
What is Blockchain Technology and Why Bank is neglected in Blockchain Technology?

What is Blockchain Technology ?

Blockchain consists of a series of blocks of data. Each block has an account of all the transactions that took place at that time. It is completely public. Anyone using Blockchain Technology can view it. It has this information.


Blockchain consists of a system of linked transactions. They have to be connected in a distributor network or say that they are connected in the distributor network. It is called by Blockchain Technology.


Through blockchain technology, any digital transaction can be tracked and tracked without keeping any track. For example, if we do a transaction in a bank, then our record is with the bank and we have to get permission from the bank.


Simultaneously, the transaction has to be done. But this is not the case in blockchain technology. It has the option of Peer 2 Peer network. It has a common distributor laser and the same data is stored in different computers in blocks.


It can be used with any cryptocurrency including bitcoin.


1. Internet

2. Cryptography


Read More : https://www.timessquarehost.com/what-is-blockchain-technology-and-why-bank-is-neglected-in-blockchain-technology/