

Title of Track "Stab"

Eerie Music Unfolds

Ext. Woodsboro, California - Night


Woodsboro lies beneath an eerie glow cast by the moonlit night, its dense wooded surroundings framing the town like an embrace.


Dakota's Bed Room for Night Stay


Brie Larson plays Dakota while Callie Rowan portrays Haytte Riley. Both women are primping in their rooms before leaving to attend class together.


"Locked away in the darkness are secrets we hide... while dancing through the night..." DAKOTA sang softly:


HAYTTE smiled warmly: You seem to be in an expressive vocal mood today.


Woodsboro can get quite creepy at times; I just wanted to lighten the mood!


They exchange glances, appreciating the mysterious allure of their hometown.


Ext. Woodsboro Streets - Night


Dakota and Haytte step into a dimly-lit town and walk slowly along its empty streets.


Dakota Slayton: Something feels brewing tonight, Haytte. A sense of impending doom seems imminent.


Or the quiet before an explosion.


They continue their day, unaware that chilling events lie ahead.


Ext. Woodsboro Streets - Night


Dakota and Haytte make their way along quiet streets, feeling an air of unease lingering around them. A distant rustle of leaves only adds to this creepy feeling.


HAYTTE (glancing around) Sometimes Hayttette gives me the creeps. What's your take, Dakota?


DAKOTA (nodding) Woodsboro offers more than meets the eye; I have always sensed it.


Shadows appear to dance among tombstones as you walk by an old cemetery.


DAKOTA whispered "Did you see that?"

HAYTTE raised her eyebrow in confusion but before Dakota could respond the streetlights began flickering unsettling shadows across their path.


Don't mind it; just get to the party already. Perhaps my imagination is running amok?


They speed up, driving toward distant sounds of laughter and music.


Dakota and Haytte arrive at a house where an intoxicating party atmosphere prevails - loud music, laughing revelers and flashing lights add excitement and create an electric vibe.


Let's put aside any weird issues and just enjoy ourselves tonight! DAKOTA (over the music)

Let's just enjoy ourselves tonight and leave any awkwardness aside!


Haytte nods and they join in the celebration, joining in amongst a vibrant crowd.


Later that evening, Dakota recognizes an undercurrent of unease among her party guests and glances over towards Haytte, who also appears troubled.


HAYTTE can tell something is off - she feels it.


Before Dakota can react, all of the lights suddenly went out, plunging the house into darkness.


DakOTA has gone all-out creepy here.


At first, darkness covers the room as panicked whispers spread among its inhabitants. But suddenly, lights flick back on, revealing chaos.


DAKOTA (stunned) What has just occurred? Partygoers react in horror as Kayla Jones' lifeless body plummets down the staircase, leaving behind a trail of destruction in its wake.


HAYTTE was shocked at what she witnessed. This cannot be real!


Dakota grabs Haytte by the hand and they stumble backward, both gazing intently upon the terrifying scene in front of them.


Sirens can be heard wailing in the distance as police cars arrive on scene, sirens becoming louder as Officer Jackson Riley (Cm Punk) emerges from one of them looking stern and determined.


Everyone please step back! Give us some space! OFFICER RILEY (commanding)


After Kayla collapses at her party, those present disperse and leave a clearing surrounding her body for Officer Riley to examine with both anxiety and dissatisfaction.


Officer Riley reported: A 10-54 was reported at a party house nearby and we requested backup and coroner's attendance as soon as possible.


Officer Riley surveys the scene as Dakota and Haytte approach visibly distressed.


Dakota (trembling voice)

Officer Riley, something has gone horribly wrong.


Officer Riley of Grim Reapers observed something suspicious nearby. What were your observations?


HAYTTE (stammering)

Just then, all of a sudden the lights went out and Kayla's body lay there...


Officer Riley interrupts: We need to secure this area first and foremost.


Partygoers huddle together, whispering nervously. Officer Riley takes control, determined to uncover the mystery behind Kayla's tragic fate.


-- Indoor Police Station for Night Time Operations.


Officer Riley quickly leads Dakota, Haytte and other witnesses into the waiting area for a safe interrogation process.


Officer Riley asked each of you to submit an individual statement containing only facts.


Dakota and Haytte sit silently with eyes filled with surprise. Officer Riley notices their distress and places his hand gently on Haytte's shoulder to provide comfort.


