam rel neen-iuurias iam – someone who loves me


shohhuu rel teysmehtamam va-wolkiasiás – the chat column where non-binaries chat


tak zweitag rel seiyauias – a bird that sings


I think we're now ready!  The vocabulary is included in the mini-dictionary, easily found by word-search.


A holodeck fantasy about Cole and Jamey  


iasiás dou eref weiter tak akspleiliasp.  dou ixtam appsseh. isswess ta-shenten dou-puganias-esto, lutakias-esto tak spleil tak uwewu uumiat. 


"inik hyp ta-vad tuuk," jamey va-besminias-doul. 


cole sumbesminixias-doul iasze uiyius-ze besminmeng, agat eshishpnep iask-ik dou-va-besminias-hyp "zotarg?", jamey ta-eshish deiyyen-syolgias-doul-doul iask-ikze ta-spleilvad-tusey, gu duutsuunias-doul va-ingol-esto cole ze skrait. cole eyrixias-doul ta-ox nep psan poppitjeh shri psan va-ixsuun jamey.  agat sagr-zyo dou-eyeyias-esto psan gregamin.  dou ta-psanbayot bá-sagraditik ta-tindei ba-nuuneiriei rel iask-ik neshnep nuuneyrias-doul-doul.


jamey ze ba-vesmyor dou va-suunpalangias-esto nen suulpun-suul, gu iask-ikze ta-kawn ipteratauwen dou-va-tnakzweisuuliasiás-esto tak cherik nennep rel dou-va-mont-skraitias-esto. cole dou-va-neenias-esto zopsan tak iusmehtam, yepa nen yot-sesstret nen-hakta-gward, dou-haktitjehias-hyp psseh ba-nistar. uu, iask-ik dóu-tsesusuvadias inz iask-ikze ta-tag-iusrexant ta-yot. cole shyeshelegias-doul gu iask-ik leibiutias-doul jamey ze mont tak iask-ikze ba-kosyuss. nistar yattat yepa dou-duutsuunias-esto tak va-nenneen. 



today's 1-time pad (as per Jeremy story)


umo - skrait

ufo – frait

f2o - tuddusam

2e - zhaxp

2eo – kwah

1e – detche

mcv - kosyuss

fcv – koswess


Pronunciation guide


Holodeckese is a purely written language, uncapitalized so it can be written with one hand.  For the sake of readers who like to hear writing in their heads, however, Holodeckese as seen here is pronounced with all sounds as in English.  The letter ‘h’ is technically always pronounced, so mehtam sounds different from hypothetical meytam.  ‘Au’ is as in sauerkraut, not as in auburn. There is no letter ‘c’ except in ‘ch,’ which is as in ‘church.’ ‘Ei’ almost rhymes with ‘hay,’ but it’s a little shorter, as is usual in English.  ‘iu’ sounds like ‘eeyoo,’ but is shorter. ‘ie’ can be pronounced as one ‘ee’ sound or as ee-eh, as in Hawai’ian. 


In French, German, and so on, rooms in the Holodeck, the pronunciation is the same but spellings may differ.  The letter ‘j’ with its English sound of ‘dzh’ is especially likely to be re-spelled, so ‘itjeh,’ to act, is ‘itdjeh’ in the French column, ‘itdscheh’ in the German, and ‘itgieh’ in the Italian.  No one likes unnecessary confusion, though, and many people chat in both English and their own language, so there is no temptation, for example to re-spell words that have ‘y’ in them as words with ‘j,’ in countries where this letter sounds like ‘y.’  ‘Eyr,’ to have, never becomes ‘ejr.’  In the French room, words that have ‘w’ in them are not changed to words with ‘ou;’ they are re-pronounced, mentally, with the ‘w’ as a ‘v’-like sound.  ‘Y’ used as a vowel, as in ‘hyp,’ is on the neutral side, like a schwa, duller than ‘hip’ or ‘heap.’


In real life, however, Holodeckese is like borrowed words from Latin.  You can do the pronunciation it in whatever way you like. 


Random note:  If you're adding a suffix that starts with a vowel to a word that ends in a vowel, you can add an 'n' in between the vowels.  So the plural of swozelegke, accident, can be swozelegkenam, accidents.  If you want to say "I choose" based on 'elegke,' the word for a choice, you can say 'va-elegkeniam.' 



Smooth Black Leather Shoes

a fantasy by Lecter


This fantasy has no minor-related content, though the author is pretty young on the other side of the fence. 


Notes to make it easier. 


There are lots of new words here for essential life motions like ‘moaning’ and ‘wriggling.’  Sophisticated fantasy people need a few of these words! 

To grab them quickly, paste the revised dictionary into a document file so that you can search partial words.  In web browsers, a word with a suffix added becomes unfindable.  If you’re security-concerned, paste the dictionary into a primitive note software like Windows Notepad rather than something that relentlessly saves hidden backup copies like Word. 


The 1-time pad words are the same as in the previous fantasy.  The word ‘kosyusswess’ fuses male and female components because a trans person is involved.  This translation was evolved in consultation with the trans author.   


A few new bits of grammar are noted underneath. 


meesaiy choren ta-spurduuruun zulnaxam

yatta, nenspakiak-doul tak zulnaxam psanduutem iam. ta-dehdehvad meesaiy choren spurduuruun, ta-imarr palang-esto nen ta-spleilsuun gwardsuun.  iak dou-va-deiyyen-suusheelt-esto ba-eshish iam; gu dou-nuuneyriam-esto tak ta-va-uuch-esto nenneen. 


“vad-pixchementamiak, gu eshyot vad-yenchemeniak iasiás,” va-besminiam-doul tak iak; gu iak ta-skubus itjebehen-doul.  suuxehiam-doul iakze suusam ta-preisit susu, gu tiguyot iakze toknuwunsheeltam.  dou-timeiztamiak-esto nen gwardmeyo, psanipter-esto iak tak ipteratauwam ta-leibiut tak yee gu dehipter.  


ta-aubus, deiyyenvadiam-doul nen iakze zulam, duutsuuniam-doul tak churmeesa tiswip zulnaxam; iasiásze burra gu meesaiy belk eibevadias-doul ba-tokdahalam duun iamze frait nesh iamze uuikak.  dou-imarrdahaliak-esto, gu yeiyoniak, pixtihyeff tak eleg iaksuze ba-yehet.


“vadiak-toknahah iam,” va-basminiam-doul, tokwikam eshishpnep dou-vadiam-esto kosyusswess. “beheniuur! sapweishiam doff!”


“doff dehvad!” – kosyusswessiam-doul, nen tiyeng tak iakze tokyeiyonam.


iak dou neshyepa pixeffdehe, purldahal-esto deiymeyo iam.  iam pixchemen-doul zulnaxam tak iak, gu smuuikiam-doul iak, deiymeiziam-doul iak eiynen suusheeltam gu nuwunsheeltam.


“vad-ingoliak,” va-besminiam-doul, deiymeiz-esto zulnaxam ta-eshish iakze paktul. dou meizipteriam-esto tak iak, va-skirb-ingol-esto tak ta-spleil gu ta-nakol spurduurun.  eshyot, ta-psanvadix-biel-esto tak iak, meesuuniam-doul iamze swen ta-deiyyen iakze tagzem gu nensuun-doul tak ipnax eiyneniok iak.


iak eibeyeiyo-doul ta-imarr, agat va-ixsuunix-doul tak nenyohe-yesto iamze zulnaxan.  suuniam-doul iamze swen ta-aubus, va-ixsuun-esto iak tak kosyusswess-esto nesh-mein ipteriam-doul rel iamze zulnaxan dou ta-nenyohe. 


eshyot, dou-chur-eiyneniokiam-doul iak tak iamze dzadswen, gu dou-nuuneyrias-esto iak va-preisit-esto psseh ias.  iak va-iktiyeng-doul, gu sagrdeiybuk-doul nen gwardmeyo.  va-deiyyetamiam-doul tiswip iakze kattet, gu dou-swissuun-esto iakze tagzem, nennep rel iamiám nendoulit-esto ta-meizeyey.


Grammatical notes: 


  1. Words: The challenge is to keep holodeckese as simple as possible but still expressive for emotions. Some words look longish because they combine previously known words, like ‘tiguyot,’ for ‘also,’ which uses the well known ‘gu’ for ‘and’ and ‘yot’ for ‘one’ to make ‘and-one-thing.’ This seems more simple than using many opaque, completely primary words.  Even 'shoe,' a pretty basic word, is 'foot-device' in this language - 'zulnax.'


  1. Bringing pronouns up front for emphasis


See “gu iak ta-skubus itjebehen-doul,” “and you quickly obeyed.”  This could have been “gu ta-skubus itjebeheniak-doul,” but to raise the excitement level, the “you” in “and YOU” was brought up front.  There are more examples in the story. 


  1. Use of -esto for past actions without an obvious end point


See “gu dou-nuuneyrias-esto iak va-preisit-esto psseh ias,” translating “and I felt you tensing around it.”  In English, “I felt” is expressed as a completed past tense, but the closure isn’t nearly as strong as in a discrete action with a definite end like “you softly cried out,” “iak eibeyeiyo-doul ta-imarr.” In holodeckese, because ‘doul’ has a very final feel to it, the sensation of ‘being there’ seems better if “I felt you doing x” is expressed as “I was feeling you doing x.”   An author could go either way on this, but what you see is my taste.


Holodeck swearing


English swearing is often anti-sex as well as against excretions that may be of positive interest in fantasy.  How would holodeckers swear?  Well, if you've ever done anything sexual al-fresco, whether solitary or with someone, nothing is more annoying at the time than pernicious insect pests appearing (at least, for most people!) 

Most holodeck swearing and imprecation is therefore based on highly unwanted insects and, at the request of tropical users, scorpions. 


Basic swearwords:  moksh (fly), muuts (mosquito), fokket (wasp/hornet), wuugaz (scorpion). Anyone who thinks these words sound lame only needs to see them in action.  Remember, the Dutch language can get extremely nasty swearing from diseases like cancer and even typhus.  Stinging and sucking bugs can also creep into this role.

Abbreviations, if any, come first. 


ekwu – ekwek wuugaz! – stinking scorpion! = POS (piece of s--t)

ztm? – zotarg tak moksh? – what the blowfly? = wtf

konmoksh diynit! – horsefly off! = f off

pmk! – psanduutem muuts krop! – for bloody mosquito blood! = ffs

bvf! – biel va-fokket-doul – get horneted! = (to) get, or be, f’d

vmd – va-muuts-diynit-doul – mosquitoed off = p’d off

mnd! – moksham nen distar! – flies on that! = no f’s given

mein-va-fokketiam iask-ik sagr – I’m going to hornet him much = Ima f him up

moksham! – blowflies! = sh-t!

also: deiyswoztam – drop-stuff-person = lewzer


but a bee – zazzzi – is a good person who is welcome in many hawt conversations, like a cross-pollinator of hawt thoughts. So this isn’t all about insect-hate!


Everyday basic chat conversation and common abbreviations. 


Here's a sample conversation illustrating easy abbreviations for boredom avoidance. 


triggermap: kh, zsu? 

(kahalla, zotarg suunias?) – hey, what’s up?

wheatiesmap: ixsagr

nm (not much, nothing much)

triggermap: zotarg swe?

(swe is short for swenaffiak) - wyd? (what you doin’?)

triggermap: tsesu

chillin’ (by myself; if with someone else, tsesusu)

wheatiesmap: vbt eyohe

– (vbt = va-ba-tsenitjehiam) playin’ a new game [lit.: ‘gaming new’]

triggermap: dehe? zoyot?

ya, which one? 

wheatiesmap: kropmeyo zaff

battlefield 5

triggermap: yehe?

(yehetiak?) – like it?

wheatiesmap: deh tom

ya, mon

wheatiesmap: eiyah! zotuuk iak? 

- hey! where are you?

triggermap: ztm? iuuryowo, iamze ww biel vfd

(zotarg tak moksh? – what the [blowfly]), (weiterwowu - wifi) (biel-va-fokket-doul – horneted up) wtf? sorry, my wifi is f-d … 

wheatiesmap: vuuei, xby

(ta-ix ba-yeetiy) – eh, np (no problem)

triggermap: tst

(ta-skubus tagninenvad) brb (be right back)

wheatiesmap: dak ok


 A new tale, one from the real life of Kamil Beylant.  There's some help with translation below the story. 


diniptermehtamám-eibetsnoan  (The Scout Camp)


iamiám dou diniptermehtamám, gu iamiám dou-eyriam mextag-latam; iamiámze syolgtam dou mextrig. iamze iuurtam nen diniptermehtamám, iamze iuspesaneenikwen – chuku itjebesminiamiám ‘thomas’ – dou skikiask-ik-esto nen pwandolit. 


takonepam dou-vadiamiám eibetsnoan, ta-ix nen chemenitgward, agat nen ta-huu airgtam-ze seutemgwardit nen iask-ikze iusrexant-ze pwandolit.


iamiámze syolgtam dou efftsetsetam gu wert.  dou iás rel ninenvadias inz tak zaffmextagit tsemeyonam, gu neshtambesminias-doul rel iamiám hyp-mein tsenitjeh tak pixchementam-spakpesanmeyo.  


‘eyeynentam churhyeffias tak swip ba-yowodoram,’ sagrbesminias-doul.  ta-adei rel va-besminiam-doul, eyriamiám mextag-latam, gu ba-nistar iknen dou-va-tiyeng-esto adei tak dehvad eiyyentse. iamiám ixdou-esto tokmehtamám, gu iamiámze palangtam kwepam dou-esto moxmoxit tak iamiámze psan duutipter niynit iuurtamám.


iam dou ba-yuut-yot tak sagrtam rel dou-eyriam ta-toksyanik tamnax-kwepam gu tak uuch timzen.  nen diynitwik tak ba-tsenitjeh, uuikpnep iamiámze syolgtam eyeynen-doul-doul, gu swipias-doul-doul moxmoxyot tak iamiám, iamiám dou-esto palangtam susu.  sapweishiasiás rel iam duutipter iamze sagraditik-uuch ta-uubit timzen, gu hyeffiam-doul. effneeniasiás biel!


‘psanhyeffiam tiguyot swip iak?’ thomas nahah-doul iam.  iask-ik dou vesmyor gu tak tulkattetam tak chirr-chorenix. iam dou neennéén-esto iask-ik.  ‘dehedoff!’ beheniam-doul iask-ik, effneen-doul-biel tak iamze dehobuk.  iask-ik swip-doul.  iask-ik dou-duutneen-biel. 


‘psanhyeffiak swip ba-iamze tiguyot, psan sapweishiak,’ va-besminiask-ik.  ba-iaskik-ze dou neshyepa tok, ixinz syanik.  ias dou ta-ixinzbesmin ta-neenpalang, agat ixdou ta-kanda. 


moxnep dou-va-nenkoliam-esto rel iam ta-yehetadei. yepa, nenkoliam, dou-hypix ba-nistar tak ta-yehetadei ba-itjeh psan hyeff, psan swip iask-ikze timzen?  agat dilutak iam dou-iuurneen-esto iask-ik, iam ixdou uub-irlit-esto.  iask-ik dou-va-adei-esto tak tok irliusmehtam nen distar wikit, teys-adei iask-ik dou ta-adei eiyyechip adei iam.  dou-sapweishixias-esto chim-spakit tak iask-ik. 


‘ixxx, dakdehvad,’ dou-va-besminiam-doul inz tak iuurmont.  iask-ik dou eyey esto.  iamze ta-yot irlit ta-yehetadei ba-itjeh yuut ta-uuikpnep dou-sweneff-biel, zopnep iam dou eiymeyo tak mextross. agat iamze ta-yot ta-issym (ta-ix-swipswip-ta-yehetmehtamtám) ba-itjeh – dilutak iam yepa psanhyeff ipter rel ba-distar dou ba-adei – dou-sweneff-biel nen iamze mextaglat.


1-time pad for today: first of standard 8 terms:  timzen

(others not needed)


Translation cheat-sheet for the above story! 


Explaining all the parts I think you might find challenging


iamiám dou-eyriam mextag-latam; iamiámze syolgtam dou mextrig (we ‘had 12 years’; our leader was 13).  Many languages say that you ‘have’ your age rather than being it.  In holodeckese, you can go either way. 


‘thomas’ – dou skikiask-ik-esto nen pwandolit (‘thomas’ – he lived ‘on farm’).  In English, you’d have to say Thomas lived on ‘a farm,’ but some other languages treat such things as a sort of condition of the person’s life, and it’s quite understandable to say he ‘lived on-farm,’ as it were.   It wouldn’t be wrong to say ‘dou skikiask-ik-esto nen tak pwandolit,’ ‘he lived on a farm,’ just not necessary.


ta-ix nen chemenitgward (not in a tent).  “Not” is an adverb, and can be made in holodeckese by adding ta-, the prefix that turns words into descriptives, to ‘ix,’ the word for ‘no.’  Notice again the literal translation is ‘not in tent,’ consistent with the previous note.


