
5 Common Video Interview Questions and Answers

5 Common Video Interview Questions and Answers

Video interviews are being increasingly adopted by the recruiters as their initial screening tool. Due to its manifold advantages, companies have understood that slowly and steady video interviewing will become the future of talent acquisition. It is suggested to all the candidates to always prepare these common interview questions to give their best while appearing in the interview. Here are most common video interview questions which are usually asked by every interviewer in a video interview:

Tell Me Something About Yourself

The question which is asked by the interviewers all the time is “Tell me about yourself” or “Introduce yourself”. Every interview usually begins with this question. It’s a great opportunity for the candidates to overtly speak and present their own self in front of the employer. How to introduce yourself in a video interview is not rocket science. It’s very much similar to introducing oneself in an in-person interview.

Start with your basic details like your name, age, hometown, qualifications, skills and your professional experience, if any. From the beginning, focus on your core strengths and skills that are relevant to the job. You should answer this question precisely, enthusiastically and related to the skills and competencies that you are having.


What are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?

Strengths are the skills or qualities that you are having and which makes you unique from the other candidates. It is the best question to sell yourself as an ideal candidate for the company. Here the interviewer is interested in knowing about your job-related strengths like your communication skills, interpersonal skills, technical skills, etc., instead of your personal skills. Also, you should be able to substantiate your answers with your earlier job-experience. Before the interview, read the job description carefully and list out all your strengths which are relevant for the job.

Everybody has some imperfections. Nobody is perfect. The motive of the company behind asking this question is to check your honesty and how well you know yourself. Tell your one or two weaknesses which you think are somewhat in the context of the job. And, also provide a brief description of how you are overcoming those weaknesses. This will create a good impression of you on the employer that you are always curious to improve your imperfections.


illustration of a recruiter taking video interview of an individual


Why are you Best Fit for This Job?

One of the most commonly asked questions by interviewers is “why are you the best fit for this job?” The candidates should highlight their skills, competencies, capabilities, knowledge and experience relevant to the job to answer this question.

Don’t over promise the company that you can get them stars. Answer this question as honestly as you can, like, what and how much you can do for the company by highlighting your key skills and strengths. You should be able to convince the interviewer that “I’m the candidate that the company is looking for'', through your skillset.


Why Did You Leave Your Previous Job?

Generally, this question is asked when you have applied for a job which requires some prior work experience. This question might be uncomfortable to answer for some candidates. The key to answer this question is to be honest. Always try to answer this question honestly, stating the actual reason behind why you had left your current job whether it be due to the poor working environment of the company you’re working in, getting better opportunities in another company or just wanting to accelerate your career.

But, be careful while answering this question as the employer might catch some of your mistakes or inefficiencies that made you leave your last job. Instead of answering emotionally, try to answer this question in a more practical and logical manner.


Where do you see yourself in the coming 5 years?

Last but not the least, the interviewer is interested in knowing about your career goals. The interviewer seeks to know, “are your personal goals aligned with the company’s goal or not?” Interviewer wants to analyze whether you will stay with the company for a long-period of time or leave it if any other opportunity comes your way. Video interviews are a great way to determine this particular aspect about the candidates. So, always answer this question wisely and take the company in confidence that you are here to stay.