Officer Riley promises Haytte that they'll soon discover who did this, promising she won't have any problems finding out who did it.


Haytte smiles warmly at her brother, grateful that he's here.




Cody Rhodes plays Cody Prescott, an individual with concerns of his own who enters the police station to express them.


Where is Dakota, is she alright? DYLAN was concerned.


Officer Riley approaches Dylan with an attempt to restore calm.


Officer Riley (calmly): Dakota is present, and we're still gathering data.


At this party, there was an incident, and we are investigating it further. DYLAN asked Officer Riley what happened before going back inside to see him again and Officer Riley explained what had taken place before continuing.


Dylan tightens his eyes tighter as his protective instinct takes hold.


"DYLAN (desperate) needs to see her," stated Officer Riley in understanding his urgency, as they headed toward Dakota and Haytte who were sitting together in the waiting area.




Dakota stands as she sees Dylan approaching and they embrace tightly, sharing a close embrace as the night slowly settles between them.


"Drakota (shakily) Are you alright?" Dylan asked quietly. DAKOTA seemed disoriented as well and was unclear where things stood with regard to Dylan. This situation felt surreal to both of them.


Dylan looks over to Officer Riley with an understanding smile; both share an understanding that passes without words between them.


Officer Riley asserts, firmly: We'll get to the bottom of this for Kayla.


Entrance to Prescott House for Night Time Events.


The Prescott house stands in silence, its halls filled with memories. Ghostface clad in his sinister mask moves quietly through its shadowy corridors with an ominous knife in hand that sparkles under dim lighting.


Ghostface moves into a living room filled with family photos on the walls. He uses his blade maliciously to scrape across each image, leaving a chilling mark across their smiling faces as time stands still.


Eerie Music Intensifies An unearthly scraping sound reverberates through the empty house, signaling an intrusion into its sanctuary by an unknown force.


CUT TO: Ghostface maneuvers through the hallway with uncanny precision, leaving behind him an unsightly trail of disturbed portraits in its wake.


Eerie Music Continues

A masked figure appears, revelling in its unnerving act before retreating back into the shadows as though never having existed at all.


Close-up of a torn family photo showing joyful faces marred by its destruction.




Dylan and Dakota arrive home, accompanied by Officer Riley. However, an air of foreboding pervades as they open the front door.


Something doesn't feel quite right to Dylan. Something feels off.


Officer Riley advised those around her to remain close. We must take every measure possible in our efforts.


They enter slowly, carefully opening the door. Stepping inside, they suddenly find themselves staring into an unfamiliar living room that leaves all three siblings speechless in shock.


Indoor Living Room, Continuous


Once welcoming and cozy, the living room now seems disquietingly cold and dismal; family photos slashed and torn by unsettling words now lie scattered on the floor; once-beachy smiles from Prescott family now replaced by angry gashes.


Dylan tightens his fists tightly as anger and frustration flood through him.


Who could possibly do something like this? Officer Riley grimly responds:


Dakota rushes around frantically inspecting damaged photographs as Officer Riley takes over, her eyes welling with tears as she scrutinises each one carefully.


DAKOTA (whispering) This is an ominous sign. Someone's targeting us.


Dylan turns to his sister for advice.


We won't allow them to win; we stand together.


Once they realize how fragile they are, a sudden realization dawns of their vulnerability, spurring on a renewed dedication to unlocking all the mysteries surrounding the dark presence in their lives.


Dakota and Haytte try to escape their oppressive home environment and find themselves on an active college campus where both parties find respite from recent events but yet the past weighs heavy on them. The sun shines, yet memories from recent incidents linger with them.


HAYTTE (attempting to raise spirits)

Perhaps being around people will help take our minds off things.


Let's make this day as normal as possible. Let's do everything we can to live a productive, stress-free day.


On their explorations around campus, they unexpectedly encountered Daiki, played by Niko Ren, and Kaleb, played by Colby Lopez.


DAIKI (smiling): Won't we meet again soon.


HAYTTE forced herself into smiling. DAIKI and Kaleb seemed disoriented, as though they'd seen something strange. Whatever's up?


Dakota and Haytte exchange uneasy glances.


DAKOTA (guarded) Tonight has been rough. DAIKI (playful)

They say to just let go and enjoy life for what it's worth; take advantage of every moment to live it fully!


