
Singer-Songwriter Samaslife Devoted To Fighting Hate With Anticipated Album



Recording Artist Samaslife sat down with us to give us the low down on how he believes music has the power to alleviate pain and even put an end to hate. The hitmaker has a simple theory – music speaks. It might say different things to different people, but it speaks nonetheless. And what it says can shift the world on its axis. Melodies and lyrics can do little on their own. Have the right person put them together and what you get is a powerful weapon.

Music, be it party-pop hits or soulful tunes, can hit us on a deeper level. A study conducted by the Journal of Positive Psychology found that with the help of music, “participants successfully improved their moods in the short term and boosted their overall happiness over a two-week period.” This goes to show just how quickly music can turn your mood around. Studies have also found that even listening to sad music helps you feel happier, as ironic as that may seem.


The world of music has witnessed some of the greatest artists deliver stellar performances. The most beautiful ones have brought the world to a standstill. Over the centuries, even kings and queens have bowed to the power that music exudes. Good music has managed to, even if just for a few minutes, decrease the pain of the world and abolish hate. That, Samaslife says, "is reason enough to continue working hard at my craft."


Samaslifes' imprint on the industry can be seen through the hugely positive response to his latest discography and anticipated album. Whatever it is that Samaslife is doing, he's undeniably cementing his stance within the music world.