Dou iás rel ninenvadias inz tak zaffmextagit tsemeyonam ‘It was he who came with a deck of playing cards’ The accent on the 3d person pronoun iás shows emphasis.  This can be used on any word to clarify where emphasis would be placed in a sentence. 


ta-adei rel va-besminiam-doul – ‘like I said,’ literally ‘as that I said’ – for clarity, this is rather formally stated with a relative pronoun, with an effect similar to the English ‘like what I said before.'  French 'ainsi que,' when it means 'just as,' is a close translation of 'ta-adei rel.'


iamiám ixdou-esto tokmehtamám – ‘we weren’t little kids,’ literally, ‘we no-past-continous little kids’– negation of a continuous past situation where the English verb would be ‘to be.’  It isn’t used in holodeckese. 


iam dou ba-yuut-yot tak sagrtam rel… ‘I was the only one of the group who…’ ba-yuut-yot is somewhat redundant and could just be ba-yuut, the word ‘only’ turned into a noun (no exact English one-word equivalent).


vesmyor gu tak tulkattetam tak chirr-chorenix ... ‘blond and pink-cheeked,’ literally, ‘blond and of cheeks of pink.’ You could also say ‘inz chirr-chorenix tulkattetam’ ‘with pink cheeks’ but to literally translate the English as ta-chirr-chorenix-tulkattet seems less poetic than the phrasing used.


ias dou ta-ixinzbesmin ta-neenpalang – ‘It was unspeakably beautiful.’  Thomas has been having his male gender emphasized here with the pronoun ‘iask-ik,’ so here it should be clear that in this phrase, ‘ias,’ which can mean he, she, it or singular-they, refers to something else. In fact, this sentence refers to a body part that would be indicated in English with the pronoun ‘it.’  In holodeckese, if an ‘it’ in a sequence of pronouns is ever potentially ambiguous, the item the pronoun refers to can be tagged onto it, as in ‘The man seemed friendly when he gave me that dog. It was black and beautiful and it loved me:’ ‘iusmastam ta-va-adei ta-iuurtam zopnep ias duut-doul iam tak skoaka. ias-skoaka dou choren gu ta-neenpalang, gu ias dou-neen-iuur-esto iam.’  You can also pigeonhole ‘it’ items into categories, as seen in the equally useable alternative phrasing ‘ias-sagzul dou choren…’ ‘it-animal was black.’ This is intuitive handling for people speaking most east Asian languages. The resolution of ambiguity that is needed here is an automatic outgrowth of de-emphasizing pronouns that rigidly adhere to gender and anthropomorphy.


dou-hypix ba-nistar tak ta-yehetadei ba-itjeh psan hyeff – ‘Wouldn’t it have been the gay thing to do,’ literally ‘past-would-not this [wouldn’t this have been] a gay-style action to do’ … just in case the negated past conditional is a problem for some. 


teys-adei iask-ik dou ta-adei eiyyechip adei iam – ‘even though he was as tall as me’ – ‘ta-adei X adei’ is equivalent to English ‘as X as.’ 


yuut ta-uuikpnep dou-sweneff-biel … ‘only happened later’ (literally, ‘only later was done’) … ‘to happen’ can be treated as a passive voice instance of ‘to do’ with passive marker ‘biel.’


ta-yot ta-ix-swipswip-ta-yehetmehtamtám ba-itjeh – string of adjectives: ‘one-ish no-contact-ish minor-attracted-ish action = first no-contact MAP action.  


dilutak iam yepa psanhyeff ipter rel ba-distar dou ba-adei – ‘since I can now see that’s what it was,’ literally ‘because I now can see that that was such [i.e., ‘like that,’ ‘of that nature’]’ … This illustrates a succinct way to say ‘that is what it was’ when there’s no verb ‘to be.’


tok ba-besminam (mini-dictionary)


aㅌㅗㅋ^ㅂㅏ-ㅂㅔㅅㅁㅣㄴㅏㅁ  tagdideinit ‘ta-iokbesmin’ anabeb. vad-psanipterpsan nesh ‘chech’ nen smuuhtik ta-neshivad hakta.



abandon * -- pixkwepmeiz

abbreviation * -- tokchipbesmin

ability * -- tihyefftik

able *, capable * -- tihyeff    

etym: ti (attribute prefix) + hyeff (do)

about * -- psseh

above * -- eiymeyo  

etym: eiyyen (up) + meyoso (flat surface)

abroad * -- nenuuchmeyo

abs * -- yeiyeffuucham

            etym: yeiyem (belly) + effuuch (muscle, q.v.)

absence * -- diyetarit

absolute * -- yotmeng

absorb * (liquid) -- meyochimspleil

absorb * (force) -- meyochimsuun

abstract * -- isswesskol

abundant *, plentiful * -- sagrsagr  

abuse * (v) -- uultikvad

academic * -- uuchnentam

accept * -- nenyaddou

acceptable * -- ta-nenyaddou

acceptance * -- ba-nenyaddou

access * -- psanesh

accident * -- swozelegke  etym: 

etym: swoz (out-of-control) + elegke (choice) [after Greek εκλέγω]

accompany * -- inztamvad

according * with, as per * -- adeivad-esto

            etym: adei (so) + vad (go) + esto [continuous tense]

according to -- uuikvad-esto

account * (registered participation) -- tagsu (joke: yotsu)

            etym: tag (two) + su (self) > second self

account for -- suuldorbesmin

account * (number book, log *) -- yotmexitmeyo

account (factual story) -- irlithaiyl

accountant *, bookkeeper * -- spakskirbtam

accurate * -- ta-irlitskirbmin

accuse * -- pssehyeetmin

ache * -- aubusgregah

achieve * -- kolpalanghyeff

acid * -- ikbexspleil  

acne * -- telkgward

acquire * -- sumtik

acquit * -- diynituutnak

across * -- syeiyyen

act * -- itjeh


act (theatrically, roleplay *, perform *) – haiylitjeh; haiylitjeh-moxkolpalangyal – drag queen


            etym: haiyl (story) + itjeh (act)

action * -- ba-itjeh

            etym: ba (nominalizer) + itjeh (to act) > an action

activate * -- itjehyeff

active * -- ta-itjeh


activism * -- ta-itjehsmuuh


activist * -- ta-itjehtam

activity * -- ba-ta-itjeh


actor * -- haiylitjehtam


actual * -- ta-dehe


actually * -- ta-ta-dehe

etym: ta (descriptivizer) + ta (reduplication of same) + dehe (yes) > truly, from ta-dehe, true

adapt * -- neshtoualis


add * (math) -- tiswipsagr

            etym: ti (attribute prefix) + swip (touch) + sagr (much) > tacked-on increase

add (verbally) -- sagrbesmin

            etym: sagr (much) + besmin (word) > accumulate words


adequate * -- ta-eyrtik


adjourn * -- toksuuntik

adjust * -- toktoualis


adopted * (child) -- iuurelegke-biel

  • adopted as son -- ba-iushasang-doul
  • adopted as daughter -- ba-yalhasang-doul
  • adopted as non-binary child -- ba-teyshasang-doul

and so on, see ‘friend’


adore * -- neenneen

            etym: neen (awe) reduplication


address * (street) -- gwardyotmex


addy * -- zuwudbentem


administer * -- moxkwepsyolg

administration * -- ba-moxkwepsyolg

admiration * -- neensum

admission * -- nenvadchur

admit * / confess * -- shentenlutak


adult * -- mastam

            etym: mas (ripe) + tam (person)

advance * / move forward -- eshishsuun

advance (n.) / accomplishment -- ba-eshishsuun


advantage * -- spakit

            etym: spak (money, reward) + -it (phenomenon, thing)

take advantage * -- chim-spakit

            etym: chim (suck) + spakit (advantage)

adventure * -- eiyyentse

            etym: eiyyen (up) + tse (fun in descriptive sense)

advertise * -- neniptersyolg

advice * -- kajbesmin

advocate *, propound *, verbally support * -- va-tineshivad

advocate *, tout * (person) -- tineshivadtam 

affair *, tryst * (sexual or meant to be) -- tamnentamit

affair *, matter *, instance *, case * (except legal) -- tibukmeyo

affect * (v) -- tokdiynikwep

affection * -- ba-iuur


afford * -- eshishspak

afraid *, scared * -- ta-yee (ta-yeeniam-biel-doul tak ias -- I was scared by it; ta-dou-yeeniam-biel psseh ias -- I was scared of it).


Africa * -- kappokdan-gward

            etym: kappok (hot) + dan (land) + gward (enclosure) > hot continent

after * in time, later * -- uuikpnep

            etym: uuik (back) + pnep (time-point)

afternoon * -- kappokyatta (if cold: burrayatta)

            etym: kappok (hot) + yatta (today)

late afternoon, early dusk * -- skoakanep

again * -- tatagnep

against * /contra *, anti-, counter * -- yeetiy (not ‘against’ as in ‘up against’)

            etym: English internetese yeet (to hurl or jettison)

up against *, next to *, adjacent * -- tiswip

            etym: ti (attribute prefix) +swip (touch)

age * -- sunep

agency * -- moxtiduutgward

agent * -- tiduuttam

aggravate * -- nenuulnelit


aggression *, irascibility *, hot temper * -- gugupsuwit

            etym: gugup (angry) + suwit (state of being)

ago * -- syeidoul


agree * -- adeivad

            etym: adei (so) + vad (go) > go conformingly

agriculture * -- tipwandolit

ahead * -- eshishmeyo


ahhh * -- nentokik, naah (ah *)


aid * (n) -- ba-duutag


air * -- oatuu

            etym: English O2

air traffic controller * -- ta-zweinax ta-spleilkaj guuptam


airplane * -- zweinax

            etym: zwei (to fly) + nax (device)

airplane * -- commercial -- zweisagrnax

            etym: zwei (to fly) + sagr (many) + nax (device)

airport * -- zweinaxgward

aisle * -- gwarddeiyekt

alarm * -- eiyahhit


alas *, oi vey *, oh shiiiit, eek *, uh-oh * -- yuuyuu


alcohol * -- ettoh

            etym: scientific EtOH

alert * (adj.) -- akskafas

alibi * -- eibethaiyl


alienate * -- yaurshiuur


alien * -- chorengwardtam


all * -- moxmoxit

            etym: reduplicated from momox (a thousand) + -it (phenomenon, thing)


all-out * -- ta-eiykatmox

all right * -- dak

allergy * -- tamnaxyeetit


allow * -- neshivad

            etym: nesh (to) + vad (go)

allowance * -- tok-ba-duutspak


all around * (arrayed), about * -- psseh


alliance * -- tagkajvayotit


allied * -- tagkajvayot


ally * (sympathetic) -- tagkajiuurtam


alone * (isolated) -- pixkwepyot

            etym: pixkwep (leave) + yot (one)


alone * (the only) -- ta-yot

along * (preposition: alongside, by-the-side) -- ta-kattet

along * -- ‘go along’: ta-inztamvad

alphabet * -- anabeb


also * too *-- tiguyot

            etym: ti (attribute prefix) + gu (and) + yot (one)

almost * -- ixtikeyr

            etym: ix (no) + tikeyr (goal)

already * -- ta-eshish

            etym: ta (descriptivizer) + eshish (front)

alter * (DID) -- kweptam

alter * (v) -- toktoualis

alternative * (n) -- tagdideinit

although *, though * (given) -- teys-adei

altogether * -- ta-yotmenggward


always * -- moxnep

            etym: nicked version of momox (thousand) + nep (time)


Alzheimer’s * (informal), dementia *, senility * -- chakskafas


a.m. * -- eiyznep


amateur * -- ta-pixwakneen, ta-onoz


amaze * -- effneen

            etym: nicked version of hyeff (do) + neen (awe)

ambition * -- saphyeff


America * -- kwepamsusutauta, nickname kwepta

            etym: kwep (part) + susu (together, q.v.) + tauta (country)

among * -- ta-nentung

amount *, quantity * -- ba-sagr 

amount (to) -- nenteys (nesh)

analogy * -- kattetskirb

analysis * -- kwepmox-nenkol


and * -- gu


angel * -- neenzweitam


angle * -- sheeltyotmexit


anger * (emotion) -- ba-gugup


anger * (transitive verb) -- va-gugup … dou-va-gugupiak iam -- you made me angry


angry * -- gugup -- dou-nendoulitiam gugup -- I got angry


anguish * -- skafasgregah


animal * -- sagzulal

            etym: sag (four) + zul (foot) > only applies to mammals, reptiles, amphibians; excludes snakes and legless lizards  


ankle * -- zulsheelt


anniversary * -- tagninenlat

etym: tag (two) + ni (merging/converging prefix from niynit, toward) + nen (in), after tagninenvad (return, q.v.), + lat (year)


announce * -- neshtambesmin

            etym: nesh (to) + tam (person) + besmin (word) > spreading word to people


annoy * -- va-mikpixneen


annoyance *, nuisance * -- mikpixneen


annual * -- latuuiklat


annually * -- ta-latuuiklat

another * -- tiyoheyot (an additional or new one); also tak dideinit, tak didei, in context

            etym: ti (attribute prefix) + eyohe (new) + yot (one)

vad duutiak iam tiyoheyot spangdeiygwoh (Give me another carrot); mein zohetixiam eibet tak didei-tam ze suuldornax.  (I won’t drink out of another person’s glass). 


answer * -- behen (also question marker if question status is unclear)


Antarctica * -- uubspleildan-gward

            etym: uubspleil (ice, q.v.) + dan-gward (continent, q.v.)


antihistamine * -- yeetiyhejahmeng


anxiety * -- ba-skafas-va-montnax


anxious * -- ta-skafas-va-montnax


anus *, butthole * -- 1tp word†


any *, some * -- timagr

            etym: ti (attribute prefix) + magr (few)


anyone * -- timagrtam


anything * -- timagrtarg


anyway * -- timagrkaj


anywhere * -- timagrtuuk


AOA * -- inztag latam ta-yehet  short, ilty


apart * -- dikwep

            etym: di (separating prefix from diynit, off) + kwep (part)


apology * -- eheyotbesmin


app * (program) -- tokhaktavad


appeal * -- eiybehen


appear *, seem * -- eibetadei


appear, manifest * -- ipterpoppo


appearance *, looks * -- iptermeyo


appearance, manifestation * -- ba-ipterpoppo


appetite * -- yehetnenhaish


apple * -- uuchchirrmalit


application * -- sapskirbmeyo


apply * -- sapskirbmin


appoint * (to a position) -- kajspakitjeh


make an appointment * -- neshtimtam


appointment * -- ba-neshtimtam


appreciate * -- va-eiyyenspak

            etym: va (verbalizer) + eiyyen (up) + spak (money, reward)

April * -- sagpalangpun

etym: sag (four) + palangpun (moon q.v.) after Chinese 四月, Japanese 4Korean 4

approach * -- niyetar

            etym: ni (merging/converging prefix from niynit, toward) + yetar (proceed)


appropriate * (adj.) -- dehegward


approve * -- deheskirb


approximate * -- appssehyotmex


apricot * -- spangtoksyanikgwoh


apt * -- dehenadei


aquifer *, qanat * -- chemenspleilkaj


arch * -- purlswenshuk


architect * -- gwardneentam 


archive *, historic museum * -- tresanggward


area * -- gwardiok


arena * -- uuchiokgwardit


argue * -- yeetiyeet 


argument * -- ba-yeetiyeet


arm * -- nuwun


Armenia * -- spangtoksyanikgwohtauta, nickname spangta


armpit * -- nuwunsheelthuu


army * -- kropmeytamit


(to be) around * -- appsseh


around (preposition) -- part way around, ta-smuuh; all the way around ta-smuox.  vadiam-doul ta-smuuh doaz -- I went around the corner.  tokiptertam hyonias-doul ta-smuox eibekattet tak gwardit -- The inspector walked all the way around the outside of the house. 


arousal * -- ba-yehet

            etym: ba (nominalizer) + yehet (attracted to) > in a state of attraction


arrange * -- pssehsweneff

arrest * (v., legal) -- kawnixsuun

arrive * -- ninenvad

            etym: ni (merging/converging prefix from niynit, toward) + nen (in/on) + vad (go)

arrow * -- kaj


art * (visual) -- neenmeyo


art (temporal) -- neentsenitjeh


article * -- targit


as * (like) -- ta-adei

            etym: ta (descriptivizer) + adei (so) > the seemingly redundant descriptive particle turns an adverb of manner into a comparative adverb


as (in the role of) -- ta-adeisu; ‘sapweishiam iask-ik ta-adeisu iamze vadtamnaxtam’ -- ‘I want him as my doctor.’


as x as -- ta-adei x adei


as (contemporaneous with), while -- inznep -- nenvadiak-doul ioknen inznep dou-diyetariam-esto -- You came in just as I was leaving.


asbestos * -- syanikuubit


ash * (from fire) -- ikmyech


ashamed * -- ta-kawnchpaktul


Asia * -- tamnaxdan-gward

etym: tamnax (body, q.v.) + dan-gward (continent,q.v.) > the body of which Europe, q.v., is the nose

aside * -- neshkattet

ask * -- nahah


aspirin * -- gregahbliykmeng-ana


ass *, butt * -- tagzem

            etym: tag (two) + zem (hill)


assault * -- gregahdeiybuk


assign * -- va-suuntammeyo


assignment * -- suuntammeyo


assistant * -- duutagtam


associate * (verb) -- neshsusu


association * -- susutamgward


assume * -- eshishnenkol

            etym: eshish (front) + nenkol (thought, q.v.)


assure * -- neshuubirlit


at * -- (usually, indicating close position) nen -- iask-ik nen iamze uuik-woanax -- he’s at my back door -- but (position moving closer) nenvadiask-ik nesh iam -- he came at me


athlete * (a generic also including dancers) -- dehesuuntam


atmosphere * -- tioatuuit


attach * -- neshsumswip


attack * -- gregahvad


attempt *, try * -- effsuun (noun: ba-effsuun)


attend * (an event, without taking part) -- ipterinz; (as participant) hyeffinz


attendance * (record) -- inzskirb


attention * -- eyohipter


attitude * -- duutbakanda


attractive * -- ba-yehet-syolg-esto, ta-ba-yehet 


audience * -- sumtamsagr


August * -- trosspalangpun

            etym: tross (eight) + palangpun (moon) > compare April


aunt * -- yaltresuiy


Australia * -- assiksagzultauta, nickname asta

            etym: assik (bag) + sagzul (quadruped animal) + tauta country > marsupial country