HAYTTE (sarcastically) She may also refer to all the recent... excitement as an indicator.


Kaleb looks at them suspiciously, sensing something amiss.


Are You Excited about KALEB (Mysterious)

Do You Feel Excitement, Would You Care to Share it with Us?


Dakota and Haytte hesitate in disclosing all that has taken place in their lives that has caused concern, yet remain unaware.




Dakota and Haytte sit across from Daiki and Kaleb at a table in a lively college cafeteria, providing an energetic distraction to any tension they might be feeling in the air. Students' chatter provides a stark contrast to this atmosphere of stress.


DAIKI (leaning in)

Does something look amiss here? (Derision.) What could this possibly be about?


HAYTTE (sighing)

Things have been strange. First there was Kayla at her party and then someone trashed our house last night.


Kaleb and Daiki exchange glances, sporting mischievous smiles. They both exchange glances that have an air of mischief about them.


KALEB (smiling) Sounds like the makings of a horror movie plot!


DAKOTA (nervously) No joke here, Kaleb; it felt as if someone were watching us closely.


Perhaps Woodsboro has its own way of keeping secrets? DAIKI smiled wryly. Small towns tend to hide some things.


HAYTTE was pleased with her cryptic message.


Relax, ladies. KALEB (playful) is here for you if you require protection - let us be your knights in shining armor.


They share a laugh, yet something feels off about the situation.


Ext. College Campus - Later


Dakota and Haytte part ways with Daiki and Kaleb, only to discover they may have hidden agendas which entangle them further in a web of lies and deceit.


Woodsboro Police Station - Night


Dylan and Officer Riley, intent on uncovering the dark secrets of Woodsboro, are combing through old archives and case files in search of answers.


Officer Riley flipping through files)

Our task now is to identify any patterns or links between what's happening now and any past events.


Dylan (scrolling through records) Please be aware, Jackson. Our great-grandmother Maureen Prescott was murdered in Woodsboro several years ago.


Officer Riley seemed surprised. How come none of us knew anything about it before?


Records document several unsolved murders that seem like deja vu.


Officer Riley suggested we need to examine further. There could be something being hidden by the town.


Dylan and Officer Riley search Woodsboro on a daily basis in search of information from older residents who might recall Maureen Prescott's murder.


Elderly Resident (whispering)

That was a dark time. People didn't talk much about it.


Why has she gone? What has become of her?


Elderly Resident (Guarded)

Rumors swirled that an unknown assailant had attacked and it's said the town has its share of secrets that should remain concealed.


Officer RILEY (determined)

We cannot ignore our past; it could hold key insights into what's happening now.


--- Night Police Station Interior


Dylan and Officer Riley investigate old newspaper clippings, uncovering intriguing parallels between past events and present day happenings.


Dylan (serious)

The details are quite consistent and we must determine who killed Maureen Prescott and why.


Officer Riley remains unwavering in her resolve, vowing to get to the bottom of this.


Woodsboro has long been plagued with mysteries that elude its citizens, yet this group seems determined to reveal them all.


"NIGHT at Prescott House


Dakota and Haytte enter an unnervingly quiet house, their nerves in overdrive as they make their way through dimly-lit rooms. Tension rises as Dakota and Haytte walk towards each room one by one.


HAYTTE can't shake the feeling that she and I are being watched.


Grab everything necessary and head out! DAKOTA (nervous) Let's go grab what we need and head out.


While they rush to gather their belongings, an unwelcome cold draft sweeps through, extinguishing a candle that had previously lit. The girls become overwhelmed and are stunned into silence as their belongings vanish without trace and they begin to freeze up.


DAKOTA whispered in her whisper. As darkness descended into their room, all they heard was rapid breaths.


Ghostface (emerging from the shadows)

Unfortunately, Prescotts cannot escape their past.


Dakota and Haytte look warily at Ghostface, who holds out a shimmering knife to threaten them.


Ghostface (in an angry tone) Now is the time for bloodline sins to be atoned for.


Girls scream in fear as Ghostface moves closer, conducting his macabre dance in the shadows.


Ext. Prescott House for an evening event


Dakota and Haytte flee the house, their faces contorted with fear as Ghostface follows them onto the porch with hollow eyes focused upon its victims.


Ghostface (mocking)

Running won't save you.

