
A wedding set for unforeseen situations, or forgotten little things


While working as a wedding photographer, I realized for myself one simple truth - no matter how well the wedding is planned, there will always be a place for an unfortunate accident that will try to spoil the mood of the newlyweds. It can be a head suddenly hurt from excitement. Problems with the dress of the bride. Or many other minor troubles that on the wedding day may seem like a catastrophe to the bride and groom.


It is impossible to foresee everything, of course, but it is entirely up to you to prepare and minimize possible damage. After all, a wedding is one of the key and happiest events in the life of any person, and the memories should be appropriate.

Below I will give a list of things that will help you cope with almost any trouble.

To begin with, you should collect an ambulance kit for clothes and wedding decor:

  • scissors
  • a pair of needles and thread (black and white)
  • multiple pins (english and regular)
  • stapler (make sure it is charged)
  • paper clips
  • tube of clear superglue
  • clothes roller
  • antistatic

Separately, it is worth highlighting:

  • Spare stockings / tights for the bride
  • spare shirt for the groom
  • comfortable changeable shoes
  • contingency money

Cosmetics and care:

  • hairbrush
  • studs and invisible
  • nailfile
  • mirror
  • lipstick or lip gloss
  • mascara
  • nail polish remover
  • nail polish
  • Polish for hair
  • matting napkins (as a wedding photographer with extensive experience , I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to avoid oily sheen in photos, especially in the summer)


  • wet wipes
  • paper handkerchiefs
  • dental floss
  • deodorant
  • cotton swabs
  • if you wear contact lenses, be sure to grab a second set

First Aid Kit:

  • bactericidal patch
  • pain medication
  • ammonia
  • validol
  • remedies for indigestion
  • paracetamol
  • no-shpa
  • Activated carbon
  • iodine
  • sterile bandage
  • hydrogen peroxide

Don't be afraid of the length of this list. Everything fits easily in a small suitcase.