Austria * -- widkajuubitzemtauta (sometimes shortened to widkajtauta) , nickname widta

            etym: widkaj (east, q.v.) + uubitzem (mountain, q.v.) + tauta (country)


author * -- skirbmintam


authority * -- inzeibettagtam (person), eibettagsuwit (abstract condition)


autistic * -- iokskafas


automatic * -- ta-naxairg


autumn *, fall * -- deiyyenlatit

            etym: deiyyen (down) + lat (year) + -it (phenomenon)


available * -- hyeffwoa


avenue * -- syeiyvadgward


average * -- tungyotmex


avoid * -- yeetmeizkanda


awake * -- inzneen


awaken * -- effyeetmeiz


award *, prize * -- neshivadspak (for good actions), tsenitjehspak (games)


aware * -- sumtimeng


away * -- diynit; ‘to go away’ -- diyetar


awe * -- neen


awesome * -- ta-neen


awesomeness * -- ba-ta-neen


Azerbaijan * -- tokchirrmalituubittauta, nickname tokta


baby * -- skimel


bachelor’s degree * -- biyameyo


back * (human part) -- uuik


to get it back -- sumtik ias ta-tagninenvad-doul


be right back (brb) -- ta-skubus tagninenvad (tst)


back (-side) -- uuikkattet


backward * -- uuikkaj


bacterium * -- pazterit


bad * -- uulnel


bad * (emotionally) -- ixvad


not bad -- ixtix


badminton * -- zweitagtsen


bag * -- assik


baggage * -- assikamit


bagpipe * -- seiyaussiktuu


bake * -- iokeffhaish


balance * -- uuvaa  -- yotmexitmeyam esto ta-tagninenvad nen uuvaa -> the accounts are back in balance


ball * -- pun


ban *, forbid * -- huushuk


band * -- seiyausagr


bandage * -- chemenyaursh


bang * (sound) -- tan


bang up against -- buktan


bank * -- spaksumgward


bank issue (one basic national unit) -- deeram (ruble *: zaffhoideeram, US dollar *: kwepamdeeram, UK pound *, kolpalangdeeram, euro *: paktuldeeram, yen *: eiyzsuulpundeeram, yuen *: tungdeeram, Canadian dollar *: malitshuudeeram, Egyptian pound: yotupadeeram, etc.)


bankrupt *, done for *, blown *, wiped out, ruined *, empty * (bottle or food package), suspended * permanently (internet account) -- bex


bar * -- ettohgward


barbarian * -- ta-worchtam


barbarous * -- ta-worch


barber *, hair stylist * -- syaniktam


bare * -- palangmeyo


bark * -- shuuduuruun


barn * -- muurmgward


barometer * -- oatuuswipnax


barrier * -- suunixeiyit


base * (thing to rest on) -- eiynennax

baseball * -- bukpuntsen

based on * -- va-zul-biel nen

basic * (elementary) -- ta-yotsesstret

basic * (not acid) -- neywash

            etym: NaOH

basically * -- ta-ta-yotsesstret

basis * -- nikwepmeyo


basket * -- tioxsumit


basketball * (game) -- eiyroktapuntsen; slang eiyrok


basketball * (ball) -- eiyroktapun


bat * (baseball, cricket) -- punbuknax


bat * (animal) -- fwwok


bath * -- nenyohespleil


bathe * -- va-nenyohespleil


bathing suit *, swimsuit * -- spleilchemen


bathroom * (with toilet) -- stchuhmgward


bathroom * (with only e.g., bath, shower, sink) -- nenyohegward


batter * (baseball, cricket) -- punbuktam


batter (cooking) -- neenbagetspleil


battle * -- moxgregahairg


battlefield * -- kropmeyo

            etym: krop (blood) + meyoso (flat surface)


be * -- the verb ‘to be,’ as in Russian, does not exist. It can be substituted by grammatical markers (see below main section of dictionary) or left out.


beach * -- baissiasp


beak * -- akmont


bean * -- polx


bear * -- ken


great bear * (constellation) -- eiyken


beard * -- koldeiysyanik 


beat * (v.) -- moxbuk


beat, rhythm * (n., music) -- ba-moxbuk


beautiful * -- ta-neenpalang

            etym: ta (descriptivizer) + neen (awe) + palang (shine)


beauty * -- ba-neenpalang


because * -- dilutak

            etym: di (separating prefix from diynit, off) + lutak (cause)

become *, get * (into a state of being) -- nendoulit

            etym: nen (in/on) + doul (perfective past tense marker) + -it (phenomenon)

bed * -- seutem


bed-sheet * -- wuspatseutemmeyo


bee * -- zazzzi


beef * -- muurmnawus


beet * -- chirrdeiygwoh


before * in time -- eshishpnep

            etym: eshish (front) + pnep (time-point)

(for nuance: if adverbial, ta-eshishpnep, as in ‘dou-ipteriam iak ta-eshishpnep,’ ‘I’ve seen you before,’ vs. the preposition or conjunction form, as in ‘ioknenvadiak-doul eshishpnep iam,’ ‘You came in before me,’ ‘vad-diyetariak eshishpnep va-gugupiam,’ ‘Leave before I get mad.’)


beg * -- toknahah

            etym: tok (small) + nahah (ask)

begin * -- duutsuun

            etym: duut (give) + suun (movement)


behalf * -- tiswenshuk (= support), ‘nen iasze tiswenshuk,’ ‘on his/her/their/its behalf’


behave * -- meizitjeh


behavior * -- ba-meizitjeh


behind * -- uuikmeyo


Beijing * -- kenkajelegward


Belgium * -- tagtautatauta, nickname tagta  


believe * -- meiznenkol


bell * -- eyong


belly * -- yeiyem


belong * -- tisumeyr


below * -- ta-deiymeyo


belt * -- yeiyemsuuxeh


bench * -- meizshuukwep


bend *, flex *, turn at joint *, bow * in response to force -- sheelt 


beneath * -- deiymeyo, iokdeiymeyo (if closely contained)


benefit * -- iokduutspak


beside * -- neshkattet


besides * -- zotargmox


best * -- dehvaditik


bet * -- spakpeisan

            etym: spak (money, reward) + (peisanit) proposal [from psan -- if]


better * -- dehvadit


between * -- tungtag


beyond * -- tiweiter


bible *, quran *, torah * -- dyazbesminit - (first letter or name of religion, e.g., dyazbesminit-chech -- Christian bible, dyazbesminit-ini -- quran, dyazbesminit-ses -- Adi Granth *; in cases of ambiguity about which sacred book is the most sacred for a given faith, use directly or translate name of book, e.g., ‘kitab al aqdas’ or ‘moxbesminit tak dyaznenyohe,’ in quotes, for the Baha’i ‘Kitab al-Aqdas *’ or ‘Book of the Holy.’ Others in translation: ‘ba-seiyau tak dyaz,’ Bhagavad-Gita *; ‘uuchgwardsheelt-skafasvad’ -- Dhammapada *; ‘moxbesminit tak dehvadit’ or ‘mormon-ze moxbesminit’ -- Book of Mormon *; ‘deheskafasvad-shukdehvad-moxbesminit’ -- Tao * Te Ching). 


bicycle * -- tagtioxnax


bid * (noun) -- spakdehebesmin


big * -- uuch


bill * (banknote) -- spakmeyo


bill * (owed money statement) -- belestmeyo


billion * (1,000,000,000) -- shpalx


bind * -- suuxeh (with rope, string, elastics); uubsuuxeh (with e.g. strong glue); see also ‘bond’


biodegradable * -- sangbexhyeff


biodiversity * -- sangmoxsuwitit


biology * -- sangipterhakta


bird * -- zweitag

            etym: zwei (to fly) tag (two)

birth * -- sulutak

            etym: su (self) + lutak (cause)

birthday * -- latyattat

            etym: lat (year) + yattat (day)

bisexual * -- yehetyotyot


bit * (computing) -- tagkwenit


bit * (small amount) -- yotkwenit


bite * -- montyaursh


bitter * -- rakr


black * -- choren

            etym: primary root, after Russian черный


blade * -- yaurshiasp


blame * -- kajtuutnak


blank * (noun) -- chorenixgward


blanket * -- seutemmeyo


bleed * -- va-krop


blemish * -- uulnelnuch


blend * (noun) -- smuoxmeng


blessing * -- neendehvadbesmin


blind * -- pixipterhyeff


blink * -- ipterwapr


blizzard * -- uuchzweidruuz


block (v.), obstruct * -- mog


block * (n; barrier) -- suunixeiyit


block * (cuboidal piece) -- mossnenkwep


block * (city section outlined by streets) -- mossvadgward


blog * -- weiteryohgward


etym: weiter (far) + eyohe (new) + gward (enclosure)


blond * -- vesmyor

            etym: primary root, alludes to Danish smør (butter)

blood * -- krop

            etym: primary root, after Russian кровь

blow * (air action) -- pugan


blow * (hit that landed), whack * -- ba-buk


blue * -- kawn


board * (wooden) -- shuukwep


board * (group of controllers) -- elegmoxtam


boarding pass * (airplane) -- zweichurmeyo


boast *, brag * -- va-waprbesmin


boat * -- uumiat

            etym: primary root, alludes to Inuktitut umiaq


bobcat * -- tulkattetriyau

body * -- tamnax


boiling water -- spleileffhaish (‘the water is boiling’ --  ‘spleil ta-effhaish esto’ or ‘spleil esto ta-effhaish;’ also, ‘spleil va-blapnax esto’)  searchcue: boil *


bold * -- eibetshuk


bomb * -- ikblapnax


bomb * (verb) -- va-ikblapnax (if many from air, va-ikblapnaxdruuz)


bond * (emotional or physical link) -- suuxehskirb


bone * -- kak


bonus * -- sagrspak


book * -- moxbesminit 


boomerang * -- tagnenyengnax  


boot * -- uuchzulnax


border * -- gwardiasp; national border, tautiasp


boredom * -- pixneen


born * -- words from ‘sulutak,’ birth; ‘ta-sulutak-biel nen mossta’ -- ‘born in Israel’


Borneo * -- spangtam-spleilzem, short, spangzem


borrow * -- skirbelestspak


boss * (noun) -- syolgtam


bossy * -- ta-muutseleg


both * -- yotyot


bother * -- swipsuunmeiz


bottle * -- pem


bottom * -- deiymeyit


bounce * -- okpoppo


boundary * -- gwardiasp


boundary *, limit * (sexual) -- neeniasp


bow * (for shooting) -- kajzolt


bow * (politeness bend) -- iuursheelt


bowl * -- deiyspleilnax


bowling * – bukshuupem  


bowling pins *, skittles * – shuupemam


box * -- mosskatnax


boy * (imaginary) -- iusmehtam


brace * (verb) -- tiswensumshuk


braces * (teeth) -- montnaxsuun


brain * -- iokkol


branch * -- shuuipnax


brand * (burnt-in mark) -- iknuch


brand * (product name) -- spakbentem


brave * -- sarshuk


bread * -- baget


break * -- tuutnak


break up * (relationship) -- eibettuutnak


breakfast * -- eiyzyattahaish


breast * (bird) -- eshishtrang


breasts * -- 1tp word†


breath * -- shenten


breed * (raise offspring) -- effsulutak


breed (type), lineage * -- lutakekt


breeze * -- tokisswess


bribe * (noun) -- pixiuurspak


brick * -- chirrnenkwep


bride * -- yaltiiuurikwen


bridge * -- eiymeyohuu


brief * (adj., time period) -- tokchipnep


bright * -- shukpalang


brilliant * -- moxshukpalang


brine *, salt water * -- nakolspleil


bring * -- neshinzvad


bristle * (n.) -- uubsyanik


bronchitis * -- shentenektuubliyk


brother * -- uiyius


brother-in-law * -- iuurikwen-uiyius


brown * -- mert


browser * -- ipterpsannax


bruise * -- kawnnuch


brunch * -- tiktsehaish


brush * (hair) -- uuchsyannax


brush * (cleaning) -- uubsyannax


bubble * -- blapnax


budget * -- spakipterhyeff


build * -- eiyyenart


building * -- eiygwardit


bulb * (flower) -- oxdeiygwohit


bulb * (electric) -- tioxsuul


bulkhead * -- uumiat-neneiyit


bully * -- mehtaworch


bump * -- tokzem


bump on, along -- va-tokzem


bunch *, bundle * cluster * -- susutarg 


bunk * -- titagseutem


bunkhouse *, hostel * -- seutemgwardit


burn * -- ikbex


burn on skin * -- ikbexnuch


bus * -- sagrsuunnax


business * -- moxairggward


businessperson * -- moxairgtam 


busy * -- doff-itjeh


but * -- agat 


butcher * -- yaurshnawustam


butter * -- bukram


butterfly * -- waprzwei


buy * -- nenspak


buzz * -- zuuz


by * -- usually tak for ‘done by,’ tiswip for close placement, nen for ‘by means of,’ see grammar ... neshbepasumias-biel tak eibeskirbmintam -- It was brought by the mail carrier; nenvadias-doul nen eibeskirbmin -- It came by mail/post (or, It came in the mail).


cage * -- huumosskat


cake * -- neenbaget


calculate * -- effyotmexit


calendar * -- latmeyo


call * -- itjebesmin


calm * (blissful) -- meizeyey


camera * -- tagipternax


campaign * -- smuoxbesmin


camping * -- eibetsnoan


can * (modal) -- psanhyeff


Canada * -- malitshuutauta, nickname malita  


cancel * -- eibetsweneff


cancer * -- pixiuurnawus


candidate * -- tikelegtam


candle * -- zazzzinik


candy * -- malituubmeng


cap * (hat) -- tokchemenkol


cap * (mechanical) -- chemenhuu


capability * -- tihyefftik  


capacity * (inanimate) -- hyeffsuwit


capital * (city) -- elegwarditsagkat


capitalism * -- kolopspaksmuuh


capture * -- ioksum


car *, coach * -- suunnax


carbon * -- uugol


carbon dioxide * -- treshenten


carbon monoxide * -- pixskikshenten  


carcinogenic * -- tikpixiuurnawus


etym: ti (attribute prefix) + ik (fire) + pix (un-) + iuur (fellow-feeling) + nawus (meat)


card * (greeting, file) -- eibeskirbsagkat, kahallasagkat (greeting card only)


cards * (playing) -- tsemeyonam


care * -- kuydas


career * -- airgkaj


careful * -- ta-iptereddex


careless * -- ta-tinixiptereddex


carpenter * -- airgshuutam


carpet * -- gwardmeyochemen


carrot * -- spangdeiygwoh


carry * -- eiyyinzvad


cartoon- -- skirb-


cartoon/anime -boy -- skirb-iusmehtam


cartoons */anime * -- neenskirbmeyo


case * (carrying) -- eiyyinzvadnax


case * (in law) -- gwardminbuk


in any case * -- nen zotargyot ba-deiybuk, nen zotargyot tinepitjeh


cash * -- skubuspak


cashier * -- skubuspaktam


cast * (of a movie or film) -- sagrhaiyltamam


cast * (broken body part casing) -- tuutnakchok


castle * -- kajneneiyitgward


cat * -- riyau


catalog *, online shopping * webpage -- nenspak-haktameyo


catch * (an object) -- sumzweinax (if airborne) sumvadit (if running, swimming)


catch (a transportation device) -- sumyotsuun


category * -- targgward


cause *, induce *, get * (someone to do something) -- lutak


caution * -- iptereddex


cave * -- uubitzehuu


cease * -- va-ixsuun (tak); va-ixsuunias-doul tak suun -- It ceased to move.