As Dakota and Haytte race forward to escape Ghostface's menacing shadows, their breath becomes visible against the cold night air.


GhostFace (whispering)

No one can escape the darkness within.


Ghostface closes in, terrorizing the girls. Just when everything seems hopeless, officers Jackson Riley and Dylan Prescott arrive with flashlights shining brightly through the dark night.


Officer Riley ordered Ghostface to drop the weapon immediately, yet he hesitated and then vanished into the shadows, leaving his siblings stunned and in silence.


DAKOTA (breathing heavily)

He was inside! We need to leave.


Officer Riley wants you to hop into his car. Together we'll resolve this situation.


Ghostface remains in the shadows, serving as an unsettling reminder that horror may yet reign supreme. As they speed away, his presence reminds everyone of just how unnerved they are by what is ahead.


Ext. Old RILEY House for Night Stay


Dakota, Haytte, Officer Riley and Dylan arrive at the dilapidated remains of the old Riley house with its broken windows casting unsettling shadows and its air filled with an oppressive stillness.


Officer Riley (resolute)

This place holds all of the answers we seek.


Crumbling porches serve as a grim welcome as visitors cautiously approach the entrance.


"What happened here, Jackson?" Dylan whispers quietly to Jackson.


Officer Riley must confront his past. It has an impactful way of sneaking up on us all and must be addressed directly.


As they entered, the atmosphere became colder; dust particles danced under their flashlight beam, revealing vestiges of forgotten history.


HAYTTE (nervous)

Something seems off here...


Dakota recognizes some familiar faces amongst Ghostface's presence in an old family photo.


Dakota (unsettled) It's like looking through an odd family album.


Ghostface suddenly emerges from the shadows, bearing his signature grim reaper mask of vengeance.


GhostFace (menacing voice)

The Riley legacy has long been marred by corruption.


The room seems to shrink around them as ghostly whispers surround them, each step carrying with it an echo from their past.


As the group explores further into Riley House, they discover hidden rooms and mysterious symbols etched onto its walls.


What secrets were hidden here? DYLAN (shaken)


Officer Riley (Reflective)

Sins from our past can never truly fade away.


HAYTTE whispered in whispers. We need to figure out what happened here.


Ghostface becomes ever more apparent as his shadows move and twist in an unsavoury dance.


Ghostface (whispering)

With each step, Woodsboro's residents get closer to uncovering what has drained away its soul for generations - darkness.


"Nightmare Chamber, Riley House and Hidden Chamber"


The group discovers a hidden chamber within the old Riley house, decorated with ancient symbols and flickering candles that emit an unsettling aura.


Officer Riley would often spend their free time here attempting to unravel the town's secrets. Dewey and Tatum would spend hours here unravelling its mysteries.


Dylan (intrigued) Who are Dewey and Tatum? I have heard about their investigations, but never imagined they would end up here.


As they explore, they find an old journal filled with Dewey's detailed notes and Tatum's daring observations. Its pages reveal their relentless search for truth about Woodsboro as they uncover details about its malevolent forces that plague it.


HAYTTE (reading)

Dewey believed there was something troubling hidden away in the town's past that wouldn't stay buried.


The room seems to respond to their presence, with candles flickering in sympathy with their great cousins' determination.


DAKOTA (determined)

Dewey and Tatum have laid out the path before us; now it is up to us to complete what they started.


Ghostface appears from out of nowhere, appearing eerily out of nowhere in this strange chamber and seemingly tied to Dewey and Tatum's legacy.


Ghostface (whispering) Their search for truth unleashed forces beyond their control.


Unfazed by Ghostface's threats, the group continues to battle him head on in order to carry on their great cousin's legacy and uncover any family mysteries which have long plagued their lineage.


Officer Riley will find out what is really going on for Dewey and Tatum.


When they confront this dangerous force, their investigations bring back memories from previous investigations to set up for a final reckoning that will honor Dewey and Tatum Riley's legacy.


At nightfall, the group emerges from the old Riley House carrying on with Dewey and Tatum's investigations to unearth the truth and remove whatever force has taint Woodsboro.


Officer Riley remains calm in her approach; dewey and Tatum made great sacrifices for this town, and we won't allow their efforts to go to waste.


"DYLAN (resolute)

Now is the time to face your past and complete what they began."


