
Cancelling a flight ticket due to some emergency could be a big hassle for you, especially if you have to pay for it. If you are in a situation where you have to cancel your Allegiant Airlines reservations, then it is a must for you to have a good understanding of the Allegiant Airlines cancellation policy

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How to cancel Allegiant Airlines reservations?

  • Log in to the official site of the Allegiant Airlines using your log-in credentials.
  • The home page will be displayed on your screen. You will find the “flight” tab on the top of this page. 
  • Now click on the “Manage Travel” tab to make changes in existing booking, update seat assignment, change flight dates, upgrade, or cancel your trip. 
  • You will see the option of “Cancel booking.” Perform a click on the option to proceed further in the cancellation process.

If passengers still have any doubts regarding the Allegiant cancellation policy of the airline, they can call on the helpline number of the airline without any hesitation. This dedicated number is available round the clock to provide immediate assistance to its passengers. The agents will help you in cancelling your ticket and will also let you know about the refund policy.

Source URL:  Allegiant Airlines Cancellation Policy

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