cedar * -- sheeltchemenpwanshuu


ceiling * -- eiynenmeyo


celebrate * -- uucheyey


cell * -- tokyotgward


cent * -- mexmexit


center * -- tung


century * -- mexmexlatit  


ceremony * -- artsagripter


certain *, definite *, sure * -- uub-irlit


chain * -- moxket


chair * -- sheeltmeyo


challenge * (noun) -- skafassum


champion * -- hyeffpalangtam


championship * -- hyeffpalangtimtam


chandelier * -- punshuusuul


chance * -- izzdzahzdz


change * -- toualis


channel * -- tiswensumekt


chaos * -- smuoxbukmeiz


chapter * -- moxbesminkwep


character *, essence * -- yotsanggward


character, letter * -- spig


characteristic * (adj) -- ta-yotsanggward


characteristic * (n., feature) -- yotsangtarg


charge * (money) -- suuxehbesminspak


charge * (potential, electrical) -- chursum


charity * -- duutagairg


charm * (personal) -- neenpaktul


charm * -- yeyaktnax


chart * (nautical, any body of water) - hoiskirbmeyo


chart * (schematic presentation) -- artiptermeyo


chase * -- skubuuikvad


chat * -- wolk


cheap * -- magrspak


cheat * -- dehenixiok 


check *, cheque * -- spakbesminmeyo 


check * (delaying factor) -- tokbukixsuun


cheek * -- tulkattet


cheer * -- yoyuuchbesmin 


cheerleader * -- yoysyolgtam


cheers! * mazel tov! * congratulations! * -- vad dehe! (options: see also ‘congratulations’)


cheese * -- blapitram


chef * -- effhaishtam


chemical * -- mengtokiok


chemistry * -- mengtokiok hakta


cherry * -- chirrmalituubit


chess * -- kolpalangmeyo


chest * -- shishtamnax


chew * -- va-montnax


chicken * -- klaka


chicken (meat) -- klakanawus


chief * (person) -- syolgtam


chief * (foremost) -- ta-eiykattet


child * (imaginary) -- mehtam (real: irl-mehtam)


chill *, spend time, hang out * -- tsesusuvad


chillin’ * (state of being) -- tsesu (one person), tsesusu (>1 persons)


chilly * -- tokburra


chin * -- koldeiyak


China * -- tungtauta, nickname tungta


Chinese person * -- tungtautatam


chip * (noun, flaked-off piece) -- wuspatbukkwep


chip (computer) -- haktawuspat


chocolate * -- mertshuuram


choice, decision * -- elegke


choice * (available, not yet made) -- tagkaj


choir * -- seiyausagrtam


choke * -- smuoxmog


choose * -- va-elegke


chop * -- yaurshyaursh


chopsticks * -- haishtag


Christmas * -- yeshusulutak


chronic * -- tamoxsweneff


chunk * -- trignenkwep


church *, mosque *, temple *, synagogue * -- dyazgwardit


circle * -- skirbox


circumcise * -- duuroxyaursh


circumstance * -- pssehtinep


citation * -- uuikswipmeyo


citizen * -- dehetautatam


city * -- gwarditsagkat


claim * -- tihaiylbesmin


clap * (v.) -- bukswenam 


clarify * -- ipterdoreff


class * (abstract grouping, taxon) -- iknentargit


class (school group) -- nenhaktamagr


classroom * -- nengward


classic * -- gumtresang


classify * -- va-iknentargit


clause * -- besminupakwep


claw * -- uubswen


clay * -- sumshmerch


clean * -- nenyohe


clear * -- ipterdor


click * -- shnik


climb * -- eiyyenswip


clock * -- nepnax


close *, near * -- preis


closed *, shut * -- dzadz


cloth * -- chemenit


clothes * -- chemenitam


cloud * -- oatuuspleil


club * (group of people dedicated to a theme or projects) -- sagrskafastam


clump *, mass * -- sumswiptarg


coal * -- uubuugol


code *, encryption * -- iokbesmin


coffee * -- kaf


coincidence * -- adeisupop


cold * -- burra


cold (disease) -- burrabliyk


collaborate * -- skafahyeffinz


collapse * -- sagrdeiybuk


collect * -- sususum


color * -- spyet


column * (text) -- shohhuu


comb * -- syaniknax


combine * -- susumeiz


come * (to) -- nenvad


come * (from) -- duuneibetvad or eibetvad duun


come out (in physical location) -- eibetnenvad


comedian * -- efftsetsetam


comfort * -- tamnaxmeiz (physical), skafasmeiz (mental)


comment *, remark * -- tikbesmin


common * -- moxsagrnep


community * -- sususagkat


compact *, scrunch *, compress * (verb, push together) -- sususmeit


company * -- moxairggward


comparison * -- arttag


compatible * -- va-iuurhyeff


complain * -- gregamin


complete - yotgward


complicated *, complex * -- ta-moxkwep


compress (v.) -- deiynenmog


computer * -- spleilsuulkol


concern * -- sumiuur


concurrent * -- adeisunep


condition * (temporary state of being) -- estonit


condition * (requirement) -- yotbelestit


condolence * -- iuurtiswenshuk


cone * (from tree) -- akshuugwoh


cone * (abstract shape) -- akshuuit


conference * -- timtamtamit


confess * -- shentenlutak


confidence * -- meizyeyakt


confidential * -- iuuriokchemen


conflict *, battle * -- kropyakuu


confirm * -- tagadeivad


confusion * -- smuoxskafas


congratulations *, I’m happy for you, good for you, mazel tov * -- iuur nesh iak!


connect * -- tagswip


conscience * -- iuurnenitjeh


consider * -- koldeiyyensum


considerate *, thoughtful *, conscientious * -- ta-iuurnenitjeh


consistent * -- tamoxnepsweneff


conspiracy *, plot * -- susuoatuubesmin


constant *, persistent * -- moxmoxnep


constraint * -- uuiksuuxeh


construct * (verb) -- vadeiygward


construction * -- eiygwardsheelt


contact * -- swipswip


continent * -- dan-gward


continue * -- moxmoxvad


control *, manage *, deal * with (singular items) -- eleg


controller *, remote * control (for electronic device), autopilot *, cruise control -- elegnax


conversation *, chat * -- wolk


convict * (legal) -- nendzadz


conviction * -- ba-nendzadz (legal process); ba-neshdzadz (constructive belief)


convince * -- neshdzadz  


cook * -- effhaish


cookie * -- neenbagetmeyo


copy * -- iptertagit


corn * (maize) -- kop


Cornelian-cherry * -- tokchirrmalituubit


corner * -- doaz


cost *, price * -- spakbelest


cougar *, puma *, mountain lion * -- uubitzemrarrel


counseling *, therapy * -- guupiknen


counselor *, therapist * -- guupiknentam


count * -- va-yotmex


counter * (kitchen) -- neshhaishmeyo


country * -- tauta


courage * -- ba-sarshuk


coronavirus * covid * -- kolpalang-bliykmyech


court * -- eibettaggward


cover * -- chemen


cow * (gender neutral) -- muurm; yalmuurm -- female, iusmuurm -- bull *, mehtmuurm -- calf *, pixorkammuurm- steer, yalmehtmuurm -- cow-calf  


cozy * -- hyggameiz


crab * -- swenmexzul ; hermit crab iokswenmexzul ; king crab uuchswenmexzul


cram *, pack tight, stuff * -- uubleibiut


cramp * -- tisheeltgregah


crawl * -- sheeltthyo


crazy *, mad * -- smuuhskafas


cream * -- ram


create *, invent *, design *, make up -- neensweneff


creature *, living thing -- sangit


credential *, pass *, log-in * name -- ba-niokniok


credit * -- duutbelestit 


creep * (verb) -- meesunhyo


creep * (noun) -- uduudworch


crime * -- pixgwardit


cringe * -- yuusheeltskafas


criticize * (negative), berate -- yaurshbesmin


criticize * (positive), edit -- syolgbesmin


crooked * -- pixekt


cross * -- syeitag


crowbar * -- sheeltshuknax


crowd * -- sagrtam 


crown * -- kolpalang


crumble *, pulverize * -- va-myech


crush * -- myechmeyeff


crush (romantic) – iuurpesaneen


crust * -- tiuubiasp


cry * -- va-tauwspleil


cube * -- mosssheeltkat


cucumber * -- echipwan


cult * -- ioktamtamtamit


cunninghamia *, ‘China-fir’ -- meyosoakpwanshuu


cup * -- zohetnax 


cupcake * -- tokneenbaget


cure * -- dibliyk


curious * -- toknenneen


curl * (verb) -- moxpurl


current * (contemporary now) -- ta-eyohe; ta-eyohe tinepitjeham – current events


current * (water) -- spleilsyolg


current * (electrical) -- suulspleilkaj


curse * (psychological injury invocation) -- pixeyeynax, see also cuss


curve * -- purl


cushion * -- tagzemetsitit


cuss * (noun) -- uulbesmin


cut * -- yaursh (in skin: ba-yaursh or, fresh, kropyaursh)


cute * -- pipit


Czechia * -- pugansuuldortauta, nickname puganta


daikon * -- tisuuldordeiygwoh


damage * -- kwepbex


danger * -- eddex


dark * -- ta-choren


date * (calendar) -- yattatyotmexit


daughter * -- yalhasang


daughter trans from assigned at birth male -- yalhasang or iusyalhasang


dawn * -- eiyzsuulpun


day * -- yattat


deactivate * -- pixitjehyeff


death * -- ba-diynitskik


debt *, owings * -- belestspak


debunk * -- eibetmoksh


deceive * -- dehenixyolg


December * -- mextagpalangpun


decide * -- smuuhtag


decipher *, decode * -- eibetiokbesmin


deck * -- zaffmextagit (52 cards)


decline - diyetarsheelt


deep * -- nyoat


deer * -- tsuhui


defective * -- tihuutarg


deficiency *, defect * -- huutarg


define * -- nensagkat


degrade *, decay * -- bexlapvad


delete *, remove * -- eibetsyolg


deliver * -- neshbepasum


demote * -- deiydeiymeiz


Denmark * -- hyggameiztauta, nickname hygta  


deodar, cedar of Lebanon * -- susuakpwanshuu


depart *, leave *, go away * -- diyetar


depend * -- tuupuuluuvaa (usually followed by nen or eiynen or tak, according to taste)


depression * -- ba-deiynuuneyr


describe * -- syeiyskirbmin


desert * -- wiyegredan


desk * -- shuumeymeyo


desperation * -- tiyaurshbelest


despite *, in spite of -- ipteradeisu tak; ‘ipteradeisu tak druuz, vadiam-doul nesh eibekattet.’  Despite the rain, I still went outside. 


dessert * -- malithaish


destroy * -- bexhyeff


detect * -- eiyyeniok


detective * -- eiyyenioktam


developing, maturing * -- meht 


device *, machine * -- nax


diamond * (stone) -- palanguubit


diamond (shape) -- uuvaasagkat 


diaper * diapers * -- swozchemenit


dictionary *, wordlist * -- ba-besminam


DID * system * -- moxkweptam


die * -- diynitskik


dig * -- deiyshmerchvad


different * -- didei


diligence * -- neenairg


diminutive * -- -kwen


dip * -- tokdeiyswip


direct *, straightforward * -- ektiguup


direct message, DM * -- ektiguup wolkchor, -- ew.   ewiak iam – (slang) DM me, inbox me. 


dirt * -- shmerch


disadvantage * -- pixspakit


disappear * -- pixipterpoppo


disappoint * -- tokgregeff  


disclose * -- eibetsuduutipter


self-disclose */ self-identify */ come out * -- va-su-duutipter-hakta


discomfort * -- pixtammeiz


discord * -- guguptagsar


Discord * -- guguptagsarwolk


discover * -- ipterdehe


discreet * -- tokiokehakta


discussion * -- inztambesmin


disgust * -- bworhnuuneyr


dislike * (person) -- pixiuur


dislike (not a person) -- pixyehet


disprove * -- pixdehedzadz


disrupt * -- iokiplap


distance * -- echipekt


distend * -- sheeltuuchvad


distinguish *, differentiate * from -- eibetipter


distract * -- tagsyolskaf


distribute *, give out *, supply * (but not regularly) -- sagrsuuneibet


disturb * -- yeetmeiz 


diverse * -- moxsuwit


divide * -- kwepsagr


divorce * -- eibettiiuurikwen


do * -- hyeff


doctor * -- vadtamnaxtam


doctoral degree (MD *) -- vadtamnaxmeyo


doctoral degree (PhD *) -- falameyo


document * -- tageiyyenmeyo


dog * -- skoaka


doll * -- neentargittam


dolphin *, porpoise * -- meesaiyskoaka


dom *, ‘sadist *’ (cooperative sexual) -- yehetdideiwoaneen, short, dwoa 


donate * -- iuurduut 


donor * -- iuurduuttam


door * -- woanax


doubt * -- wowunenkol


dough * -- pixmastibaget


down * -- deiyyen


download * -- nennaxhakta


dox * -- ba-swoz-hakta

            etym: ba- (nominalizer) + swoz (out-of-control) + hakta (information)

dragon * -- snaup


drama * -- yakuu


draw * -- skirb


drop * (action) -- deiyswoz

            etym: deiyyen (down) + swoz (out-of-control)


drop, drip * -- ruukl


dream * -- syirm


dress * (action) -- chementam


dress (clothing item) -- tuupuulchem


drink * -- zohet


drunk * -- ettohbex


drive *, pilot * -- guupnax


hard drive * -- uubwidnax


drugs * -- bliykmengam (medicine), skafasmengam (mind-altering)


dry * -- wiyegr


dry out * -- va-wiyegr


duck * (bird) -- weng


duck * (move head down) -- deiykol


dull * -- pixak


dupe * (fooled person) -- tagbextam


dust * -- myech


dust (v., put dust on) -- va-ta-myech


duty -- iuurbelest


dwarf *, little person -- tokmastam (in childhood, toktamkwen)


each *, every * -- moxmoxyot


eagle * -- uuchkajzweitag


early * -- eiyskubus


earn *, make (money), gain * (valuable items e.g. trust) -- spakairg


east * -- widkaj


Easter * -- yeshuheiyzem


easy * -- effskubus


eat * -- nenhaish


echo * -- tagnenyeng


ecstasy * -- neentik


edge * -- iasp


edit * -- yaurshmin


editor * -- yaurshmintam


education * -- nenhaktit


effect * (of a cause) -- lutakpoppo


egg * -- choksangpun


eggplant * -- palangkawnchgwoh


Egypt * -- yotupatauta, nickname yotuta  


eight * -- tross


elbow * -- nuwunsheelt


elect * -- tikeleg


election * -- tikelegsuun


electricity *, lightning * -- spleilsuul  


electronica * -- spleilsuulnaxam


email * -- weiterskirbmin


embarrass * (v.) -- va-chirrpaktul (embarrassing: ta-va-chirrpaktul, embarrassed ba-va-chirrpaktul)


emoticon * -- nuunipterkwen


emotion * -- skafasnuun


empty * -- ta-huu


encryption * -- iokbesmin


end * (in time) * -- diynitwik


end * (ruler dimension) -- smuuhtik


enemy * -- uulbayeet


energy * -- chursuul


engine *, motor * -- vadnax


engineering * -- sagrmagrhakta


England * -- kolpalangtauta, nickname kolta  


English * -- ta-kolpalangta


enjoy * -- eyey


enough * -- eyrtik


enter * -- ioknenvad


entertain * -- va-tsemeiz


entertaining *(as a quality) -- ta-tsemeiz


enthusiasm * -- yoy


entire *, whole * -- yotmenggward


entry * price -- vadchurspak


envelope * -- chemeneibeskirb


equal *, even * -- teys


erect * -- eiyyenuub


erosion * -- ruuklyaursh


erotic * imagery or porn * -- pesaneenipter


especially * -- inzakneen


essential * (needed) -- ta-ta-belest


essential * (at the heart of the matter, intrinsically most characteristic) -- ta-yotsanggward


estimate * -- meizpeisabehen


etch *, engrave * -- va-yaurshskirb


ethics * -- iuurart


Europe * -- paktulkajdan-gward


even * (also including) -- teys-su


even * though -- teys-adei


evening * -- deiybyatta


event *, instance *, case * (contingent event) -- tinepitjeh … nen tinepitjeh tak ik, tuutnak suuldor -- in case of fire, break glass. 


eventually * -- ta-yotteshishyot


ever * -- neshnep


everyone * -- moxmoxtam


everything * -- moxmoxtarg


eww *, yechh * -- bworhh


exact *, precise * -- nikwepvad


example * -- yoteibet


for example, e.g., such as -- ta-yoteibet


excitement * -- cherik


exercise * (physical) -- tamnaxairg


exclude * -- eibetdzadz


exhale * -- eibetshenten


existence * -- ba-esto


expect * -- psanvad


expected *, ‘of course *’ -- ta-psanvad


expel * -- diynaxzolt


experience *, live through * -- dorskik


expensive *, costly * -- moxspak


explain * -- suuldorbesmin


explode * -- uucheiblap


expose * -- diynchemen


express * -- divabesmin


exterior * -- floik


extra * -- sagrtarg


eye * -- ipteratauw


face * -- paktul


fact * -- irlityottit


fail * -- hyeffdeiybuk


fair * -- iuurteys


fairly *, pretty * -- eref


fake * (n.) -- ba-ta-dehenix (if a person, ba-ta-dehenixtam) 


fall * -- deiybuk


false * -- dehenix


family * -- tipreistamam


uncle or aunt’s family -- uipreistamam


fan * -- isswessnax


fang *-- skoakamontnax


fantasy * -- neenhaiyl


far * -- weiter


farm * -- pwandolit


Faroe Islands -- hyggaspleilzemam abbrev. hygspleilta


erotic * fascination * -- pesaneen


fashion * -- belkpalang


fast *, quick * -- skubus


father * -- iusrexant


fault * -- huulutak


favor * (verb) -- dehesmuuh


favorite * -- yehetaditik 


fear * -- yee


feast * -- uuchnenhaish


feathers *, plumage * -- zweisyanik; individual feather * -- zweisyanikit


feature * (v), highlight *, emphasize *, star * (v., in show), spotlight * -- suulduutipter


feature * (characteristic) -- yotsangtarg


February * -- tagpalangpun


feel * -- nuuneyr


fellow-feeling * -- iuur


ferret * -- uuchektikskoaka


fetish * -- neen-ba-yehet


fever * -- tamneffhaish


few * -- magr


field * -- pwanmeyo


fig * -- moxsangpungwoh


fight * -- gregahairg


file * (computer) -- moxskirbgward


file * (paper), folder * (computer) -- moxmeyogward


file * (v., abrade bits off with metal tool) -- yaurshmeesa


file *, row * (linear series of items) -- ektmox; vad-ektyeffmoxiakiák nen ta-yot ektmox! -- line up in single file!


fill * -- leibiut


final *, finally * -- ta-diynitwik


find * -- eiyyenipter


fine * (pulverized material) -- ta-toktok


fine (excellent) -- neentokdehe


finger * -- ipnax


fingernail * -- ipnaxiasp


fingerprint * -- ipnaxskirbkol


finish * -- suuntik


Finland * -- kalevalatauta, nickname kalta  


fir * -- etsitakpwanshuu


fire * -- ik


first * -- ta-ba-yot (can be reduced colloquially to ta-yot, which can also be ‘alone’ or ‘single’), yotadit


fish * -- piesel


fist * -- dzadswen


fit * (make a shape match) -- preisswip


five * -- zaff


repair *, fix * -- tiyohenax


fjord *, sound *, firth * -- hoiyipnax


flag * -- wapr


flake * -- wuspatkwep


flat * -- meyoso


fleck * -- tokkwep


flee * -- diynitikoar


flirt * -- nentamwolk


floor * -- gwardmeyo


flour * -- bagetmyech


flow * -- spleilkaj


flower * -- gwohtamnentam


flu *, influenza * -- kappokbliyk


fluffy * -- syaniketsit


flutter * -- va-wapr


fly * (action) -- zwei


fly * (insect) -- moksh


fold * -- sheeltchemen


focus * -- iokipter


follow * -- uuikvad


fond * (be fond of, like without sexual attraction) -- meizyehet; meizyehetiam-doff iakze yaltresrexant!  -- ‘I really like your grandmother!’