Dewey and Tatum seem to follow them out of the old Riley house, seemingly leading them towards their ultimate punishment.


At Prescott House on Tuesday evening.


A group returns to the Prescott house determined to uncover any secrets hidden by their family. While exploring, they find old yearbooks and family albums.


DAKOTA (scrolling through pages) Could these old yearbooks hold clues to help identify my relatives?


HAYTTE (glancing at photo)

Look at that! Sidney, Dewey and Tatum all in the same yearbook!


Officer RILEY (intrigued) These two were friends long before Woodsboro fell under its shadow.


As they explore their past through faded photographs and handwritten notes, an intriguing tale of lasting friendship begins to reveal itself.


---interieur Living Room - Night

As they sit surrounded by family history in the living room, members of a group attempt to tie all their memories together.


Sidney, Dewey, and Tatum were inseparable - like family.


HAYTTE (musing)

Their bonds may hold the key to understanding our current predicament.


Let's put their stories together; perhaps that will provide us with the answers we seek.


As they go through memories captured in yearbooks and family albums, the room seems to vibrate with Sidney, Dewey, and Tatum's history together.


Ext. Prescott House for Night Event


With newfound insights, the group leaves Prescott House. Sidney, Dewey and Tatum's friendship provides renewed purpose to their mission.


DAKOTA and Dakota had maintained their friendship despite the threats that haunted Woodsboro.


HAYTTE (determined)

Together we'll honor their legacy and face this darkness together.


As they depart the Prescott house, Sidney, Dewey, and Tatum seem to lead them toward their infamous legacy of Woodsboro.


Dylan and Officer Jackson Riley, consumed with revelations regarding their intertwined family histories, find themselves drawn into Woodsboro by its menacing presence. A full moon casts an eerie glow as shadows come alive around them.


Officer Riley (determined )

We face darkness head on. No more hiding.


Ghostface emerges suddenly from the shadows, his hollow eyes fixated on its targets.


Ghostface (menacing voice)

Your bloodline's sins cannot be forgotten.


Tension mounts as the fight commences.


1. **Ghostface Strikes** When Ghostface lunged towards Dylan and Officer Riley with terrifying precision, his knife's sheen reflecting moonlight like lightning bolts.


2. Swift Counterattacks:** Dylan and Officer Riley have used their determination to swiftly respond to any attacks by employing strategic maneuvers reminiscent of family history in their responses, each strike carrying with it significant weight and meaning for them both.


3. **Suspenseful Shadows** As Dylan and Officer Riley try to track Ghostface through the alleyways, his presence seems to blend in seamlessly with shadowy areas, making it hard for them to predict his next move.


4. Pursuing Ghosts: As Dylan and Officer Riley pursue Ghostface through the streets, his taunting of them with whispered stories of family secrets only adds fuel to their fire. But Dylan refuses to allow fear hold him back from pursuing them to their destination.


5. **Powerful Teamwork:** Dylan and Officer Riley demonstrate powerful teamwork as they synchronize their movements, showing an unbreakable bond forged over generations. Together, they manage to temporarily disarm Ghostface.


6. **Ghostface's Escape:** Ghostface proves elusive, quickly dissipating into darkness with an eerie laugh as shadows seize back their shadowed figure.


Dylan and Officer Riley stand steadfast in Woodsboro's moonlit streets as Ghostface remains as an unnerving reminder of an ongoing war.


Officer Riley exhaled heavily and stated: OFFICER RILEY will not allow this darkness to triumph; we must expose the truth.


Dylan (nodding) For Sidney, Dewey, Tatum and all generations who experienced such heartache.


Dylan and Officer Jackson Riley remain dogged in their pursuit of Ghostface through Woodsboro at night, yet his plans remain hidden within its shadows with malice in mind.


Ghostface (whispering) You cannot escape your family history's sins.


Ghostface strikes quickly and with precision, taking Dylan and Officer Riley by surprise.


--- For Intense Confrontation, see page 30


1. Ghostface's Ambush: **Ghostface takes advantage of the darkness to ambush Dylan and Officer Riley with unexpected attacks, giving them no time to respond before being ambushed themselves by surprise from within the darkness. Using surprise as its weapon, Ghostface gains the upper hand against them both.


