
How Can Infection Be Prevented After Joint Replacement Surgery?

How Can Infection Be Prevented After Joint Replacement Surgery?


Whether a person is old or young enough for joint replacement surgery is one of the most commonly asked queries of a joint replacement surgeon. There is no certain age at which a person can safely have joint replacement surgery, according to the top joint replacement surgeon in Nashik.

The surgeon, on the other hand, always makes the final decision after weighing the benefits and risks of the surgery with the patient in mind. While the benefits outweigh the hazards for some patients, even if they are over 90 years old, it is also surprising that many young people are not suitable candidates for joint replacement surgery due to reasons that are entirely within their control.


In the case of joint arthroplasty, the majority of these conditions raise the risk of a serious infection known as prosthetic joint infection (PJI). A small percentage of people who get knee or hip replacements, about 1%, may develop a joint replacement infection.


Infections can develop in the wound or deep into the body, where the replacement joints are implanted. Infections can develop during your stay in the hospital or after you return home. Infections in joint replacements can arise many years after the surgery. PJI is a severe infection that is frequently accompanied by pain. This infection takes a long time to cure and inhibits the patient from experiencing pain alleviation and limb functionality.


Easy Methods to Prevent Prosthetic Joint Infection (PJI)


Preventing infection from forming in the first place is the best method to avoid the painful experience of infection. Infection prevention requires specific steps from both the surgeon and the patient. If you're ready for joint replacement surgery, there are four strategies to lower your risk.


1 Antibiotic

Antibiotics are administered to the patient in the operating room within an hour of the surgery starting to prevent infection. Following the operation, antibiotics are given once every 24 hours.


2 Nasal Scanning

Many weeks before surgery (in the preoperative period), testing for the presence of Staphylococcus bacteria in the nasal passages has been seen to prevent joint infection. Patients who have staphylococcus germs in their noses are given an intranasal antibiotic ointment to apply. The type of bacteria discovered also determines the type of antibiotic given to the patient during surgery.


3 Smoking

Before surgery, it is a good idea to quit smoking. Nicotine users have been observed to have issues that cause wound healing to be delayed after an operation. Infections have a higher likelihood of setting in if wounds take longer to heal. Those who stopped smoking before surgery had a lower infection risk.


4 Blood Sugar

If the patient is diabetic, it is critical that he or she maintains blood sugar control before and after surgery. Prior to surgery, an HbA1c test should be performed. Those with an HbA1c value of more than 7 are more likely to develop a PJI. The procedure should be postponed until the HbA1c level is stable.


5 Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight is critical for the patient. It has been discovered that having a healthy weight or a BMI of 35 to 40 kg/sq.m. is beneficial. As a result, it is preferable to keep the patient's weight within a healthy range prior to surgery. If the patient's BMI is over 40, the risk of PJI is seven times higher than it would be otherwise.

Finally, for a variety of reasons, the patient must take responsibility for their health and quit smoking, maintain a healthy weight, control diabetes, and aggressively manage these factors if necessary in order to enjoy a quick recovery and wound healing, as well as avoid infection in the replaced joint. It's also crucial that the patient inquires about the hospital's infection-prevention procedures. To learn more about your joint replacement journey, contact our Best joint replacement doctor in Nashik.