food * -- haish


fool * -- bextam


foot * -- zul


football * (soccer) -- zulpuntsen


football (American) -- akpuntsen


football (Australian) -- astapuntsen


for * (in service of, addressed to) -- psanduutem

  • gift for you -- ba-duut psanduutem iak


for (allowing, for goal of, at standard of, for cause of) -- ta-neshivad

  • effskubus ta-neshivad iam -- easy for me
  • kappokhaishnax ta-neshivad ba-effhaish -- pot for cooking


for (a period of time) -- syeiyyen

  • vadiamiám syeiyyen trig krossyattatitam -- We’re going for three weeks


force * -- shukvad


forest *, woods * -- moxshuu


forever * -- shpalxnep


forget * -- huukolop


fork * -- haishipnaxit 


form *, shape * -- art


forward * -- eshishkaj


four * -- sag


fossil * -- uubitkak


fox * -- chirrskoaka


fragment * -- buknenkwep


frame * -- shoh


France * -- eyohebagettauta, nickname eyta  


fraud * (scheme) -- yeetadehenax


fraudster * -- yeetadehetam


freckle * -- mertnuch


free * -- woanitjeh


freeze * -- va-uubspleil (‘frozen’ as adjective: ta-uubspleil)


French * -- ta-eyohebagetta


frequent *(ly) -- ta-sagrnep


fresh * -- eyohedeh


Friday * -- zaffyattat


friend * -- iuurtam


boyfriend (construction implies mutual sexual interest in case of humans, but doesn’t imply sexual interest in case of non-humans), girlfriend, enbyfriend, fluifriend, waifu, furfriend, beastfriend (pet *), birdfriend -- iusiuurikwen, yaliuurikwen, teysiuurikwen, toualiuurikwen, skirbiuurikwen, sagziuurikwen, sagzuliuurit, zweitagiuurit.  Use neen in place of ‘iuur’ if emphasizing limerence, e.g., yalneenikwen, ‘girlfriend I have a mad thing for’)  If unrequited crush, substitute pesaneen (psan-neen) for neen, e.g., iuspesaneenikwen, ‘boy I have a terrible crush on but he doesn’t know or doesn’t care,’ yalpesaneenikwen, toualispesaneenikwen). If asexual mutual hot adoration, use iuuriuur as in iusiuuriuurikwen, ‘boy who loves me as much as I love him even though we’d never have sex.’  If one-sided hot adoration not reciprocated but it would never lead to sex anyway, use iuurneen as in, iusiuurneenikwen, ‘favorite boy I would love to love without it becoming sexual’


from * (moving) -- duun


from (distinguished) -- eibet tak; psanhyeffixiam eibetipter nistar titagtam ta-yot eibet tak ta-tag -- I can’t tell these twins apart (I can’t distinguish this set of twins one from the other)


front * -- eshish


fruit * -- malitgwoh


frustrated * (condition, feeling) -- suunixgugup


fry * -- meyohaish 


fulcrum * -- uuvaa-aktarg


full * -- timeng


fun * -- ba-tse


function *, perform * well -- dehitjeh


function *, procedure * (running) -- naxsuunit


fungus * -- guwan


fur * -- sagzyanik


furrow * - deiyshmerchekt


future * -- meinit


fuzz * -- toksyanik


game * -- ba-tsenitjeh


gaming * -- va-ba-tsenitjeh+ pronoun (vbt)


gang * (unfriendly) -- sagruultam


gap * -- kwepehuu


garbage *, trash *, junk * -- eibetlap


garden * -- tokpwandolit


gasp * -- tokshukshenten


gay *, lesbian * -- yehetadei(tamnax)


gear * -- roktioxnax


gender * -- kwepelegkesagrit


genderfluid * -- toualismehtam


gentle * -- imarr


Georgia * (Sakartvelia, Caucasian country) -- fiuuskolopaknaxtauta, nickname fiuusta  


Germany * -- sususeiyaunaxtauta, nickname susuta  


get *, receive *, acquire * -- sumtik


get away (with) -- eyeyzwei (+ tak; or, if in possession of something, inz)


get along -- va-iuur


girl * (imaginary) -- yalmehtam


ghost * -- skiktymostarg


gift * -- ba-duut


giraffe * -- echkolwid


give * -- duut


glass * (substance) -- suuldor


glass (vessel) -- suuldornax


glide * -- neenmeesuun


glider * -- neenmeesuunnax


glitter *, glimmer * -- va-suunpalang


glove * -- kwepswenchemen (if fingers all together in one compartment, swenchemen)


glue * -- suuxehspleil


gnaw * -- tok-va-montnax


go * -- vad


go through, persevere * through -- dorvad


god * -- dyaz


gold * -- gum


good * -- dehvad


google * -- moxpalx-geg


googol * (number) -- moxpalx


got to go, g2g * -- ta-belestaditiam diyetar or ta-belestadit diyetariam: tbd


government * -- uuchgward


grab * -- skubuswensum


grade * (school year level) -- haktasesstret 


gradually * -- ta-meizeshishmeiz


graduate * -- sesstretpoppo  


granddaughter * -- yalhasasang


grandfather * -- iustresrexant


grandmother * -- yaltresrexant


grandson * -- iushasasang


grape * -- fiuusgwoh


grapevine * -- fiuusgwohshuu


graph * -- roktmeyo


grass * -- wuspwandol


grasp * (mentally or physically) -- sum


gravel * -- uubmyech


gravity * -- deiyyensumshuk


gray *, grey *-- tokchoren


great * (grand *) -- neenuuch


Great Britain * -- uuchkolpalangtauta shortened to uuchkolta


green * -- pwan


grid * -- ektskirbrokt


grief * -- huuniokyeeow


grind * -- churmeesa


grocery * -- yatskikmeng


groom * (male marriage partner) -- iustiiuurikwen


groom * (lead on *, direct through relationship cultivation) -- neshsusyolg


groove * -- yaurshskirb


ground * (level) -- yotsesstret


ground (soil) -- pwanshmerch


grounds * (e.g., coffee) -- churmeesameng


grounds (of a building) -- gwarditdan


group *, gang * (friendly), crowd * -- sagrtam


grow *, increase * -- va-uuch


guard * -- eshishkanda


guess * -- psabehen


guide *, controller (person) -- guuptam 


guilt * (sensation) -- sutuutnaksu


guilt (finding) -- tuutnakiuur


guitar * -- syolgseiyekt


gum * (chewing) -- chak


gun * -- zoltpulm


habit * -- tatagkol


hair * -- syanik


half * -- tagkwepit


Hallowe’en * -- sheeltpakyattat


hamburger * -- moxtoknawus tagbaget, abbrev. moxtobag


hand * -- swen


hang * -- tuupuul


happen * -- sweneff-biel


happy * -- ta-eyey


harass * -- bukpixneen


hard * (texture) -- uub


hard *, difficult * -- effaubus


hard * (strongly) – ta-shuk


harm * -- echipgregah


hashtag * -- syeitagbesmin


hat * -- chemenkol


hate * (person) -- kappok-pixiuur


hate (other food, phenomenon) -- kappok-pixyehet


have * -- eyr


hawk * -- kajzweitag


hawt * -- ta-kappok-yehet


he */she */it */singular they */etc. -- ias


he * -- emphatic pronoun -- iask-ik


head * -- kolop


heal * -- eheyot


health * -- tivadtamnax


health care, hygiene * -- tamnaxkuydas


hear * -- nenyeng … tak ta-riyau targgward psseh rel iam dou nenyengixbiel -- a cat breed I’ve never heard of. 


hearing * (sense of) -- nenyenghakta


heart * -- sar


heaven * -- tindei


hell * -- dzadznep, dzadziknep (fiery hell)


hello *, hey *, hi * (greeting) -- kahalla


help *, assist * -- duutag


here * -- inik


heresy * -- yeetkajiknen


hero * -- sarshuktam


hetero * -- yehetdidei


hexagon * -- mosskat


hey * (alarm) -- eiyah


hide * -- iokchemen


high * (position) -- ba-eiymeyo


high (stoned) -- ta-sheeltneen


hill * -- zem


hint * (verb) -- tokneshtambesmin


hip * -- suuseiyyenit


hire * -- neshspakitjeh


history * -- ba-dou


hit *, strike * -- buk


hit (arts) -- neenbuk


hobby *, pastime *, enthusiastic pursuit * -- neenitjehit  


hockey * -- zulmeesuuntsen


hold * -- tiswensum


hold still * -- ixsuun


hole * -- huu


holidays *, vacation * -- neenyattatam


hollow * -- huuniok


holodeck * -- neen-ipter-gward, neeniptergward


holy * -- dyaznenyohe


home * -- sugwardit


honey * -- zazzzimalit


hook * -- akpurl


hop * -- zulpoppo


hope * -- dehipter


horn * -- kolopaknax


horny * -- shukneen


horrible *, awful * -- uuchuulnel


horror * -- eiyyenyee


horse * -- kon


horsefly * -- konmoksh


hot * -- kappok


hot * (peppery) spicy * -- ikmalit


hotdog * -- moxektikbag


hour * -- toknep


house * -- gwardit


how * -- zopsan


how about (this/that also), right? eh? * huh? (as in, don’t you think so?), 呢, ね -- byen … vadiam nen ta-ba-tsenitjeh nenspakgward. iak byen? -- I’m going to the game store. How about you? 

nistar ta-naxsang skoaka psanhyeffias tagsumipter tak riyau. eref dehemalit byen?  This robot dog can recognize a cat.  Pretty cool, eh? 




how much */many -- zosagr


however * -- (but; in whatever way) zotarg-adei; (all things being equal) moxadei-esto; vadixiam ixinz ias, moxadei-esto -- I’m not going without him/her/them, though


howl * -- aauu


hug * -- iestmasht


huh? * -- ekuh?


humidity * -- tokspleiloatuu


hump * -- uuikzem


hundred * -- mexmex


Hungary * -- wuspwandoltauta, nickname wusta  


hungry * -- belesthaish


hunt * (with deadly objective) -- skikixvad


hunt (search intensely) -- psanipteruub


hurray! * -- yerreir!


hurry * -- skubussuun


hurt * (v) -- va-gregah


I * -- iam


ice * -- uubspleil


idea * -- iknen


identify * -- su-duutipter


identity * -- sutarg


if * -- psan (also a grammatical marker for proposals of possibility, thus translating ‘in order to,’ ‘supposing,’ ‘to’ [realize a possibility], etc., e.g., ‘sapweishiam iak psan neeniuur o iam,’ -- I want you to love me)


ignore * -- tinixipter


illegal * -- pixta-gwardmin


image * -- tagipter, (drawn) skirbipter


imagine * -- nenipter


imitate * -- taghaiylitjeh


immediate *, instant * -- doffskubus


important * -- uuchspak


impossible * -- pixpsanhyeff


impostor *, Munchausen *, deceptive internet poser * -- kyzir


impressed * (to be) -- duutneen


improve * -- tagsagradit


in *, on * -- nen


incident * -- ba-deiybuk


include * -- nenva-gward


indicate *, refer * -- kajswip


infiltrate * -- nenchemenekt


infiltrator * -- nenchemenektik


infinity * -- eiyshpalxvad


inflate * -- uuchhuuniokvad


influence * -- elegkesyolg


information *, data * -- hakta


initiate *, trigger * -- swipduutsuun


inner * -- ta-ioknen


insect * -- mosszul


inside *(place) -- nenkattet -- vad-deiymeiziak distar nen nenkattet -- put that on the inside


inside (preposition), within * -- ioknen -- ias ioknen iamze gwardit -- he/she/they is inside my house (it’s also ok to say ias nen iamze gwardit -- he/she/they is in or at my house)


inspect * -- tokipter


inspector * -- tokiptertam


intelligent *, smart * -- palangskafas


is intended * to do -- tayotlutakbiel psan hyeff


interaction * -- moxuuikitjeh


interest * (attentive) -- nenneen


interest (monetary) -- zuwudbelestspak


interior *, core * -- iok


international * -- ta-moxmoxtauta 


internet * -- weiterhakta


internet protocol address (IP address) -- tihaktayotmex


interrupt * -- wolktuutnak


interview * -- moxuuikbesmin


invade * -- nengregahvad


involve * -- smuuhsuuxeh


Iran * -- chirrmalitshuutauta, nickname chirrta  


Ireland * -- trigshuupwanittauta, nickname trigta  


iron * -- shukwak


island * -- spleilzem


-ism * -- -smuuh


Israel * -- mosschorensuultauta, nickname mossta


it, he, she, singular they, any 3d-person-singular unemphasized pronoun -- ias


it * (emphasized strict impersonal 3d pers. sing.) -- iastarg (plural iasiástarg) (targ can be substituted with a more specific noun, e.g., iaskwep -- it [the body part])


Italy * -- uubiteiygwardtauta, nickname uubta  


itch * -- mik


Jesus * -- yeshuhha


January * -- yotpalangpun


jaguar * -- skirbkolrarrel


jalapeno * -- ikspleilgwoh


Japan * -- eiyzsuulpuntauta, nickname eiyzta  


jealousy *, envy * -- pixeyrgregah


job * -- spakitjeh


join * -- tagsumswip


joke * -- tsetsenax


journey *, trip * -- duutvadit


joy * -- uucheyey


judge * -- eibettag


judgment * (ability to judge) -- eibettagchur


July * -- krosspalangpun


jump * -- zulampoppo


June * -- mosspalangpun


juniper * -- sheeltchemenpunshuu


just * (only) -- yuut


just (recently, exactly) -- tokyuut


just (rightly decided) -- vadart


justice * -- vadartgward


kangaroo * -- poppozul


karma * -- skafasamspak


keep * (retain) -- summeiz


keep (on; continue *) -- summeiz nen 


ketchup * -- nawgwospleil


key * (to lock) -- pixdzaznax


key * (decryption) -- spigguup  


keysmash * (type random letters) -- sjedkuksks


kick * -- zulbuk


kill * -- yaurshskik


kind * -- ta-neen-ta-iuur


king * -- kolpalangius


kink * (sexual) -- yehetadeipaktul


kiss * -- neenmont


kitchen * -- haishgward


knee * -- suusheelt 


kneel * -- va-deiyyen-suusheelt


knife * -- yaurshnax


knock * -- tiyengbuk


knot * -- suuxsar


know * -- haktitjeh -- haktitjehixiam (hxm) -- I don’t know (idk)


koala * -- assikken


Korea * -- sagrakpwanshuutauta, shortened to akpwanta


lake * -- spleilgward


land *, land mass -- dan


language * -- ingolit


lap * (part of body) -- suusmeyo


larch * -- deiybukakpwanshuu


lasagna * (cooked dish) -- moxmeyomeenn


last * (time period) -- doudiynitvad


late * (not on time) -- eiyaubus


Latin * -- tibber


laugh * (verb) -- va-tsetse


law * -- gwardmin


lazy * -- yeetairg


lead * (metal) -- pulm


leader * -- syolgtam


learn * -- nenhakta


leaf * -- shuupwanit


leak * -- tokeibetspleil


leap * -- zulzwei


least * -- magraditik; at least -- nesh magraditik


leather * -- spurduuruun


leave * (let remain) -- pixkwep


left * (side) -- aakattet


leg * -- suus 


legend * -- kaleval


lemon * -- meiydurchimgwoh


leopard * -- toknuchrarrel


less * -- magradit


let *, permit *, allow * -- vaddou


let’s * (persuasion, invocation) -- chuku


letter * (of alphabet), character -- spig


letter * (document) - eibeskirbmeyo


lettuce * -- tiuuk


level * -- sesstret


liberal * -- woaneshivad


liberation * -- woanitjehyeff


libertarian * party -- ta-moxneshivad tameiyzemit


license * -- churhyeffmeyo


lichen * -- guwarrt


lie * (recline bodily -- state, not action) -- timeiztam (action of doing so, va-timeiztam)


lie down -- deiyyetam  (lay down -- va-deiyyetam)


lie (deception) -- ba-dehenix


life * -- sang


lift * -- eiyyenip

            etym: eiyyen (up) + ip (pick)

light * -- suul


light (indoor artificial) -- gwardsuul


like *, be attracted to -- yehet (to exclude attraction, see ‘fond’, meizyehet)


like, similar to -- ta-adei


limit * -- vadiasp


line * -- ektskirb


line up *, queue * (v.) -- ektyeffmox


link * -- ket


lion * -- kappokrarrel


lip * -- montmeyo


listen * -- kajnenyeng


little *, few * -- magr


little, small * -- tok


live * -- skik


load (n.) -- deiyyensumgward


load (v.) -- va-deiyyensumgward


loan * (from friend) -- iuurbelestspak

loan (from bank) -- sumbelestspak


lobster * -- echipswenmexzul


lock * -- dzaznax


locked * -- va-dzaznax-doul (or ‘biel’ if done by an outside party)


log * (wooden) -- shuumengtrang


log in * -- niokniok


log out */off -- niokeibet


logo *, emblem * -- spaktagipter 


lol * -- tsetse


long * -- echip


as long as, provided that, on condition that -- neshipter rel


as long as (as much time as) -- adei nennep adei


look * (action) -- psanipter


look for, seek *, search * -- psanipterpsan


loop * -- purlskirb


loose * -- ta-swoz

            etym: ta- (descriptivizer) + swoz (out-of-control)


lord * -- bal


lose * (give up) -- shyesh


lose (not win, or lose track of) -- yowodor


loser * (person losing a game) -- ba-yowodor


loser (lewzer *) -- deiyswoztam

            etym: deiyyen (down) + swoz (out-of-control) [drop] + tam (person)

loud * -- shukyeng


love * -- neeniuur


loveable * -- neen-iuur-hyeff


lovely * -- ta-neenpalangikwen


low * -- ta-deiyyen


lower * (action) -- deiyyenvad


luck *, fortune * -- dehobuk


lukewarm *, tepid * -- kappokwen


lump * -- blapit


lunch * -- tikyattahaish


lung * -- shentennax


lure *, bait * -- malittioksyolg  


lynch *, deviant-bash * (not necessarily implying murder) -- va-sagrworch


lynch mob * -- sagrworchit


lynx * -- moxshuurarrel


macaroni * (cooked dish) -- purlmeenn


magic * -- sheeltbayot


magnet * -- sumshukwak


Malta * -- trigspleilzemtauta, nickname spleilta


make *, produce * -- sweneff


make, oblige *, force * -- nikwep (psan) e.g., vad-nikwepiak ias psan va-airg sagradit -- make him do more work


malware * -- moxiokipnax


man * -- iusmastam


map * -- danskirbmeyo


MAP * -- yehetmehtamtám ymtt


maple * -- malitshuu


March * -- trigpalangpun


marijuana * -- tawan


mark * -- nuch


market * -- woaspakgward


married * -- tiiuurikwentag


marry * -- va-tiiuurikwentag (in super romantic moments can become va-tineenikwentag)


