
Qualities for a professional image

SHARON MATHEW, JollyHires Inc.

It is a boost for online job registration for freshers when others see them as someone who is entirely dedicated to their work and never lets anything stand in the way of completing obligations. Because you are a cut above the rest, you are the first person your supervisor considers for a promotion. That happens only when you manage to create an amazing and strong professional image because not will it only benefit you, but it will benefit your company as well as all jobs in India as a whole!


Create a positive first impression

The importance of first impressions cannot be overstated. We make up our minds about whether we like someone within seconds of meeting them. When meeting someone for the first time in your professional role, you must also focus on generating a good impression. It’s equally important to create a positive first impression even in Interviews. May it be a video interview, video call, or video screening, remember to do the same and behave as professionally as you would physically. This shows your sincerity and seriousness even though you are behind a screen. Maintain the status quo and demonstrate your passion and loyalty to your work via your actions.


Use appropriate body language

Your actions speak louder than your words. It's a code that may indicate your energy level, mood, likes and dislikes, and a variety of other things. It includes everything from sitting and standing up straight and providing a strong handshake when meeting someone to carrying oneself with confidence and keeping eye contact when talking to a client, employee, or employer. This stands even for pre-recorded videos such as video resumes and video screenings. You don’t want to have all your skills, interests, and experience just to get rejected because you come off as tacky on your pre-recorded videos!  New-Generation Apps Like Jolly Hires provide a perfect platform to create a 360-degree digital profile supported with short intro Video, Video Referrals, Accomplishments, and helps you project an accomplished professional image.


Effective and concise communication

Keep your communications, presentations, interactions, and debates short and sweet. In all your communications, keep your tone neutral, official, and courteous. Before launching into a counterargument, pay attention to what the other person is saying. Before making a decision on official affairs, think about it and analyse it.


Create an e-life that reflects your professional image

No matter how hard you attempt to cultivate a positive professional image, if you do not align your e-life or online life with it, it will quickly deteriorate. That being said, having a good and impressive video resume on all job apps may just help you elevate yourself further. Video resumes are after all known for highlighting all your skills, interests, and experience along with confidence, personality, and communication skills. All through a screen! If you don’t have a video resume yet, get started on it. That resume will definitely help the job screening process for other recruiters as they’ll be 100% sure, they want you!


As a result, if you're trying to build a strong professional image for yourself, be sure you're not publishing anything on the internet that may jeopardise it. You should also make sure that your friends aren't tagging you in anything that might hurt you.


Allow your work to speak for itself. Nothing can help you build a strong professional image if you are doing everything correctly but are not honest in your job. Professionalism requires more than just a degree and a job. The way you behave yourself at work affects your professional image and success.


CTA: We hope you got enough insights over how to build a strong professional image. Now, it's time to test them practically, head over to: JollyHires is one of the best online job apps for students, and browse through amazing job opportunities including all the jobs that fall under the category of ‘Jobs near me, Jobs in India, excellent jobs around me, Jobs hiring near me’ and get free job alerts daily ;)
