
Genuine Concierge Physicians & Medicine in Warrenton - Lifestyle Physicians

Concierge medicine is a type of healthcare that provides patients with direct access to a physician, typically for a monthly or annual membership fee. Concierge physicians have smaller patient panels than traditional primary care physicians, which allows them to spend more time with each patient and provide more personalized care.




Concierge medicine practices offer a variety of services, including:


Same-day or next-day appointments

Longer office visits

24/7 access to the physician by phone or email

Preventive care and wellness programs

Coordination of care with specialists and other healthcare providers

Benefits of concierge medicine


There are many benefits to concierge medicine, including:


More personalized care: Concierge physicians have smaller patient panels, which allows them to spend more time with each patient and get to know them better. This allows them to provide more personalized care and develop treatment plans that are tailored to the individual patient's needs.


Easier access to care: Concierge patients have same-day or next-day access to their physician, and they can also reach them by phone or email 24/7. This is especially beneficial for patients with chronic conditions or complex medical needs.


Less waiting time: Concierge patients typically have shorter wait times for appointments and procedures.


More comprehensive care: Concierge practices often offer a wider range of services than traditional primary care practices, including preventive care, wellness programs, and coordination of care with specialists and other healthcare providers.


Cost of concierge medicine


The cost of concierge medicine varies depending on the practice and the services offered. However, it is generally more expensive than traditional primary care. Many concierge practices offer monthly or annual membership fees, which typically range from $1,000 to $5,000 per year. In addition to the membership fee, patients may also be responsible for copayments and deductibles for medical services.


Who is concierge medicine right for?


Concierge medicine is a good option for patients who are looking for more personalized and accessible care. It is also a good option for patients with complex medical needs or chronic conditions. Here are some specific examples of people who may benefit from concierge medicine:


Busy professionals who need same-day or next-day appointments and don't have time to wait in long lines


Patients with chronic conditions or complex medical needs who need more time and attention from their physician


Patients who are looking for a more preventive approach to healthcare


Patients who are willing to pay a premium for more personalized and accessible care

Concierge physicians in Warrenton


There are a few concierge physicians in Warrenton, Virginia. Here is a brief overview of each practice:


Sagar Verma, MD: Dr. Verma is a SignatureMD concierge physician who offers a personalized approach to healthcare. He has a special interest in preventive care and wellness.


Fauquier Health Piedmont Internal Medicine: This practice offers a concierge medicine program that provides patients with same-day or next-day appointments, longer office visits, and 24/7 access to their physician.


Dr. Sara Kepple: Dr. Kepple is a family medicine physician who offers a concierge medicine option. She provides comprehensive care for patients of all ages, from infants to seniors.

If you are interested in learning more about concierge medicine, I encourage you to contact one of the practices listed above. They can answer your questions and help you determine if concierge medicine is right for you