
Multiple APK Support Helps Android App Developers

This really is fantastic news for Android app developers since it will allow these phones offer apps on the wider array of send out hardware. This new change is one kind of Google's major efforts to tackle the difficulties which were experienced with fragmentation. Multiple versions of the identical app can now be combined into one Android Market listing. The prior rule only allowed first APK per product listing. The benefit to uploading multiple versions of an APK are that many version can address an alternative niche of the customers. The different versions share precisely the same package name, but contain coding that targets different versions available on the Android platform, various screen sizes and GL texture-compression formats. The proper APK is delivered to the consumer, in line with the signatures and characteristics from the users device.

Initial reports on this new market device detection surfaced last month on the internet type of Google's Android Market. Users go online browser and sign in, then choose the app they need to install. This method then checks the compatibility in the selected app and the hardware that is laid out in the settings of the user. Approved apps will receive a green message which says "this app is compatible with your device" or a yellow message saying "this app is incompatible along with your device."


Now Android app developers can have the potential of providing bonus versions which might be compatible and from the same offering, as opposed to cluttering up the marketplace with multiple listings that find yourself confusing the consumer. Multiple APK support will offer the developer more choices for controlling their app distribution. Most notable, a developer can produce a separate APK for tablets and smartphones under this same listing. Benefiting from new API's or hardware capabilities without drastically effecting your subscriber base must be viewed as a major help to giving the Android Market a try for app developers.

There has not been to start a date seeking the making of the new-look Android Market app, but leaked versions are already arriving online for download and installation. Google did announce plans to unveil a completely new Android Market app that enables for purchasers to get books or rent movies using their tablets, smartphones and devices. Android Market adjusted by having a new overhaul which is embodies more of a Windows Phone 7 "Metro UI" look, rather than the previous Green and White motif.

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