Mars * -- kropmeyitpun


marsupial * -- assiksagzul


marten * -- shuunektikskoaka


mask * -- paktulchemenit


mass * (physics, and by extension) -- ba-sumswiptarg


mass * (gathering action), accrete *, augment * -- va-sumswipsuun


massage * -- syolgeffuuch


master *, expert * -- elegtam


master’s * degree * -- elegtameyo


match * (correspondence) -- sagravad


match * (inflammable) -- ikmengtokshuuit


mathematics *, arithmetic * -- yotmexithakta


matter * (is/are important) -- va-uuchspak


mattress * -- seutemetsitit


may * (vocative, for expressing wishes) -- chuku


may * (hypothetical) -- ta-psanbayot


May * -- zaffpalangpun


maybe *, perhaps * -- ta-psanbayot


meal *, anything ground * up moderately finely but not to powder -- moxtokkwep


mean *, ‘sadistic *’ (in the adverse, non-collaborative sense) -- gugupeyey


meaning * -- besminmeng


measure * -- psaniptermox


meat * -- nawus


mechanic, technician * -- naxtam


mechanical * -- ta-nax


medicine * (remedy) -- bliykmeng


medicine * (discipline) -- vadtamnaxgward


mediocre * -- tokuuleleg


meet * -- timtam


meh * -- vuuei


member * -- sagrtamkwep


memory * -- eiyskafas


Mercury * (planet) -- haktatampun


mercy * -- iuuritjeh


mesh * -- sumrokt


mess * -- ba-lap


metal * -- wak


metaphor * -- tagtungbesmin


metasequoia *, dawn cedar * -- zweisyanikpwanshuu


Mexico * -- ikspleilgwohtauta, nickname ikta  


middle *, center * -- tung


might * (hypothetical) -- ta-psanbayot


migraine * -- uuchkolgregah


migration * -- sagrzwei


milk * -- ramspleil


millennium * -- momoxlatit


million * -- mamámax


mind * -- skafas


minimize * -- swenefftok


mink * -- spleilektikskoaka


‘minor *’ -- mehtam


minus * -- zoltsagr


minute * -- wik


miracle * -- pixpesantarg 


mischief * -- uulneltse


miss * -- huunuuneyr


  1. *, mister *, ms. *, etc. -- tameiyyen (tm)


missing * -- huunipter


mission * -- tikeyrairg  


mistake *, error * -- ba-uulvad


mitt * -- swenchemen


mix *, stir * -- smuoxbuk


moan * -- yeiyo


model * (clothing) -- chemeniptertam 


model * (nude), stripper *, nude * (noun, in art) -- palangiptertam


mold */mould * (organism) -- michlit


molecule * -- toknenkwep


moment * -- wikit


Monday * -- yotzattat


money * -- spak


monitor * (electronic viewscreen) -- palangnax


monkey * -- howla


capuchin monkey * -- kafhowla


month * -- palangpunit


mood * -- suspyet


moon * -- palangpun

            etym: palang (shine) + pun (ball)


morals *, morality * -- churiuurart


more * -- sagradit


morning * -- eiyzyatta


Morocco * -- huuchorensuultauta, nickname suulta


mortgage * -- gwarditbelestspak


monster * -- sheeltpaktul


mosquito * -- muuts


most * -- sagraditik


moth * -- sagzyanikzwei


mother * -- yalrexant


motion *, movement * -- suun


motorcycle * -- vadtagtiox


mountain * -- uubitzem


mouse * -- tubuu


mouth * -- mont


move * (v.) -- va-suun


movie *, video *, film * -- suuntagipter


much */many *, lots * of, plenty * of -- sagr


mud * -- spleilshmerch


muffin * -- neenbagetzem


mulberry * -- chorenmalitshuu


multi-part * -- moxkwep


multiply * -- kudunsagr


museum * -- neentarggward


mushroom * -- sep


muscle * -- effuuch


music * -- ba-ba-seiyau


musical instrument * -- seiyaunax


must * -- ta-belestadit


mustard * -- meiydurgwohtam   


mystery * -- moxiokchemen


naïve *, naive * -- onoz


naked * -- palangtam


name * -- bentem


Nanjing * -- eiysyeilegward


narrow * -- smeit


nasty * -- shmerbwor


nature * -- sanggward


neck * -- kolopwid


necrophile * -- ta-yehet-ta-diynitskiktam, shortening as a noun to yehetdiynitskiktam


need * -- belest


needle * (solid) -- tokkioknax


needle * (hollow), syringe * -- tokkioktuu


needle * (conifer) -- akshuupwanit


nephew * -- iusuiyhasang; iustresuiyha -- male cousin * iustresuiy -- uncle *


net * -- rokt


Netherlands * -- deiyhoitauta, nickname deiyta  


network *, channel * -- roktskirbol


nerve * -- haktektik


Netflix * – haktanipter


never * -- ixpnep


new * -- eyohe


news * -- eyohebesmin


newspaper * -- eyohemeyo


next *, and then -- eshyot


next * (upcoming time period, like next week) -- niynitvad


next (subsequent *, the following *, the very next one) -- yotuuikvadit, ta-eshyot; ba-yotuuikvadit yattat, sumtikiam-doul iamze spakbesminmeyo nen eibeskirbmin -- ‘The next day, I got my check in the mail.’


nickname *, handle *, username *, pseudonym * -- bentekwen


niece * -- yaluiyhasang


night * -- chorenyatta


nine * -- ung


no * -- ix


nocebo * (depressing version of placebo) -- pixyeyakt  


anti-c nomap * -- ta-yeetiyswipswip ta-yehetmehtam (tyty)


nonbinary * -- teysmehtam


nonbinary royalty (equivalent to king or queen) -- kolpalangteys


noodle * -- ektikbaget


noon * -- tikyatta


normal * (statistical) -- yotzemtung


normal * (considered optimal) -- diynikweptung


normative * -- syolgtung


north * -- kenkaj


Norway * -- hoiyipnaxtauta, abbrev. hoiyipta


nose * -- paktulkaj


not much * -- ixsagr


not yet * -- ixipsan


note * (musical) -- tokbaseiyau


notes * (written) -- tokbaskirbminam


nothing * -- pixtarg


November * -- mexyotpalangpun


now * -- yepa


number * -- yotmexit


oak * -- mexyotakshuu


obey * -- itjebehen


oblivious * -- tinixiptermox


occasion, instance * -- tinepitjeh


occasional * -- titakonep


occur * -- tihyeffbiel 


ocean * -- hoi


o’clock * -- taknepnax 


October * -- mexpalangpun


octopus * -- trosswen


off * (movement), away -- diynit


offer * (v.) -- tipsanduut


office * -- suairggwardit


official * -- ta-suairggwardit


offspring other genders -- nonbinary teyshasang, genderfluid toualihasang


often * -- sagrnep


ohhh * -- euhh


oil * (vegetable) -- pwanram


oil * (animal-derived) -- nawusram


oil * (petroleum *) -- uubitram


okay * -- dak


it’s okay * (nothing needed) -- dakdehvad  


old * -- tresang


olive * -- ramgwoh; olive oil, ramgwohram


on * (upper surface) -- eiynen


once * (one time) -- ta-yotnep


one * -- yot


one * (unspecified person) -- su-tam


1,111,111 * -- mamámax, mexmex-mexyot-momox, mexmex-mexyot


one-handed * -- ba-yot-swen


only * -- yuut


oof * -- ueh


ooh * - naah (see also ohhh)


oops * -- yippip


open * -- woawoa


operate * (v., run a process or machine) -- airgvad


operate * (v., medical) -- yaurshitjeh


opportunity *, chance * -- izzdzahzdz


opponent * -- ba-yeetiytam


oppose * -- yeetikanda


or * -- shri


orange * -- spang


orangutan * -- spangtam


orbit * -- oxzwei


orchestra * -- sususeiyaunax


order (command) * -- suuntambesmin


order (progression) * -- yottiguyot


in order to * -- psanpsan


orgasm *, cum * -- 1tp word†


orientation * -- kajit


sexual orientation * -- yehetkajitam (plural)  


other * -- dideinit


ouch * -- yawaaa 


out * -- eibet


go out * (on an excursion) -- eibetvad


go out * (recreationally) -- tsevad


go out  * (mating dating) -- effneenvad


out-of-control * -- swoz


outlaw *, criminal *, offender * -- pixgward


outside * -- eibekattet


oven * -- iokeffhaishnax


over * (position) -- eiymeyo

            etym: eiyyen (up) +

over * (quantity) -- zyo


over * (a period of time) -- syeiyyen


owe * -- va-belestspak


owl * -- chorenzweitauw


own * -- sumeyr


owner * -- sumeyrtam


pack * (arrange items in container) -- iokdeiymeiz


pack *, flock *, herd * -- moxsagzul (beasts including bats), moxzweitag (birds)


page * -- haktameyo


pain * -- gregah


paint * -- spyeteys


pair * -- tagit


pajamas * -- seutem-beimor-tusey


pan * (cooking) -- meyohaishnax


panda * -- uuchnuchken


panic * -- uuchyee


pansexual * -- yehetmox


pants * -- tusey (singular)


paper * -- shuumeyo


paragraph * -- besminnenkwep


parallel * -- tagkattetkaj


parasite * -- deiyuduud


park * (car) -- meizsuunnax


park * (greenspace) -- neenpwandolit


parsnip * -- chorenixdeiygwoh


part * -- kwep


participate *, take part -- hyeffinz


partner *, spouse * -- iuurikwenit


party * (political) -- tameiyzemit


party * (recreational) -- tsegward


partial * (fractional, not partisan) -- ta-kwep


partial * (partisan) -- duutneshkwep


password * -- iokbesminit, (slang) niokit, abbrev. nk, “huuk iamz nk” -- ‘lost my pw’


pat * -- tokbukswip


path * -- zulvad


patience *, sympathy *, empathy * -- iuurnenkol


patience * strictly in waiting -- ixsuuniuur


pattern * -- skirbkol


pause * -- tokixsuun


pay * (v) -- duutspak


peace * -- dehemeiz


peak *, culmination *, goal *, end * -- tik, -- tikeyr


peanuts * -- shmerchuubgwohnam 


pee *, piss *, urine * (human) -- 1tp word†


peel * -- diynduuruun


peg * -- sumtokshuuit


pen *, writing brush * -- skirbnax


pendulum * -- wowutuupuul


penis *, dick *, cock * -- 1tp word†


pepper * (black) -- chorenikgwoh


pepper * (capsicum) -- psanikikgwoh


perceive *, apprehend * -- sumipter


percent * -- tak-mexmex


perfect * -- dehdehvad


permission * -- ba-churhyeff  permit * va-churhyeff


permissive *, libertarian * -- moxneshivad


permitted * to, gets * to -- churhyeff


perq *, side-benefit * -- katduutspak


person * -- tam


personality * -- iktam


pester *, torment *, bug *, plague *, irritate * -- moxiokip


pet *, fondle * -- tokswip


petition * -- moxnahahmeyo


phenomenon * -- it (-it, common suffix)


philosophy * -- falazaf


phone * -- wolknax


phosphorus * -- ikmeng


photo *, picture * -- tagipter


pick * -- ip


pick up *, heft *, lift * -- eiyyenip

            etym: eiyyen (up) + ip (pick)

pick up, transport *, give lift * -- duutvadip


piece * -- nenkwep


piebald *, black-and-white *, dappled *, maculate * -- uuchnuch; “ta-uuchnuch kolopwid tak echkolwid ta-va-adei ta-duutneen nen ta-uuchnuch-weiteripter.” “The dappled neck of the giraffe looks impressive on black-and-white television.”


pierce * -- tokyaurshiok


pig * -- gwuut


pile * -- kudun


pillow * -- kolopetsitit


pimple *, pustule *, zit * -- telk


pinch * -- tagnikwep


pine * - sagrakpwanshuu


pineapple * -- akmalitgwoh


pink * -- chirr-chorenix


pipe * (conducting stuff) -- suuxektuu


pipe * (musical) -- seiyektuu


place * -- tuuk


placebo * -- yeyakt


plan * -- ipterhyeff


planet * -- suuloxpun


plant * -- pwandol


plastic * -- artuubitram


plate *, dish * -- deiyhaishnax


platform * -- eiyshukmeyo


play * (games, fun) -- tsenitjeh


play * (theater) -- sagripter


pleasant *, nice *, cool *, sweet * -- dehemalit


please * (request) -- beheniuur


please * (service) -- duutiuur


pleasure * -- ba-ba-ta-neen


pluck * -- eibetsum


plus * -- sumsagr


p.m. * -- deiynep


poinsettia * -- chirrsuulpwan


point * (verb) -- kajipnax


point * (sharp thing) -- aktarg


poison * -- pixskikmeng


poke * -- iokipnax


poker * (cards) -- spakpesanmeyo


police * -- kawngwardmin (often abbrev. kawngward)


politician * -- svin


politics * -- svinhakta


poll * -- elegsagkat


pomegranate * -- chirrmalitshuu


poop *, shit * -- 1tp word†


poop * (of animal, or medical/mundane) -- sneiyuus


poor * -- echipixspak


pop * -- eiblap


positive *-- ta-sumsagr


positivity * -- ba-sumsagr


possible * -- psanbayot


possible to do -- psanhyeff


possibility * -- ba-bayot


post *, publish * -- skirbeibevad


post *, letter mail * -- eibeskirbmin


post office * -- eibeskirbmingwardit


postal service * -- eibeskirbmingward


pot * -- kappokhaishnax


powder * -- toktuutnameng


power * -- chur


practice * (v.)  -- effsuunmox


praise *, compliment * -- dehebesmin


prayer * -- dyazbesmin  


preach *, exhort *, inveigh *, propagandize * -- va-guupbesmin


precaution * -- yeetiyeddex


precede * -- eshishvad


prediction * -- eshishbesmin, predict * -- va-eshishbesmin


prefer * -- adityehet


prepare * -- preistikeyr


present * (here at the time) -- appsseh


press * (touch forcefully) -- nikwep


pressure * -- swipshukvad


pretend * -- haiylhyeff


preview * -- eshishipter


previous * -- ta-uuikvad


pride * -- suulkanda


priest *, minister *, pastor *, imam *, mullah *, rabbi *, monk *, bonze *, talapoy *, shaman * -- dyazbesmintam (if espousing a deity or deities) or guupbesmintam


primary * -- yotuuchspak


print *, text * -- chorbesmin


print * (process) -- va-chorbesmin


prison * -- shukwakgward


prize * -- tsenitjehspak (game), neshivadspak (accomplishment)


pro- * -- ta-dehesmuuh


probable *, likely * -- eiypsanbayot


problem * -- ba-yeetiy


no problem! * -- ta-ix ba-yeetiy (xby)


procedure *, way *, manner * -- itjehvad


proceed *, ‘go ahead and (do)’ …  (in distance or time, possibly abstract), draw as in ‘draw closer’ -- yetar


process * -- vadneshvad


profession * -- eiyairggward


professional * (adj.) -- airgtihyeff


professional * (person) -- airgtihyefftam


profile * -- tagsunipter


program * -- haktavadneshvad


progress * -- eshishsuwit


promote * -- eiydeiymeiz


promise * -- suuxehbesmin


propaganda *, polemic *, ideology *, hermeneutics * -- guupbesminart


property *, character * -- ti


property * (land) -- tamtauta


proponent *, supporter * -- tineshivadtam


proposal * -- peisanit


protect * -- ixnenkanda


prove * -- tidehedzadz


provoke * -- akdiynikwep


pry * -- sheeltshuk


psychiatrist * -- skafasvadtam


psychiatry * -- skafasvadhakta


psychologist * -- skafasuhaktatam


psychology * -- skafasuhakta


pubic * hair -- massyanik


public * -- gwardsagrtam


puff * (of breath or wind) -- shukshenten


pull *, lead * (draw on, direct) -- syolg


punish * -- skafasbuk


pure * -- adeisudor 


purge * -- eibetmox


purple * -- kawnch


push * -- diynikwep


put * in(to) -- nensuun  


put down, set * in place, establish *, (steps) taken -- deiymeiz


put on * (clothes) -- yenchemen


put out * (spatially) -- eibetsuun


puzzle * -- nahakwepit


qualify * (meet requirements) -- eyeynenvad


quality * (inherent worth) -- dehespak


quality * (inherent property) -- naxneen


quarter * -- sagkwepit


queen * -- kolpalangyal


question * -- neshbehen


quiet *, unmoving *, still * -- meiz


quote * -- tagvabesmin


race * (broad human lineage) -- sulutakspyet


racial prejudice * -- sulutakspyet-pixiuur (can be shortened to spyet-pixiuur)


