
zmlab2 = zmlab2 or {}
zmlab2.config = zmlab2.config or {}


/////////////////////////// Zeros Methlab 2 /////////////////////////////

// Developed by ZeroChain:
// http://steamcommunity.com/id/zerochain/
// https://www.gmodstore.com/users/view/76561198013322242
// https://www.artstation.com/zerochain


// Used for debugging the script
zmlab2.config.Debug = false

// Should we use FastDL instead of the workshop contentpack?
zmlab2.config.FastDl = false

// What language should we display en , fr , de
zmlab2.config.SelectedLanguage = "en"

// The Currency
zmlab2.config.Currency = "$"

// Should the Currency symbol be in front or after the money value?
zmlab2.config.CurrencyInvert = true

// Unit of weight
zmlab2.config.UoM = "g"

// Chat command for dropping collected meth crates
zmlab2.config.DropMeth = "!dropmeth"

// Chat command for getting meth out of a crate in to a bag
zmlab2.config.BagMeth = "!bagmeth"

// These Ranks are admins
// If xAdmin, sAdmin or SAM is installed then this table can be ignored
zmlab2.config.AdminRanks = {
    ["superadmin"] = true

// If set to false then only the owner of the entity can interact with it
zmlab2.config.SharedEquipment = true

// You can use this to restrict what job is allowed to interact with the Methlab Entities / Sell Meth (Leave empty to allow everyone to interact)
zmlab2.config.Jobs = {}
if TEAM_ZMLAB2_COOK then zmlab2.config.Jobs[TEAM_ZMLAB2_COOK] = true end

// Defines how much health each entity has before it gets destroyed (-1 disables the damage)
zmlab2.config.Damageable = {
    ["zmlab2_machine_ventilation"] = 200,
    ["zmlab2_storage"] = 200,
    ["zmlab2_machine_furnace"] = 200,
    ["zmlab2_machine_mixer"] = 200,
    ["zmlab2_machine_filter"] = 200,
    ["zmlab2_machine_filler"] = 200,
    ["zmlab2_machine_frezzer"] = 200,
    ["zmlab2_table"] = 200,

    ["zmlab2_item_acid"] = 15,
    ["zmlab2_item_aluminium"] = 15,
    ["zmlab2_item_lox"] = 25,
    ["zmlab2_item_methylamine"] = 25,

    ["zmlab2_item_meth"] = 15,
    ["zmlab2_item_crate"] = 15,
    ["zmlab2_item_palette"] = 50,

////////////// CONSTRUCTION
zmlab2.config.Equipment = {

    // How much money does the player get back when removing a machine? (This also gets used when a tent gets deconstructed and all machines inside get removed)
    Refund = 0.5, // 1 = 100%, 0.5 = 50%

    // Should the equipment be untouchable by the physgun?
    PhysgunDisabled = true,

    // Can the player collide with the Equipment / Machines
    PlayerCollide = true,

    // If set to true then the EquipmentBox will only display a repair button
    RepairOnly = false,

    // If set to false then the player can build / place machines anywhere
    RestrictToTent = true,

////////////// POLLUTION
zmlab2.config.PollutionSystem = {
    // Should the machines start to pollute the area once they produce meth?
    Enabled = true,

    // Multiplies the produced pollution amount (The more a area is poluted, the more damage a player gets and the longer it takes to dissipate the pollution)
    Multiplier = 1,

    // How much pollution evaporates / dissapears per second?
    EvaporationAmount = 3,

    // Performs a trace for a more realistic result but costs more performance.
    UseTraces = true,

    // How much damage does pollution inflict per second (Damage ranges between min / max depending on pollution amount)
    Damage = {min = 1,max = 10},

    // You can use this to make certain players immune against the poison gas, So there will be no damage or screen effect
    ImmunityCheck = function(ply)

        // If you enable this check then superadmins are immune against the poison gas
        //if ply:IsSuperAdmin() then return true end

        // You can write something like that to check if the player is wearing a GasMask Accessory, (Requieres SHAccessory)
        if ply.SH_AccessoryInfo and ply.SH_AccessoryInfo.equipped and ply.SH_AccessoryInfo.equipped["zmlab2_gasmask"] == true then return true end

        // If you gonna check for a player model (hazmat) then make sure you define the original model path the model was compiled for
        // aka the path that gets returned via :GetModel() and not the path the model is currently located
        // You can find a guide for this here > https://www.gmodstore.com/help/addon/7033/common-issues-3/topics/zbl-config-protectioncheck-not-working-correctly-for-models

    AmountPerMachine = {
        // Every second while acid gets heated
        ["Furnace_Cycle"] = 3,

        // Every second while Ingredients getting mixed
        ["Mixer_Cycle"] = 4,

        // Every second while the meth getting refined
        ["Filter_Cycle"] = 6,

        // Every second while the meth is getting filled on the trays
        ["Filler_Cycle"] = 2,