2. **Dylan's Stabbing** In an unexpected turn of events, Ghostface manages to deliver a fatal stab on Dylan that sinks deep. Dylan gasps in pain at its impact; anguish and vulnerability were evident on Dylan's face as it hit home with full force.


3. **Officer Riley's Desperation:** When witnessing Ghostface attack Dylan suddenly, Officer Riley reacts in panicked attempts to repel Ghostface and protect Dylan.


4. Haytte's Intervention:** Haytte rushes to the scene upon realizing Ghostface poses an imminent threat, yet still manages to stand her ground and challenge him head on - though she suffers for doing so.


5. **Haytte Is Hurt** Ghostface's swift and aggressive actions allow him to cut Haytte on her side with an acute gash. While not life-threatening, Haytte's wound sends shockwaves through the group.


6. Ghostface's Escape:** Capitalizing on the chaos, Ghostface makes his move and disappears into the shadows once more - leaving Dylan injured and Haytte with painful wounds to nurse.


---WOODSBORO - LATER As night falls over Woodsboro, Dylan, Haytte and Officer Riley regroup under its full moonlit canopy; their minds still reeling from Ghostface's unexpected brutality, the moon lights their path to find solace.


Officer RILEY (angry)

We cannot allow this to go unpunished.


"Dylan (grimacing in pain): To anyone who suffered, we need to expose the truth."


As they hear the echoes of their recent encounter, three wounded but determined individuals prepare to face shadows which have grown more dangerous since.


--- Before purchasing this property, the buyer is advised to obtain a permit.

User They quickly found themselves running towards the Westwoodsboro police station as their best chance at outwitting Ghostface. Their pace quickened with each step towards their goal. Dylan and Officer Riley entered with urgency but also with fear - hoping for help while feeling increasingly threatened since Ghostface's attack.


Inside, they noticed an eerie feeling that pervaded like a fog as they cautiously moved forward. Strange noises emanating from hallways seemed like someone was watching them without being visible; then suddenly there was an audible bang coming from one of the rooms; what could it mean? Taking cautious steps forward Dylan and Officer Riley moved deeper into the station- their hearts beating with fearful anticipation.


Ghostface appeared at just the right moment.


Ghostface appeared out of the darkness with his sword drawn, ready to do battle. He was quick and agile, matching their every move precisely - evidence that he had spent much time training. Dylan Haytte and Officer Riley found themselves outnumbered and outmatched; Dylan parried Ghostface's strikes while Dodging blows - though after an eternity of clashing blades, parrying strikes, dodging blows, they began tiring faster than Ghostface; thus forcing them to devise a plan or else be completely overwhelmed by him.


Dylan made the bold move - mustering all his courage and strength he darted for the door, only seconds before Ghostface chased after him with extreme intensity! Haytte, Officer Riley and Dakota quickly followed suit - narrowly escaping imminent danger! Their chase led them all the way outside where they could finally face Ghostface head on without fear!


Daiki was one of Ghostface's closest allies and, upon approaching closer, they realized who it was.


Daiki: "It appears you all require assistance, which I can provide. Just follow me."


Dylan, Haytte and Officer Riley looked at each other confusedly-what could Daiki possibly mean? Even knowing it could lead to even greater danger they decided to follow Daiki into an alleyway nearby; soon enough Ghostface appeared, only this time wearing no mask revealing Kaleb as opposed to just his ghostlike visage! Kaleb smiled as they shocked stares before explaining himself with this explanation:


Kaleb: "I am an enormous fan of Bill Loomis and Stu Macher from Scream, so what better way to honor them than by recreating their Prescott and Riley roles?"

The narrow alley was quickly transformed into a sinister battleground, its shadows creating a macabre symphony as Kaleb pursued Dylan, Haytte and Officer Riley relentlessly; desperation clawed at their throats while flickering lights cast ever-shifting shadows to heighten their nightmarish atmosphere.


Dylan's frantic pleas pierced through the oppressive air: "Stick together! Watch your backs!" The narrow alley seemed to twist and tighten around them, making escape impossible. An ominous rhythm of steel against steel punctuated the otherwise-still silence, signaling impending storm of terror.


From the shadows, emerged an unseen figure wielding an unfamiliar weapon against Kaleb, while simultaneously speaking in an intimidating tone: "You're not the only ones who enjoy a good scream!" As they struggled for control in an alleyway filled with violence and aggression, a dance of violence unfolded briefly distracting Kaleb while offering his companions an opportunity to flee quickly.