racially prejudiced - sulutakspyet-pixiuurtam or ba-ta-sulutakspyet-pixiuur (both shortening as above)


racism * (blunt) -- ba-spyetsmuuh


racist * (confrontational) -- ta-spyetsmuuh


radio * -- weiterteng


radish * -- chirrduuruun-deiygwoh


raid * (v; police) -- kawnentuutnak


rain * -- druuz


rainbow * -- spyetkajzolt


raise * -- vadeiyyen


RAM * -- toualeiyskafas


ramen * (whole dish, including broth) -- meenn


random * -- toualiskaj


rape * (v.) -- nengregahyeff


raspberry * -- chirrmalitsagr


rat * -- uuchtubuu


rather * -- ta-adit


raw * -- pixmas


razor * -- wuspatyaurshnax


react * -- poppitjeh


read * -- elegbesmin


ready * -- dehneshvad


real * -- irlit 


reality * -- ba-ta-irlit


realize * -- woadehe


reason * (noun) -- vadartsuuldor


recent * -- magrsyeidoul


recognize * -- tagsumipter


recommend *, advise * -- neshdehebesmin


record * (v) -- va-tageiyyen


recording * -- tageiyyen


recover * (get better) -- tagnepdehe


recruit * -- sagriptam


red * -- chirr


Reddit * -- kajyaurshmin


redwood * -- chirrakpwanshuu


refine * (separate components) -- va-tokdehe


refined *, finished * -- spur


in regard * to -- nen ipterdoul tak


regular * -- timoxnep


reject * -- dizolt


related * -- ta-tipreistam


relax * (bodily) -- meizeffuucham


relax*  (mental) -- meizskafas


release * -- swozsum


remain *, stay *, last * (endure *) -- meizkanda


remember * -- tagnenkol


remind * -- buknenkol 


remote * (far distant) -- weiterdikwep


remove * -- eibetsyolg


renew * -- tageyohe


renewal *, update * -- tageyohit


repair *, fix * -- tiyohenax


repeat * -- tatagsweneff


report * -- lutakbesminmeyo


request * -- ba-beheniuur


rescue * -- sumskik


resemble *, look * like, seem like * -- va-adei


resign * -- eibetskirb


respect * -- dideinitneen


responsible * -- adeineshduut


rest * -- meiztamnax


restaurant * -- spakhaishgward


restraint * -- swensuuxeh


restrict * -- tokmog


result * -- eibetpoppo


return * -- tagninenvad

etym: tag (two) + ni (merging/converging prefix from niynit, toward) + nen (in) + vad (go)


reverse (v.) -- uuiksmuuik 


review * (evaluate) -- tagbesmin


review *, look back * on -- uuikipter


rib * -- shishtamkak


rich *, fertile * -- vaisus


ride * -- duutvad


ride * (horseback) -- guupkon


right *, correct * -- ba-vad


right (side) -- uukattet


right (legal, human) -- iuursmuuhgward


ripe * -- mas


rise *, go up -- eiyzem

            etym: eiyyen (up) + zem (hill)

river * -- upa


robot * -- naxsang


rock * (motion) -- uwewu


rock *, stone * -- uubit


roll * (up) -- zuwudmeywid


romantic relationship * -- neensusuit


roof * -- eiykattetmeyo  


room *, enclosure * -- gward


root * -- deiygwohit


rope * -- suuxehit


rose * -- chirrakgwoh


rosebush * -- chirrakpunshuu


rosehip * -- chirrakmalitgwoh


round * -- tiox


routine * -- yatmoxnep


rub * -- meesa


rule * (v., legislate, govern) -- uucheibettag


rule * (n.) -- eibettagskirb


run * -- tikoar


run out – va-ta-huu


rune * writing -- tokshuuitskirb


Russia * -- zaffhoitauta, nickname zaffta  


rust * -- chirrshukwak


sad * -- yeeow


sadness * -- yowo


safe * -- neenmeiz


safe place, preserve *, redoubt *, sanctuary * -- neenmeizgward


salt * -- nakal


same * -- adeisu, (slang) su-art


sand * -- baiss


sandal * -- woazulnax


sandwich * -- tagbagetit


satisfy * -- effdehe


Saturday * -- mossyattat


sauce * -- haishspleil


sausage * -- moxtoknawus ektik abbrev. moxektik


save * -- bepasumeiz (in safekeeping)


scale * (weigh) -- sumuuvaanax


scan * (visually), survey * (without measuring instruments) -- suunipter


scapegoat *, pet peeve * -- pixyehetkwen


scar * -- yaurshnuch


scare * (v. active) -- va-yee


schediaphile * (toonophile *, attracted to drawn characters) -- yehetskirbtam


scene * (in show) -- ipterwikit


scheme * -- artipterhyeff


school * -- nenhakta-gward


schoolyard *, school grounds -- nenhakta-meyo


scooter * (ridden standing) -- kandasuunnax


scorpion * -- wuugaz


Scotland * -- seiyaussiktuutauta, nickname seiyta  


Scouts * -- diniptermehtamám


scratch * (rub itch) -- meesamik


scratch * (linear skin wound) -- tokduuruunyaursh


scratch * (small cut on inanimate material) -- tokektyaursh


scream * (v) -- va-iktiyeng


screenshot * -- palangnax-tagipter, abbrev. naxtagipter


scribble * -- lapskirb


scrotum * -- orkassik


seal * -- hoiskoaka


second * -- tokwik (time seconds)


second 2nd -- tagnep or ta-ba-tag or ta-tag or tagadit


secret * (n) -- iokchementarg


secure * -- dzadzgward


security * -- dzadzgwardit


see *, sense * (verb) in general -- ipter


seed *, spore *, human/animal egg * -- toksangpun


seem * (to be), look * (to be) -- ta-va-adei


seldom * -- magrnep


select * -- ipelegke  


self * -- su


sell * -- neshspakduut


send * -- eibevad


sense * (perception mode) -- tiswiphakta


sense * (good, common) -- eibettaghakta


sensible * -- deheibettag


sensitive * -- nuuneiriei


sentence * (string of words) -- besminupa


separate (adj.) * -- dikweptag


September * -- ungpalangpun


sequoia -- uuchakpwanshuu


sermon * -- guupbesminmeyo


serve * -- tiduut


service * (business related) -- airggward


seven * -- kross


sew * -- va-tokkioknax (-chemenektik) 


sewage * -- mertspleilkaj


sewer * -- mertspleil-suuxektuu


sewer system * -- mertspleil-roktskirbol


sex * (XX/XY) -- elegtamnax


sex * (action, in general, human) -- tamnentam


sex * (action, other than human-human) -- sangnensang


shadow * -- ixsuultarg


shake * -- dahal


shake out *-- eibetdahal


shame * (n.) -- ba-kawnchpaktul


shameless * -- ixinz-ba-kawnchpaktul


share * (stock market) -- kwepspakmeyo


share * (between two) -- tagtikvad


share * (between >2) -- moxtikvad


sharp * -- ak


she *, her * -- emphatic pronoun -- iask-neh


sheep * -- wenuuh; mehtwenuuh -- lamb, etc. (see ‘cow’)


shelf * -- sumshuukwep


shell * -- chok


shift * -- kajtoualis


shine * -- palang


ship * -- uumiat


‘ship’ (storytelling) -- eibetwidhaiyl


shirt * -- beimor


shiver * -- tokdahal


shock * (emotional, perceptual) -- skafasdahal


shoe * -- zulnax


shoot * (v.) -- naxzolt


shop * (buy stuff) -- nenspakvad


shop * (place), store * -- nenspakgward


shore * -- akspleiliasp


short * -- tokchip


should * -- ta-belest


shoulder * -- trangsummeyo


shout *, yell * -- uuchbesmin


show *, reveal * -- duutipter (niynit)


shower * (bathing process or place for that) -- nenyohedruuz


shrink *, contract * -- nentokgward


shrivel * -- ioknendeiybuk


shrub *, bush * -- punshuu


sibling * -- uiy


sick * -- bliyk


side * -- kattet


sideburns * -- tulkattetsyanik


sideways * -- kattetkaj


sight * -- ipterhakta


sign * -- neshbesminmeyo


signal * -- neshbesminwowu


silent *, quiet * -- ixinztiyeng


silver * -- nagan


simple * -- yotadei


since * (causal, not about time) -- pesanadei


since * (ever after) -- duutuuiknep


sing * -- seiyau


sink * (wash fixture) -- huuspleilgward


sink * -- deiybelkswoz


sister * -- uiyal


sister-in-law * -- iuurikwen-uiyal


sit * -- deiysheelt


situation * -- kandameyo


six * -- moss


size * -- gwardmox


skate * (ice) -- zulmeesuunnax


skate * (inline) - zultioxnax


skateboard * -- kandashuukwep


skill * -- meiztihyeff


skin * -- duuruun


sky * -- kawneiymeyo (day)

         choreneiymeyo (night)


slant *, lean * -- sheeltkanda  


slap * -- bukwoaswen


sleep * -- snoan


slide *, slip * -- meesuun


slipper * -- tokzulnax


slop *, messy * stuff, pus * (colloquial) -- lap


slope * -- zemsheeltmeyo


slow * -- aubus


smaller * -- tokadit


smell * (sense) -- mayoadhakta


smell * (action) -- mayoad


smile * -- iuurmont


smoke * (v.) -- tymos


smooth * -- meesaiy


smuggle * -- pixgwardinzvad


snail * -- zuwud


snake *, legless lizard * -- yeiyemzul


sneeze * -- hejah


snow * -- zweidruuz


so *, thus * (in this way *), -like, -ish (suffix) -- adei (-like and -ish can also be represented by the ta- prefix). nenkoliam adei, dehe, nistar svin pantak ta-wenuuh -- ‘I think so, yes, this politician is very sheep-like.’


so, very * -- pantak


soap * -- epseis


social media * -- zweitagbesminhakta


socialist * party -- ta-susuairg tameiyzemit


society * -- tamtamtamit


sock * -- zulchemen


soft * (texture) -- etsit


soft * (air movement) -- ta-shenten


solve *, resolve * -- pixsuuxmox


some *, any * -- timagr


some (instance or another; whatever, n’importe quel, wat dan ook, cualquier) -- zotargyot


someone * -- takotam


something * -- takotarg


something * (event) -- takosuun 


sometime * -- takonep


sometimes * -- takonepam


son * -- iushasang


son * -- trans from assigned at birth female -- iushasang or yaliusyalhasang


song * -- ba-seiyau


soon *, quickly * -- ta-skubus


sore * -- ta-aubusgregah


sorry * -- iuuryowo


sort * (action) -- yotneshyot


sorta *, kinda * -- dehixdeh (extra finder reference cues: sort *, kind *, sort of)


soul * -- churtymos


sound *, noise * -- tiyeng


sound * like (verbally seem like) -- va-tiyeng adei


soup * -- spleilhaish


sour * -- chimalit


source *, origin * -- duuntuuk


south * -- eiysyeitagkaj


southern cross * (constellation) -- eisyeitag  


space * -- chorengward


spaghetti * -- uubtameenn


span *, range * (noun) -- inztag


spark * -- tokikit 


sparkle * -- va-tnakzweisuul


special * -- neentarg


species * -- elegkesagrit


speech * -- moxvabesmin


spend * -- eibetspak


sperm cell *, male gamete * -- toksangius


spider * -- trosszul


spin *, rotate * -- wid


spine * (backbone) -- uuikak


spiral * -- zuwudox   


spirit * -- neennenhakta


split * -- kweptag


splotch * -- lapnuch      


spoon * -- purlhaishnax


spot * -- toknuch


spread * -- neshmoxkaj


spring *, wet season -- spleillatit


spruce * - tokakpwanshuu


square * -- sagkat


squeeze * -- smeitnikwep


squirrel * -- shuutubuu


stalk * -- bukvad


stamp * (postage) -- eibeskirbspakit


stance * -- ba-kanda


stand * -- kanda


stand * (up) for -- eiyyenkanda psanduutem


standard * (adj) -- titikeyr


stage * -- haiylmeyo


star * -- chorensuulpun


state *, province *, territory *, oblast */krai/republic/okrug * -- tautakwep


start */begin * -- duutsuun


status *, state * (basic or intrinsic state of being, -osity *) -- suwit


steal * -- uuldivad


steam * -- spleiloatuu


steer *, guide *, direct *, watch * over (kids) - guup


step * -- tiyotsuun


stew * -- kwussatehaish


stick * (onto) -- sumswip


stick * (wooden) -- tokshuuit


stiff * -- uubwowu


still *, until now *, so far *, as yet *, heretofore -- neshyepa


still *, nonetheless *, all the same (in terms of conditions), notwithstanding * -- ipteradeisu; ipteradeisu tak -- despite


sting * (sensation) -- zazzzikajadei 


stink *, smell * bad -- ekwek


stomach * -- ioktranghuu


stop * (v) -- va-ixsuun


store * (n., supply *) -- taggward


story * -- haiyl


straight * -- ekt


strange *, odd *, weird * -- sheeltekt


strangle * -- shentenmog


strawberry * -- chirrmalitakshuu


stream *, brook * -- urda


street * -- duutvadgward


stretch * -- echipoppo


string * (musical instrument) -- seiyektsum


string * (for tying) -- toksuuxehit


stroke * (moving touch) -- swissuun 


strong * -- shuk


structure * -- gwardsheelt


struggle * -- tokgregahairg


studies * -- nenhaktanairg


study * (process) -- ipterhakta


student *, pupil * -- ipterhaktatam


stuff * -- mengamitam


stupid *, dumb * -- spleilskafas


style * -- palangkanda


sub *, ‘masochist *’ (cooperative sexual) -- yehetsuwoaneen, shortened to swoa 


subject *, topic * -- haktatauta


submerge * -- deiybelk


submit * -- eibeteffsuun


substance * -- meng


subtract * -- diyetarsagr


subway * -- deiyketsuunnax


succeed * -- suuntikdehe


suck * -- chim


sudden * -- ta-buk


sugar * -- malitmeng


suggest * -- tokdehebesmin


suicide * -- suyaurshskik


summer *, dry season -- kappoklatit


sun * -- suulpun


Sunday * -- suulpunyattat


sunflower * -- meiydursuulpwan


super *, mighty * -- sagrshuk


superior * -- sagrdehvad


superpower * -- neenskirbchur


supervise * -- iptereleg


supper *, (evening) dinner * -- deiybyattahaish


supply * (regularly), provision * (verb) -- nensuuneibet


support * -- tiswenshuk


supporter * -- neshivadtam


supposing *, if *, ‘to hypothetically *’ -- psan


suppress * -- deiydiynikwep


surf * (human action or similar motions) -- wowumeesuun


surf * (waves) -- spleiluubitzemam  


surface * -- belk


surge * -- bukspleilkaj  


surgery * -- yaurshvadtamnax


surprise * - skafaspoppo


survive * -- skikmeiz


swear * words -- uulbesminam


Sweden * -- shuuitskirbtauta, abbrev. shuuita


sweet * -- malit


swell * -- uuchvad


swim * -- spleilvad


swimsuit * -- spleilchemen


Switzerland * -- tunguubitzemtauta, nickname zemta


swivel * -- tagkwepitwid


symbol * -- adeipaktul


symptom * -- sumiptertarg


table * -- haishmeyo


tail * -- tyib


take * -- bepasum


take * (require *) -- belest or nahah -- nistar nahahias tak yattatam nesh suuntik -- ‘this will take days to finish’


take off * (pieces of clothing) -- pixchemen


talk *, say *, speak * -- va-besmin


talent * -- neenhyeff


tall * -- eiyyechip

            etym: eiyyen (up) +


tangle * (verb) -- lapsuuxeh


taste * (sense of) -- monthakta


taste * (preference) -- neeneleg


tasteless * (poor choice) -- ta-uuleleg


taste-test * -- monteffsuun


tasty *, delicious * -- ta-montneen


tattoo * -- skirbnuch


tax * -- uuchgwardspak


tea * -- stip


teach * -- psanenhakta


tear * (from eye) -- tauwruukl


teenage * -- mexamsunep


television * -- weiteripter


tell * -- lutakbesmin


temporary * -- sagrwikadei


ten * -- mex


tennis * -- pwanpuntsen


tent * -- chemenitgward


test * (n.) -- effsuungward


testicles * -- orkam


text * message -- wolkchor (from chorbesmin, text or print)


than * -- eiyrel


thank * you * -- iuuriuur


thankful *, grateful * -- iuuriymeng


Thanksgiving * (holiday) -- iuuriuuram-duut-yattat


that * (one) -- distar


that */who * (relative) -- rel


then * -- ta-uuikpnep


theory * -- iknenkaj


there * -- dinik


there is *, there are * -- esto (present tense marker); esto riyau nen iamze suusmeyo – there’s a cat in my lap.


