
Six Proven Benefits of Country Living – Bernie McAuley

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Lydia Dean @Lydia_Dean · Apr 9, 2022

While suburb and city living certainly have plenty of their benefits, there is something about country life that does the body good.

Life moves a little bit slower out in the country. Although people prefer living in big cities, next to the ocean, and in city-adjacent suburbs, they finally felt like they could breathe until they moved out to the country—to a small farm town somewhere. And they are not the only ones, as it turns out. The benefits of country living have been well researched. Science implies that living in the country is beneficial for your physical and mental health. Whether you decide between city life versus country life or need some reminders about why living in the country is a perfect choice, read on for six of the enormous benefits of rural living.


Read full article here: https://www.berniemcauleybooks.com/six-proven-benefits-of-country-living/
