
Proven Prevention Advice For A Newcomer's First Canadian Winter || OhCanadaShop

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OhCanadaShop @OhCanadaShop · May 3, 2023

Don offers some helpful Ohcanadashop preventative advice so that newcomers can take part in winter activities while still remaining warm and secure and preventing cold-related emergencies:

To retain heat, cover your head and upper body. Put on many layers of wool or synthetic woven textiles and a cap. Your ears, nose, cheeks, and fingers are some examples of exposed parts.




If you get soaked in the cold, change as soon as you can into dry clothes. To keep your body hydrated, consume a lot of warm liquids (avoid coffee and alcohol).

Consume high-calorie foods and beverages so that your body can use them as energy to heat itself. Avoid wearing tight clothing or shoes that could restrict blood flow.


Bring along additional clothing in case you need to wear more layers or if it rains while you're outside.

If you start to get cold, find a tree, hill, embankment, or other form of protection to protect you from the wind.


Canadian winters necessitate the use of Canadian clothes.

Warmer regions of the world typically do not have winter clothing that can withstand Canadian winters. It's crucial to dress appropriately for chilly weather, and wearing layers underneath is also important.


Albina reflects, "I remember meeting one of my clients in -15 degree temperatures. He was bewildered as to why, despite wearing a jacket, he felt so cold. He was dressed in a leather jacket. I talked to him about layering to stay warm and how Canadians wear various sorts of coats depending on the outside temperature. 


If you're relocating from a nation where it's warmer, be sure to buy in thick winter clothing, she says. There are many reasonable options available here, and midwinter deals are a perfect time to purchase gear that is suitable for Canadian conditions.


Don't let the cold get you.

Paula Livolsi, a recent immigrant to Halifax, Nova Scotia from Buenos Aires, Argentina, was undoubtedly unprepared for the chilly climate of the seaside city.

"My first winter in Canada was quite an adventure," the attorney relates. "I arrived in the middle of January, and I got an appointment the next day. I headed to the bus stop without having any idea of how to dress for the weather.


But Paula soon became disoriented while traveling.

"That day, it was -25 degrees Celsius, and I was disoriented. Never before had I experienced such intense physical pain. I felt stunned. I had no idea that Canada could experience such extreme cold.

Paula recalls how many people she encountered that day remarked that she was unprepared for the bitter cold. My knowledge of wind chill, snowstorms, and slippery conditions soon expanded. I now know how to prepare myself better. Since I made mistakes during that first winter here, I will be prepared. Paula says, "There are many winter wonders to look forward to once dressed to stay warm and dry."


"I enjoy going for walks outside in the snow. I had no prior knowledge of the ice beneath the snow at first. Then, I learned the hard way what black ice and freezing rain were. It's quite risky," Paula explains.


"Last winter, I fell twice and severely injured both knees and my hip. I suppose I need to learn how to administer first aid for wintertime emergencies, she acknowledges. "I now walk more cautiously since I am aware of how slick the roads may be. I also purchased appropriate footwear, so I'm prepared for my second winter.




Paula offers the following advice to fellow immigrants who have not yet arrived in Canada: "Come with the essentials but get your winter clothing here. Having thermal socks, gloves, a hat, t-shirts, and leggings for layering is crucial. You should absolutely get your jacket here in Canada if you are from a location with high weather. Nothing else will work, I assure you.


Check out our collection of Pride Hoodies for Sale in Canada if you're looking for the best in unique or customized clothing from our clothing retailers.


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