
Are You Facing Hearing Problems? Try Sonovive

In more severe cases, as with tumors or fluid deep inside the middle ear, surgery may be implemented. An individual is considered to suffer from mild sonovive if they have a hard time hearing sounds close to them. Loud impact sounds (such a gunfire) may only cause a temporary sonovive. With a specialized hearing test, you can decide if you are a good candidate for hearing aids.

This type of loss occurs when threshold is between 70 to 90 DB. Speaking loudly can strain the person's heart leading to hypertension, irregular heartbeat and other disorders related to heart. Individuals especially youths should know the consequences and causes of sonovive so that they purposely do not spoil their hearing capabilities. It is common for both hearing and vision (properly referred to as "visual") loss to occur as we age.

If not, a combination hearing aid and masker can be prescribed. I hope this article has helped in outlining the potential risks and reasons people may develop sonovive. This disease sometimes goes undiagnosed for many, many years before symptoms appear and it is diagnosed and treated. Once your hearing has been tested, you're hearing healthcare provider will probably categorize your loss by its "sonovive type".