        // Every second while the meth is getting frozen
        ["Frezzing_Cycle"] = 3,

zmlab2.config.Ventilation = {

    // How long is the output pipe
    Hose_length = 1000,

    // How large is the cleaning area of the Ventilation system
    Radius = 300,

    // Defines how much pollution can be moved per second
    // (Having a low value means the player would need multiple ventilation machines to keep the area clear of pollution)
    AmountPerSecond = 100,

////////////// PRODUCTION
zmlab2.config.MiniGame = {
    // How long after the error occured does the player have time to respond
    RespondTime = 5,

    // How much will the quality of meth decrease if the player fails the MiniGame
    Quality_Penalty = 10,

    // How much will the quality increase if the player wins the mini game
    Quality_Reward = 5,

zmlab2.config.Storage = {
    // How often can a player buy something from the storage
    BuyInterval = 0.4, // seconds

zmlab2.config.Furnace = {
    // How many acid container does the furnace need
    Capacity = 3,

    // How long does it take to heat the acid
    HeatingCylce_Duration = 60,

zmlab2.config.Filler = {
    // How long does it take to fill a tray
    Fill_Time = 3,

zmlab2.config.Frezzer = {
    // How much meth fits on a tray
    Tray_Capacity = 250,

    // How long does it take for one frezze cycle to complete
    Time = 60,

    // How often can the frezzer be used before he needs a new lox tank
    Lox_Usage = 5,

zmlab2.config.Packing = {
    // How fast can a player break ice
    Manual_IceBreak_Interval = 0.5,

    // How fast can the auto breaker upgrade for the packing table break ice
    Auto_IceBreak_Interval = 0.4,

zmlab2.config.Crate = {
    Capacity = 2500,

zmlab2.config.Palette = {
    // How many transport crates fit on the palette
    Limit = 32,

////////////// SELLING
zmlab2.config.NPC = {

    Name = "Meth Buyer",

    // The Model of the Meth Buyer
    Model = "models/Humans/Group03/male_07.mdl",

    // What Sell mode do we want? (Can be dynamicly changed using the zmlab2_GetSellMode Hook)
    SellMode = 2,
    // 1 = Methcrates can be collected by Players and sold by the MethBuyer on use
    // 2 = Methcrates cant be collected and the MethBuyer tells you a dropoff point instead
    // 3 = Methcrates can be collected and the MethBuyer tells you a dropoff point
    // 4 = Methcrates need to be moved to the MethBuyer and sold directly by him

    // Can be used to multiply the earned money depending on Player rank (If you wanna modify the earned money by any other means use the zmlab2_PreMethSell Hook)
    SellRanks = {
        ["default"] = 1, // < DONT REMOVE THIS, This value gets used if the players rank could not be found in the table
        ["user"] = 1,
        ["superadmin"] = 2,
        ["vip"] = 2,

zmlab2.config.DropOffPoint = {

    // The Time in seconds before Dropoff Point closes.
    DeliverTime = 120,

    // The Time in seconds till you can request another dropoff point.
    DeliverRequest_CoolDown = 300,

zmlab2.config.Police = {

    // Should the player gets wanted once he sells meth?
    WantedOnMethSell = true,

    // These jobs can get extra money if they destroy TransportCrates filled with meth and also get a Wanted notification once a player sells meth
    Jobs = {
        //[TEAM_POLICE] = true,

    // The money the police player receives (for destroying the TransportCrate) is the same amount the meth producer receives times this value
    // 1 = 100% , 0.5 = 50%
    PoliceCut = 0.5,

    // This chat command can be used by the police to strip all the meth from the player they are looking at
    cmd_strip = "!stripmeth"
if TEAM_POLICE then zmlab2.config.Police.Jobs[TEAM_POLICE] = true end

////////////// USING
zmlab2.config.Meth = {
    // How Long does one hit of meth last
    Duration = 10,

    // How much meth gets used up per hit
    Amount = 20,

    // The max duration of a meth trip
    MaxDuration = 100,

    // Is the player allowed to use multiple meth types at the same time? (The player can only be affected by one meth type at a time so using another meth type will overwrite the last one)
    // Setting this to false wont allow the player to use any other meth type till his current high effect has ended
    ConsumMixing = true,

////////////// SH ACCESSORY
if SH_ACC then
    if CLIENT then
        SH_ACC:DefineOffsetEasy("models/zerochain/props_methlab/zmlab2_gasmask.mdl", "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1", Vector(2.5, 1.6, 0), Angle(-180, 96, 90))
    SH_ACC:AddAccessory("zmlab2_gasmask", {name = "GasMask", price = 5000, slot = 1, mdl = "models/zerochain/props_methlab/zmlab2_gasmask.mdl"})