Dylan, Haytte, and Officer Riley scattered in various directions as the alley transformed into a nightmare maze that seemed designed to trap them in its labyrinthine streets. As they ran down these corridors of fearful shadows reached out as though to taunt and trap them all at once.


Dakota stood her ground against Kaleb in the chaos, unarmed yet undeterred. She grabbed whatever makeshift weapons were available - broken pipe segments or planks could provide any edge she needed against his battle for supremacy. Their fight echoed down narrow passageways like an orchestra of fear and defiance.


However, Daiki was hotly pursuing the rest of the group and panic ensued as an alleyway closed in on them and trapped them all at every corner. Haytte ran with all her might despite feeling Kaleb's blade pierce her flesh multiple times with each stab sending searing pain through her body but nonetheless continued her pursuit out of sheer survival instinct.


Officer Riley found himself cornered by Daiki while providing cover. Daiki struck with merciless precision, plunging his knife four times into Officer Riley's flesh - each strike being a reminder of their imminent threat, forcing Officer Riley to stay upright and defend the group despite severe discomfort.


While the alley echoed with agonized wails of agony and desperation, Dakota and Kaleb's battle unfolded like some surreal nightmare with makeshift weapons against steel carving their struggle into its darkened walls.


Hyatte heard the echoes of alleyway violence resound as she found herself panting and battered, arriving at an unforgettable sight: in one dimly-lit corner she found Officer Jackson Riley lying helplessly on the ground bleeding profusely from multiple wounds - leaving Hyatte overwhelmed with panic as she raced toward him for help.


Hyatte struggled desperately to stem the bloody flow. As darkness fell over them and loss threatened, Hyatte looked up into Riley's tear-filled eyes with silent appeals for strength as they attempted to come to terms with what fate had dealt.


Riley managed a weak smile before sounding uncomfortable as his voice faltered as he attempted to comfort her: "Looks like this got out of hand a bit?"


Hyatte began sobbing quietly. "Don't say such things, Riley. We are getting out of here. Just hold on."


Meanwhile, in another part of the alley, Dylan Prescott and Daiki's confrontation came to its climax. The narrow passage transformed into an intense battlefield, charged with tension as Daiki attacked Dylan Prescott from behind and met her head-on; fate took an unexpected turn when Prescott found himself staring into an unfamiliar TV set's flickering screen, casting its unsettling light across their encounter.


Dylan Prescott struggled valiantly against Daiki, who pursued them relentlessly through an alley. A vicious clash ensued in which each stabbing raised fears of impending doom; Dylan Prescott took advantage of Daiki's distraction to direct Daiki towards their television screen and thus save their lives.Dylan Prescott approached the alley with unwavering determination. Each punch from an assaultive opponent only increased feelings of doom. Eager to seize on an opportunity presented himself, Dylan used Daiki as a bait and maneuvered her towards a malfunctioning television set.


Dylan Prescott grunted: "So you want a reenactment? Let's see how well you handle real horror."


As tension reached its apex, an audible crackle filled the air. Sparks danced across Daiki's television screen before shockingly, it surged with electrical energy causing him to convulse violently before collapsing onto the ground with an audible crunch accompanied by an ominous silence that signalled another chapter in this nightmare journey.


Back at the police station, Dakota wielded Officer Riley's gun and confronted Kaleb, whom had been identified as mastermind behind the terrifying reenactment. The room vibrated with tension as Kaleb found himself increasingly cornered and desperate as the consequences of his macabre obsession unfolded before him.


Dakota asked, with steady yet angry tones: "Why, Kaleb? What's the purpose of all this nonsense?"


Kaleb shrugged his shoulders nervously before speaking again: "Dakota, don't misunderstand; my intention was to recreate the fear and legacy of those movies! This is art... it's art in its most bizarre form!"


Dakota moved quickly and decisively as she wielded her gun towards Kaleb's head with fear and fury, striking fear into him when his gaze met Dakota's unyielding stare. With a loud crack of gunshot reverberating around the room, Kaleb abruptly brought an end to his horror legacy tributes.


As the gunshots faded away, survivors gathered, shaken by what had transpired over the course of that night's horrors. Both alleyway and police station were silent witnesses of what transpired inside - leaving behind scars which time alone could never heal.