there should be * -- ta-belest esto; ta-belest esto tak gwardmin – there ought to be a law. 


there will be * -- mein (future tense marker); psan eiyaubusias, mein tak dzadziknep psan duutspak – if he/she/it is late, there’ll be hell to pay. 


these * -- nistaram


thesis * -- iknengward


they * (non-binary and other singular gender only) -- iask-hoh (for genderfluid, iask-tou)


thick * -- kwussat


thin * -- wuspat


thing * -- targ


think * -- va-nenkol


third * -- ta-ba-trig or trignep


thirst * -- belestspleil


this * -- nistar


this item * -- ba-nistar


thong (for feet) * -- shnikzulnax


those * -- distaram


though * -- teys-adei (even though), moxadei-esto (all things being equal)


thought * -- nenkol


thousand * -- momox


thread * -- chemenektik


threat * -- gregahbesmin


three * -- trig


thrill * -- neenspleilsuul


through * -- dor


throw * -- zolt


thrust * -- niynitkwep


thrust in * -- niynitiok


Thursday * -- sagyattat


thus * (such a thing) -- ba-adei


tick * (creature) -- chimtrosszul


tick * (clock sound or similar) -- nepnaxbuk


ticket * or entry pass * (entry or transportation) -- vadchurmeyo


tide * -- hoisheeltkanda


tie * -- suuxeh, untie * -- pixsuuxeh


tiger * -- rarrel


tight * -- ta-preisit


tilt * -- eiyyensheelt


time * -- nep


timepoint * -- pnep


tip * -- tikeyrak


tip (information kernel) -- ba-tokneshtambesmin


tire * (on vehicle) -- tioxnaxchemen


tissue * -- etsitmeyo


tissue paper * -- etsitshuumeyo


to *, until *, directed at -- nesh (may be emphasized as ‘nesh-mein’ in unachieved goals)


toast *-- ikbaget


French toast * -- iksangpunbaget


today * -- yatta


toe * -- zuluuvaanax


toddler * -- tokmehtam


together * -- susu


toilet * -- stchuhm


Tokyo * -- widkajelegward


tolerate * -- teysneshivad


toll *, entry fee * -- vadchurspak


tomato * -- chirrnawusgwoh


tomorrow * -- eshishyatta -- tomorrow -- (etym: after today)


tongue * -- ingol


too * (overly much) - -zyo (suffix)


too much * -- sagr-zyo


tooth * -- montnax


top * -- eiykattet


topic * -- haktatauta 


torso */trunk * (human/animal main body region) -- trang


torture * (n.) -- tikeyrgregah


total * -- eiykatmox


touch * -- swip


touch (sense of) -- swiphakta


toward * -- niynit


towel * -- chimchemenit 


town *, city * -- gwarditsagkat


toxic * -- ta-pixskikmeng


toy * -- neentargit


train * (railroad) -- ketsuunnax


train * (v., teach doing) -- neneffmox


trans * FM * -- yaliusmehtam (adult: yaliusmastam)


trans MF * -- iusyalmehtam (adult: iusyalmastam)


transgender * -- syeiymehtkaj


translate * -- nentagingol


transparent *, clear * to light -- tisuuldor


transpire * (develop to final outcome) -- mehtik


treat * (behave toward someone) -- tamitjeh


treat * (medically) -- va-tamnaxkuydas


treat * (goodie) -- dakit


tree * -- shuu


tremble * -- imarrdahal


trend * -- toualispalang


troll * -- wagogt


troublemaker * -- wert


true * -- ta-dehe


trunk * (tree) -- shuutrang


trust * -- tiuurmeiz


trustworthy * -- ta-tiuurmeiz-hyeff


truth * -- ba-dehe


try * -- effsuun


ttyl * -- mein va-besminiamiám susu uuikpnep ... vbsu


tube * -- ektuu


Tuesday * -- tagyattat


tulip * -- lalei


tug * -- toksyolg


tugboat * -- syolguumiat


tumble * -- widokpoppo


Tumblr * -- widokpopponax


Turkey * -- chorenmalitshuutauta, nickname chorta


turn * -- smuuh


turn around * (180 degrees) -- smuuik


turn around completely -- smuox (turn in complete circle, like zero)


turn out * (end up in development) -- mehtik


turnip * -- meiydurdeiygwoh


tweet *, chirp * -- zweitagtokbesmin


tweet (Twitter) -- zweitagskirb


twig * -- tokshuuipnax  


twins * (people) -- titagtamam 


twine * (verb) -- purlswip


twitter *, chirping * (birds or metaphorical) -- zweitagbesmin


Twitter * * -- zweitagbesmingward


two * -- tag


type * (finger action) -- ikdik


type *, sort *, category *, kind *, genus * -- targgward


ugly * -- ta-bworhh


ultimate * -- uuchtik


un- dis-  -- pix


unable * -- pixtihyeff


uncomfortable * -- ta-pixtammeiz


under *, beneath * -- deiymeyo


understand * -- sumbesmin


underwear * -- deiychemenit


undress * -- pixchementam


unfortunate * -- pixdehobuk


unicorn * -- aknaxkon  


unique * -- ikyot


university * (education) -- uuchnenhakta


university * (premises), campus * -- uuchnenhaktagward


unpaid * -- ta-pixwak


unrelated * -- ta-pixtipreistam


unrelated nephew / niece, protegé *, younger chosen-family member -- ta-pixtipreistam iusuiyhasang (tpi), ta-pixtipreistam yaluiyhasang (tpy)


unsatisfied * -- pixeffdehe (dsc)


unspeakable * -- ta-ixinzbesmin


urge *, impulse * -- nendiynikwep


urine * -- 1tp word†


urine (of animals or in medical circumstances) -- byosht


up * -- eiyyen


upgrade * (verb), improve -- tagsagradit


uphold * -- tisweneiyyen


up into * -- eiyneniok

            etym: eiyyen (up) +


upload -- eibnaxhakta


upon * -- eiynen

            etym: eiyyen (up) + nen (in/on)


use * -- tikvad


used to * (habituated to) -- titagkol; get used to it! -- vad-titagkoliak! I can’t get used to getting old -- psanhyeffixiam titagkol tak (or ‘nesh’ or blank) nendoulit tresang.


used to (formerly did repeatedly) -- ta-ta-uuikvad + verb; she/he/they used to go to work at 7 -- ta-ta-uuikvad dou-vadias nesh iasze airg nen kross toknep


vacant * -- ta-ta-huu


vacation *, holidays * -- neenyattatam


vaccinate * -- iokyeetmeiz


vaccine * -- yeetmeizbliyk


vacuum * (physical phenomenon) -- chimhuu


vagina, cunt * -- 1tp word†


in vain * -- neshpix


Valium * -- meizeyeybliyk-vev  


valley * -- purlmeyo


value * -- eiyyenspak


vampire * -- kropfwwoktam


vampire bat * -- kropfwwok


vegetable * -- spleilgwoh


vegetarian * -- pwanhaishtam


vent * (disclose personal emotional info) -- uuchduutipter


Venus * (planet) -- yalneenpun


CSA victim * -- ba-uultikvadbieltam


victim * (of injury, general) -- gregahbieltam


viewpoint *, outlook *, opinion * -- ipteriknen


vigilante *, ‘anti *,’ hyperaggressive -- worch


violation * -- akiokshuk


violin * -- meesaseiyekt


virtue * -- shukdehvad


virus * -- bliykmyech


visible * -- ipterhyeff


visit * (and stay awhile) -- vadmeiz


visitor *, guest * -- meizkandatam


voice * -- tamtiyeng


volcano * -- telkuubitzem


vomit * -- tlotleuhl


vote * -- va-elegsagkat


vulnerable * -- woaneen


wait * -- sumsuun


wake *, disturb * -- yeetmeiz


Wales * -- seiyausagrtauta, nickname sagrta


walk * -- hyo


wall * -- neneiyit


wallaby * -- tokpoppozul


want *, wish * (for) -- sapweish


war * -- kropmeyit


warm * -- tokkappok


warn * -- eddexbesmin


wash * (with soap) -- epseispleil


wash * (with water) -- eyohespleil


wasp * -- fokket


waste * (n.) -- bexlap


watch * (v) -- meizipter


watch * (timepiece) -- toknepnax


water * -- spleil


water-buffalo * -- spleilmuurm


way * (path of procedure) -- skafasvad; Way (approved path) deheskafasvad; technique itjehvad (somewhat interchangeable with skafasvad, the latter having a more brainy inflection); tiswip skafasvad -- by the way (abbrev. tsv)


wave * -- wowu


wax * -- zazzzigwardmeng


weak * -- blay


weapon * -- naxyaursh; arms * naxyaursham; armed * ta-naxyaursh


wear * -- chemensum


weasel -- ektikskoaka


weave * (v.) -- va-chemensyeiy


webpage * -- weiterhaktameyo


website * -- weiterhaktagward        


wedding * -- sumtagtse


Wednesday * -- trigyattat


weed * -- nuwunsheeltgwoh


weigh * -- va-deiyyensum


weight * -- deiyyensum


welcome * (salutation) -- dehvad nenvad


you’re welcome * -- tagnineniuur


week * -- krossyattatit  


weekend * -- krossyattik


weird *, strange *, odd * -- sheeltekt


well * (contemplate) -- uu; uunuu -- well, well!


west * -- yeetiywidkaj


what * -- zotarg


what * (event) -- zosuun


what if * -- zosuun psan


whatever * -- zotargyot


what’s up? * -- zotarg suunias? zsu


what you doing? * -- zotarg swenaffiak? abbrev. zotarg swe?


wheat * -- bagetpwandol 


wheel * -- tioxnax


when * -- zopnep


whenever * -- zobuknep


where * -- zotuuk


wherever -- zobuktuuk, zotuuk rel; zotuuk rel iak ta-psanbayot esto -- ‘wherever you may be.’


whew! * -- ityoh!


while * -- nennep rel


which * (relative pronoun ‘the one out of the group of all those possible’) -- ba-rel; dou ba-ta-tag ba-rel dou iamze -- It was the second one that/which was mine.


which one * -- zoyot?


in which * -- nen ba-rel


whimper * -- tokyeiyo


whisper * -- oatuubesmin


white * -- chorenix


who * -- zotam


whole * -- yotmenggward


whoever * -- zotamyot 


why * -- zolutak


wide * -- syeiyechip


wifi * -- weiterwowu


wiggle *, wriggle * -- purldahal


wild * -- sagzulitjeh


wildcat * -- riyaurarrel


win * -- eyeynen


wind * (up) -- zuwudwid


wind around * -- neshpurlswip


winner * -- eyeynentam


wind * -- isswess


windmill * -- isswessairgnax


window * -- suuldormeyo


wine * -- fiuus


wing * -- ba-zwei


wink * -- iuur-iptervawapr


winter * -- burralatit


wire * -- wakektik


wise * -- iuurpalangskafas


witch *, wizard * -- widdyaztam


witchcraft * -- widdyazhakta


with * -- inz


without * -- ixinz


witness * -- iptertam


wolf * -- aauuskoaka


woman * -- yalmastam


wonder * (muse questioningly) -- neenneshbehen


wood * -- shuuleibiut


word * -- besmin


wordless * -- ixinzbesmin


work * -- airg


worker *, employee * -- airgtam


world * -- hoitautapun


worm * -- uduud


worry * -- tikoarskirbox (+ tak or psseh or niynit)


worse * -- uulnelit


wrap * -- iestmashtchemen


wrapping *, e.g., paper -- iestmashtchemenmeyo


wrist * -- toknuwunsheelt


write * -- skirbmin


wrong * -- uulvad


Wuhan * (武漢) -- kropmeytatung


year * -- lat


yeast * -- kreikerit


yellow * -- meiydur


yes * -- dehe


yesterday * -- uuikyatta


you * -- iak


young * -- hasang


zero * -- ox


zone * -- gwardsagkat


zoo * -- sagzuliptergward


zoophile * -- ta-yehetsagzul


grammatical markers


biel -- passive voice


esto -- continuous


doff -- emphatic (yehetiam iak doff, yehetiam-doff iak … I really like you)


dou -- past


doul -- perfective past


hyp -- hypothetical


mein -- future


vad -- imperative




ekwu -- ekwek wuugaz! -- stinking scorpion! -- POS

ztm? -- zotarg tak moksh? -- what the blowfly? -- wtf

konmoksh diynit! -- horsefly off! -- f off

pmk! -- psanduutem muuts krop! -- for bloody mosquito blood! -- ffs

bvf! -- biel va-fokket-doul -- get horneted! -- get f’d

vmd -- va-muuts-diynit-doul -- mosquitoed off -- p’d off

mnd! -- moksham nen distar! -- flies on that! -- no f’s given

moksham!  - blowflies! -- sh-t

mein-va-fokketiam iask-ik sagr -- I’m going to hornet him much -- Ima f him up



† 1tp words -- One-time pad words, consult your webmaster for updated list or designate your own among conversants for single-day use. Use numbers, not English words, to designate them, in the same order as given in the paragraph of the story that has the word ‘insie’ in it.  Or use the symbols given at the Cole story. Add modifications for additional gender possibilities as needed (see intro to the story ‘meesaiy choren ta-spurduuruun zulnaxam’).


Conventional phrasebook modeled after https://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/yucatec-maya.php




dehvad nenvad!

Hello (general greeting)


How are you?

zopsan iak?

Answers to ‘how are you?’

dehvad! -- good!; ixtix! - not bad; vuuei… -meh; pantak ixvad! - really bad! e.g., embarrassed, depressed); uulnel! -- physically bad, rotten, self-loathing

What’s your name?

zotarg iakze bentem?

My name is …

iamze bentem … (or ta-bentemiam …)

Where are you from?

duun zotuuk nenvadiak?  (or zotuuk nenvadiak duun?)

I’m from…

iam duun …

hNice to meet you

dehemalit timtam

Good morning

dehvad eiyzyatta

Good afternoon

dehvad kappokyatta (or, if a cold day, dehvad burrayatta)

Good evening

dehvad deiybyatta

Goodbye, see you

nesh ta-tag (or nesh ta-tagnep) -- until again

Goodbye, for indefinite parting


Good night

dehemalit chorenyatta

Good sleep

dehemalit snoan

Good luck!

dehvad dehobuk

Have a good day

dehemalit yatta

Bon appetit


Bon voyage

dehemalit duutvadit

I understand


I don’t understand

sumbesminixiam (or ix sumbesminiam)

I don’t know


Do you speak English? (said to one person)

va-besminiak ta-kolpalangta?

Do you speak French? (said to >1 person)

va-besminiakiák ta-eyohebagetta?

Excuse me (in inconvenience)




Please (request)


Please (said in providing service, as in Jap. dozo)


Thank you.


You’re welcome


Where’s the toilet?

zotuuk stchuhm?

This person will pay for everything

nistar tam mein duutspak tak moxmoxtarg

I’ve missed you

dou-huunuuneyriam iak

I love you

neeniuuriam iak

Go away!

vad diyetar!

Leave me alone

vad pixkwep o iam ta-yot




ik esto!

Call the police!

vad itjebesmin kawngward!

Christmas greetings

ta-eyey yeshusulutak

Easter greetings

ta-eyey yeshuheiyzem

Ramadan Eid-al-Fitr greetings

ba-neendehvadbesmin uuchnenhaish

Passover greetings

ta-eyey neenyattatam

Diwali greetings

ta-eyey suuluuchnenhaish

One language is never enough

yot ingolit esto ixpnep eyrtik

I am hot

iam kappok (or kappokiam)

Are you hot?

iak esto kappok? (or kappokiak?)

I am cold

iam burra (or burraniam)

I am hungry

iam belesthaish (or belesthaishiam)

What would you like to eat?

zotarg sapweishiak nenhaish?

I’d like to eat…

sapweishiam nenhaish tak…

Take care of yourself

vad kuydas iaksu

Please wait for me.

beheniuur, sumsuun psanduutem iam (or beheniuur, sumsuun tak iam)

Speak to you later (We’ll talk again soon), ttyl

mein va-besminiamiám susu uuikpnep ... (abbreviated mbsu)

How was your day?

zopsan dou iakze yattat?

How do you feel?

zopsan nuuneyriak?

A sample proverb

dilutak kaj esto ixinztiyeng, kajzolt psanhyeffias eshishspak psan seiyau




alphabet: ana beb chech ded ene fef geg heh ini jej kek lel mem nenen ono pep rer ses tet unu vev wew xex yey zez


Alternate script

ana ㅏ, beb ㅂ, chechㅊ, ded ㄷ, ene ㅔ, fef ф, geg ㄱ, heh ㅎ, ini ㅣ, jej ㅈ, kek ㅋ, lel л, mem ㅁ, nenen ㄴ, ono ㅗ, pep ㅍ, rer ㄹ, ses ㅅ, tet ㅌ, unu ㅜ, vev в, wew у, xex ξ, yey υ, zez з


In Korean Hangul script, the consonants are easy to learn because they show a cross section of where your tongue and the bottom and top of your mouth are when you say the letter.  Sometimes lips are also show as a left closure as in b, p and m. Non-Korean consonants are from Cyrillic and Greek.

The vowels start as a vertical line with a, e and i, and then 'fall over' to become a horizontal line with the back-vowels o and u. 

ㅌㅗㅋ^ㅂㅏ-ㅂㅔㅅㅁㅣㄴㅏㅁ - dictionary

зуㅔㅣㅌㅏㄱ - bird

Since spaces between these letters are irregular in Unicode, the symbol ^ can be used to indicate spaces between words. 



Useful paste-ins

á é í ó








**Non-Normative Identities Alliance** 


NNIA -- ix-syolgtung sutargam tagkajvayotit, ISST